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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 461 - 480건 출력
  • 461
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    The farmer's daughter, a poetical tale. By Christopher Anstey, Esq.
  • 462
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    The fatal effects of duelling; or an elegy on the much lamented death of Lieutenant William Graham, paymaster to the Dunbartonshire fencibles, who was killed in a duel, July 30th 1795: Man's inhumanity to man, Makes countless thousands mourn. Burns. To which are added, Dunbarton castle. The stirling jug. An epistle to R. G. Answer By G. Galloway
  • 463
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    The federal calculator, and American ready reckoner. Containing, federal arithmetic, the value of any number of yards, pounds, &c. from 1 to 1000, and from 1 mill to 1 dollar, tables of interest, value of cents in the currencies of the different states, value of gold, as now established by law in the United States, &c. By William Wilkinson, A.M.
  • 464
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    The federal politician. By James Ph. Puglia, teacher of the Spanish and Italian languages, and author of the Spanish work, entitled, 'El desengaño del hombre, or, The man undeceived,' &c. &c. &c. [Two lines in Latin from Horace]
  • 465
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    The first and second report, from the Committee of Secrecy; together with their appendix to the second report
  • 466
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    The first part of Henry IV. By Shakespeare, as performed at the Theatres Royal. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers. With an introduction, and notes critical and illustrative, by the authors of The dramatic censor
  • 467
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    The first part of an equal check to Pharisaism and Antinomianism; containing I. An Historical Essay on the danger of parting Faith and Works. II. Salvation by the Covenant of Grace, A Discourse prcached in the parish church of Madeley, April 18, and May 9, 1773. III. A Scriptural Essay on the Rewardableness of Works, according to the Covenant of Grace. IV. An Essay on Truth, or, A rational Vindica
  • 468
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    The first principles of the oracles of God, represented in a plain and familiar catechism, for the use of children. By John Sutcliff, A. M.
  • 469
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    The first step to the French tongue
  • 470
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    The flaxen-headed milk maid
  • 471
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    The foderal Constitution of the United States of America, agreed upon in a convention of the states, in 1787, with the alterations and additions that have been made since that period, and the order of time of ratifying the Constitution, to which is added an appendix, containing the acts passed by Congress relative to the Constitution
  • 472
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    The followers of reason vindicated. Essay which may unite men and nations, and promote universal peace. Respectfully inscribed to the leading folks of all parties. First part. Intended as a Proposal and Specimen. Price Six Pence
  • 473
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    The following letters having passed between the persons mentioned therein, they are now published, in order to shew the real Nature of the Dispute which occasioned them, and to promote Peace and brotherly Love
  • 474
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    The following trials are published from Mr. Gurney's short-hand notes
  • 475
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    The folly and evil tendency of superstition exposed: a sermon; suggested by the late consecration of colours in various parts of this Kingdom. By Samuel Lowell
  • 476
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    The footstep to Mrs. Trimmer's sacred history. For the instruction and amusement of little children
  • 477
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    The fowler. Containing rules for taking every species of land and water fowl; whether by Fowling Piece, Net, Engine, or otherwise. Such as, Woodcocks, Felfares, Pigeons, Magpies, Morepoots, Snipes, Gleads, Crows, Rooks, Herns, Partridges, Pheasants, Rails, and Quails. With an account of their seasons; Descriptions of their Haunts; and Methods for making Limes, Limed Twigs, Springes, Baits, &c. for
  • 478
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    The french preceptor; or, principles of the French language. Containing First Part. Explanation of the nine Parts of Speech. Second Part. Exercises on the Rules of the Language. Third Part. Conversations or Lessons on different Subjects. Fourth Part. Anecdotes of History to be translated from English into French. Fifth Part. Extracts of History to be translated from French into English. Sixth Part
  • 479
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    The french revolution exhibited, in the light of the sacred oracles: or, a series of lectures on the prophecies now fulfilling. By Alexander Pirie, Newburgh
  • 480
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    The friend of Jesus. A sermon, preached at Royston, January 4, 1795, on the Much-Lamented death of the Rev. Habakkuk Crabb, who died December 25, 1794, aged forty-five. By Samuel Palmer. To which is added, the funeral oration, by Robert Hall. Published at the Request of the Congregation