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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,765건 중 1,041 - 1,060건 출력
  • 1041
    Book Info
    A free enquiry into the authenticity of the first and second chapters of St. Matthew's gospel: with a new preface, containing an account of some Mss. in the British Museum; and, a Dissertation on the Original Language of that Gospel. By John Williams, L.L.D.
    Williams, John
  • 1042
    Book Info
    A friendly address, offered to the serious consideration of the English ordained episcopal clergy in the diocess [sic] of Edinburgh, and their hearers. Wherein are strictures on schism and heresy, in answer to the Rev. ... Campbell's dissertations on these subjects. By ... Dr Abernethy Drummond
    Abernethy-Drummond, William
  • 1043
    Book Info
    A full confutation of the Rev. John Fletcher's Appeal, &c. Remarks on the writings of the Rev. John Wesley. Animadversions on a discourse of Mr. Joseph Benson. Strictures on some of the Rev. Joseph Milner's works. Observations on an Answer to the Ten Horns of Calvinism. By Nicholas Manners
    Manners, Nicholas
  • 1044
    Book Info
    A full, clear, and familiar explanation of the law concerning bills of exchange, promissory notes, and the evidence on a trial by jury relative thereto; With A Description Or Bank Notes, and The Privilege of Attornies. By Peter Lovelass, of the Inner Temple, Gent. Author of the Law's Disposal
    Lovelass, Peter
  • 1045
    Book Info
    Fables calculated for the amusement and instruction of youth; originally dedicated to a young prince, for whose improvement they were written. Taken from the French
  • 1046
    Book Info
    Fabulæ Æsopi selectæ, or select fables of Æsop; with an English translation, more literal than any yet extant, designed for the readier instruction of beginners in the Latin tongue. By H. Clarke, Teacher of the Latin Language
  • 1047
    Book Info
    Facts and observations relating to the state of the workhouse and the poor of the township of Sheffield, in 1789. tending to shew the necessity of erecting a new workhouse, In a healthy Situation, and at a convenient Distance from the Town
  • 1048
    Book Info
    Facts relating to the Reverend Dr. White's Bampton lectures. By R. B. Gabriel, D. D. Late Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford
    Gabriel, R. B
  • 1049
    Book Info
    Facts, submitted to the consideration of the friends to civil and religious liberty, but more particularly addressed to the protestant dissenters of England and Wales; containing Bishop Horsley's extraordinary letter to the clergy of his diocese; and the substance of Mr Fox's speech on the repeal of the Test laws
  • 1050
    Book Info
    False appearances; a comedy. Altered from the French, and performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. By the Right Hon. General Conway
    Boissy, M. de
  • 1051
    Book Info
    Familiar architecture; or, original designs of houses for gentlemen and tradesmen; parsonages; summer retreats; Banqueting-Rooms; and Churches: With Plans, Sections, &c. To which is added, the masonry of semicircular and elliptical arches; with practical remarks. By Thomas Rawlins, Architect. On fifty-one copper plates
    Rawlins, Thomas
  • 1052
    Book Info
    Fanatic blunders; faithfully collected from their books, sermons, and prayers. Containing a gallimaufry of enthusiastic zeal, farce, and nonsense. Embellished with a whimsical Caricature of a noted Preacher, copied from the Life
  • 1053
    Book Info
    Fanny Vernon, or the forlorn hope; a tale of woe: containing scenes of horror and distress that happened during the war in America
  • 1054
    Book Info
    Farewel odes. For the year 1786. By Peter Pindar, Esq. a distant relation of the poet of Thebes, and laureat to the Royal Academy.
    Pindar, Peter
  • 1055
    Book Info
    Farriery improved : or, a compleat treatise upon the art of farriery. Wherein is fully Explained The Nature, Structure, and Mechanism of that Noble and Useful Creature, A Horse; The Diseases and Accidents he is liable to, and Methods of Cure, Delivered in as Clear and Intelligible a Manner as the Subject will admit of; The Use and Abuse of the Science discovered; whereby any Gentleman may be ab...
    Bracken, Henry
  • 1056
    Book Info
    Fashionable infidelity, or the triumph of patience. In three volumes. ...
  • 1057
    Book Info
    First lines of the practice of physic : By William Cullen, M. D. Professor of the Practice of Physic in the University of Edinburgh; First Physician to his Majesty for Scotland; Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, of the Royal Societies of London, of Edinburgh, &c. &c.
    Cullen, William
  • 1058
    Book Info
    First report of the Philanthropic Society. Instituted in London, September, 1788, for the prevention of crimes
    Philanthropic Society (London, England)
  • 1059
    Book Info
    Fleets pocket almanack for the year of our Lord 1790. Being the second after leap year, and fourteenth of American independence. Calculated chiefly for the use of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, the metropolis, being in latitude 42 deg. 25 min. north. Longitude 71 deg. 4 min. west from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. To which is annexed, the Massachusetts register. &c
    Low, Nathanael
  • 1060
    Book Info
    Flora Scotica : or, a systematic arrangement, in the Linn{aelig}an method, of the native plants of Scotland and the Hebrides. By John Lightfoot, A.M. Rector of Gotham in Nottinghamshire, and chaplain to the Duchess Dowager of Portland.
    Lightfoot, John