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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 941 - 960건 출력
  • 941
    Book Info
    A full refutation of the doctrine of unconditional perseverance: in a discourse on Hebrews, Chapter ii. Verse 3. In Which The Possibility And Danger Of The Total And Final Apostacy Of True Believers IS Demonstrated: And The Epistle To The Hebrews IS Shewn To BE NO Other Than A Regular Treatise, OR One Connected Chain Of Reasoning ON That Subject. By Thomas Olivers
    Olivers, Thomas
  • 942
    Book Info
    Fables choisies, a l'usage des enfans, et des autres personnes qui commencent à apprendre la langue Françoise. Avec un index alphabetique de tous les Mots traduits en Anglois. Par L. Chambaud
    Chambaud, Lewis
  • 943
    Book Info
    Fables of Æsop and others: translated into English. With instructive applications; and a print before each fable. By Samuel Croxall, D.D. ...
  • 944
    Book Info
    Faction unmask'd, by the evidence of truth; in a letter from an old member of the late to a new member of the present Parliament
    Old member of the late Parliament
  • 945
    Book Info
    Facts relating to the Reverend Dr. White's Bampton lectures. By R. B. Gabriel, ...
    Gabriel, R. B
  • 946
    Book Info
    Fairy stories, containing, I. The blue bird and Florina. II. The king of the peacocks, and the princess Rosetta. Whereunto is added, an excellent new song entitled The fairies dance
  • 947
    Book Info
    Faith: a vision. By Charles Philpot, ...
    Philpot, Charles
  • 948
    Book Info
    Familiar letters, addressed to the inhabitants of Birmingham, in refutation of several charges, advanced against the Dissenters and Unitarians. By the Rev. Mr. Madan. Also, letters to the Rev. Edward Burn, In Answer to his on the Infallibility of the Apostolic Testimony concerning the Person of Christ. And considerations on the differences of opinion among Christians, which originally accompanied
    Priestley, Joseph
  • 949
    Book Info
    Familiar letters, addressed to the inhabitants of Birmingham, in refutation of several charges, advanced against the Dissenters, by the Rev. Mr. Madan, Rector of St. Philip's, in his sermon, entitled, 'the principal claims of the Dissenters considered.' Preached at St. Philip's church, on Sunday, February 14, 1790. Part I. The second edition corrected. By Joseph Priestley, L.L.D. F.R.S.
    Priestley, Joseph
  • 950
    Book Info
    Family medical compendium; or directions for medicine chests: with remarks on medicine & surgery, by D. Cox, (chemist to his Majesty,) Royal elaboratory, glocester
    Cox, Daniel
  • 951
    Book Info
    Farewell to London. A satirical poem. By N. Withy, the wandering bard. To which is now added, a love letter. Likewise, a song, adapted to the ingenious Mr. Shore, a blind boy of Dudley
    Withy, N
  • 952
    Book Info
    Ferdinandi Leber, Sac. Caes. Reg. Apost. Majestatis a Consiliis, Chirurg. Doctoris, Anatomes, Chir. Theoret. et Practic. Prof. Pub. Ordin. in Univer. Vindobon. &c. &c. &c. Prælectiones anatomicæ: editio nova; cui nunc primum accesserunt observationes quædam physiologicæ et anatomicæ; curante Joanne Wilson, M.D.
    Leber, Ferdinand
  • 953
    Book Info
    Ffurf gweddi, i'w harfer pan ymweler a charcharorion. Wedi ei chyfieithu o'r saesonaeg gan weinidog carchar Sir Gaerfyrddin
    Church of Ireland
  • 954
    Book Info
    Finding myself, and my father, particularly alluded to in the latter part of a scurrilous hand bill, circulated this day, under the signature of Detector; I beg the indulgence of the public to state the following facts. ...
    Loader, W
  • 955
    Book Info
    First day's sale, Monday, Jan. 25
    Leigh | Sotheby
  • 956
    Book Info
    First day's sale, Tuesday June 22
    Leigh | Sotheby
  • 957
    Book Info
    First day's sale. Octavo & infra. Lot 1 Monthly Review, 43 vol. ...
    Leigh | Sotheby
  • 958
    Book Info
    First day's sale. Octavo & infra. Lot 1 Parcel of odd volumes, 8vo
    Leigh | Sotheby
  • 959
    Book Info
    First lines of the practice of physic : By William Cullen, M.D. M. D. Late Professor of the Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh, &c. &c.
    Cullen, William
  • 960
    Book Info
    First report of the Philanthropic Society. Instituted in London, September 1788, for the prevention of crimes
    Philanthropic Society (London, England)