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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,860건 중 521 - 540건 출력
  • 521
    Book Info
    For 1794. The Apollo: being an elegant selection of approved modern songs, by the most esteemed writers; with many originals never before published. To which is prefixed, Loyalty and masonry, a new song, by R. Paddock; Typ
  • 522
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    For the benefit of Mr. Dignum. At the Crown and Anchor rooms, Strand. On Thursday next, May 22, 1794, a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music, under the direction of Dr. Arnold. ...
  • 523
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    For the benefit of the tythe and tax club. On Friday February 28, 1794, will be performed, the comical tragedy of long faces, prepared by a herd of wolves in sheep's cloathing, under the direction of a gang of cut-throats, plunderers, and assassins, ...
  • 524
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    Fourteen evangelical sermons, preached in the Church of the United Parishes of St. Margaret Pattens, and St. Gabriel Fenchurch. By the Rev. Thomas Webster, ...
  • 525
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    Fourth night. Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane, this present Friday, March 21. 1794, will be performed an entire new grand selection of sacred music from the works of Handel. ...
  • 526
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    Francomania, French madness; or the travels of the D-l and Folly in France, Leige, Brabant, &c. Translated from the French
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    Free grace exalted, and the proper use of the moral law evinced: in a sermon, On Romans, chap. viii. ver. 3, 4. By W. Moore, Minister of Glass-House-Yard Meeting, Aldersgate-Street
  • 528
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    French irreligion and impiety alarming to Christians. An address to the people of Scotland. By William Taylor, D. D. Minister Of The High Church Of Glasgow
  • 529
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    Friendly advice; comprehending general heads of qualifications, requisite for those who wish to marry well, and live happy; compiled and translated from different authors. By Cæsar Mussolini, Professor of the Italian Language, in London
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    Friends of the People. Freemasons' Tavern, Wednesday, 9th April, 1794. At an extraordinary general meeting of the Society of the Friends of the People, associated for the purpose of obtaining a parliamentary reform, held this day, the following address and resolutions were unanimously agreed to: ...
  • 531
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    From Lady-day to Michaelmas, 1794. A catalogue of a very extensive and valuable collection of books, ... now selling ... by William Otridge & Son, ...
  • 532
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    Funeral oration for Louis XVI
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    The Farmer's useful and entertaining companion; or, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont almanack, for the year of our Lord 1795 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, but will serve for any of the New-England states. ...
  • 534
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    The French invasion
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    The fair methodist ; or, such things are: in the course of a tour from London to Canterbury, and Dover ; Bath and Bristol Hot-Wells. A serious novel. Founded in truth
  • 536
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    The fall of Robespierre. An historic drama. By S. T. Coleridge, of Jesus College, Cambridge
  • 537
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    The fall of the French monarchy; or, Louis XVI. An historical tragedy. In five acts. By John Bartholomew, Esq.
  • 538
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    The family testament and scholar's assistant: calculated not only to promote the reading of the Holy Scriptures in families and schools, but also to remove that great uneasiness observable in children upon the appearance of hard words in their Lessons; the Whole being arranged in the following Manner, Viz. I. An Introduction to Spelling and Reading in general, containing a plain Account of the Sou
  • 539
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    The fashionable court guide, or town visiting directory, for the year 1794, with the corrections of near 3000 names; to which is added near one thousand measured hackney coach fares. Also the respectable hotels of the West-end of the town
  • 540
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    The fatal curiosity a tragedy by George Lillo with A Short Account of the Author's Life and an Explanatory Index of some expressions