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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 881 - 900건 출력
  • 881
    Book Info
    Faults on both sides
  • 882
    Book Info
    Fifteen discourses on the marvellous works in nature, delivered by a father to his children: calculated to make mankind feel, in every thing, the very presence of a Supreme Being, and to influence their minds with a permanent delight in, and firm reliance upon, the directions of an almighty, all-good, and all-wise Creator, and Governor. By Charles Christopher Reiche, M.A.
    Reiche, Charles Christopher
  • 883
    Book Info
    Fleet-Street, Nov. 23, 1791. Mr. Harding has now the pleasure to inform the subscribers to this work, that it will be completed in Thirty Numbers, and even to comprize it within that Compass, he will be under the Necessity of giving in the future Numbers considerably more Engravings than were originally promised in each Number, though the Price will continue the same: a Circumstance which he canno
    E. | S. Harding (Booksellers : London, England)
  • 884
    Book Info
    Fleets' pocket almanack for the year of our Lord 1792. Being bissextile or leap year, and sixteenth of American independence. Calculated chiefly for the use of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, the metropolis, being in latitude 42 deg. 25 min. north. Longitude 71 deg. 4 min. west from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. To which is annexed, the Massachusetts register. &c
    Low, Nathanael
  • 885
    Book Info
    Flights of Inflatus; or, the sallies, stories, and adventures of a wild-goose philosopher. By the author of The trifler. In two volumes. ...
    Author of The trifler
  • 886
    Book Info
    Flights of fancy, or Poetical Effusions, By a lady, Late of Mitcham, in the County of Surry
    Lady, late of Mitcham, in the county of Surry
  • 887
    Book Info
    Food for book-worms. Price one shilling, (to be allowed in purchase, or on returning it,) a catalogue of books, for 1791, taken on a new plan, as an essay to render it of some permanent utility to the studious, ... Which are now on sale by John Hayes, no. 252, High-Holborn, ...
    Hayes, John
  • 888
    Book Info
    For one night only. At the Large-room, the Angel, Hammersmith, on Monday evening, April 25, 1791, Mr. Weatherhead, (from the Theatre-Royal, Bath) and Mr. Girdler, ... will deliver an evening's lounge; consisting of the most approved readings and recitals ...
  • 889
    Book Info
    For the benefit of Mr. Napier. On Friday, June 3, 1791, will be performed, at Willis's Rooms, King Street, St. James's, a grand concert of vocal and instrumental music. ...
    Napier, William
  • 890
    Book Info
    For the use of schools. An Abridgment of the History of France: in the manner of Goldsmith's Abridgment of the History of England, and of the Abridgment of the History of Scotland
  • 891
    Book Info
    Foreigners that may interfere, and foreigners that may not interfere
  • 892
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer for public worship
  • 893
    Book Info
    Forty years' correspondence between geniusses ov boath sexes, and James Elphinston: in six pocket-vollumes: foar ov oridginal letters, two' ov poetry. ...
    Elphinston, James
  • 894
    Book Info
    Four hundred texts of Holy Scripture, with their corresponding passages, Explained to the Understanding of Common People, and arranged under the following Heads; Texts, which appear contradictory: - not to be understood literally: - improperly translated: - better translated otherwise: - requiring explanation: - wrested or perverted: The Parables. The Whole compiled with a view to promote religiou
  • 895
    Book Info
    Fragment of a prophesy lately discovered in the cell of a French hermit; containing divers matters relating to the present disturbances in Europe. Faithfully translated from the original, by a convert from the 'society for revolutions.'
    Convert from the Society for Revolutions
  • 896
    Book Info
    Fragments of the history of John Bull. By Sir Humphry Polesworth, Bart
    Polesworth, Humphry
  • 897
    Book Info
    Free and candid remarks on Mr. Horace Walpole's historic doubts on the reign and life of King Richard the Third
  • 898
    Book Info
    Free grace. A sermon preached at Bristol. By John Wesley, ...
    Wesley, John
  • 899
    Book Info
    Free masonry, for the ladies, dedicated by permission to Her Royal Highness the Duchess of York. To which are added, anthems and odes, &c.
  • 900
    Book Info
    Free observations on the scurvy, gout, diet, and remedy : By Francis Spilsbury, Chemist, Soho-Square, London. Judge for yourselves.
    Spilsbury, Francis