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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,866건 중 441 - 460건 출력
  • 441
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    A history and description of the Royal Abbaye of Saint Denis, with an account of the tombs of the kings and queens of France, and other distinguished persons, interred there: also, of the Many Splendid Decorations, Pieces of Curious Workmanship and Antiquity. Chapels, Altars, Shrines, Crucifixes, &c. Together with The Holy Bodies and Various Relics of the Saints and Martyrs. A Descriptive Enumerat
  • 442
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    A history of the Baptist Association in Wales, from the year 1650, to the year 1790, shewing the times and places of their annual meetings. Whether in Wales; London, or Bristol, &c. Including several other interesting articles. By Joshua Thomas of Leominster
  • 443
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    An historic defence of experimental religion: in which the doctrine of divine influences, is supported by the authority of scripture, and the experience of the wisest and best men in all ages and countries. In two volumes. ...
  • 444
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    An historical & topographical account of Leominster, and it's vicinity; with an appendix. By John Price
  • 445
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    An historical account of the British regiments employed since the reign of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. in the formation and defence of the Dutch republic, particularly of the Scotch Brigade
  • 446
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    An historical dissertation upon the origin, suspension, and revival, of the judicature and independency of the Irish parliament. With a narrative of the transactions in 1719, relative to the celebrated declaratory law; ... By Hervey, Viscount Mountmorres, ...
  • 447
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    An historical genealogy of the royal house of Stuarts, from the reign of K. Robert II. to that of K. James VI. taken from the most authentic authors, both Scotch and English. By the Rev. Mark Noble, F. A. S. of L. and E. Rector Of Barming In Kent, And Domestic Chaplain To The Earl Of Leicester
  • 448
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    An historical geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States, and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies. By W. Winterbotham. In four volumes. With numerous engravings. ...
  • 449
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    An historical journal of the American war. Extracted from the publications of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • 450
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    An historical treatise of an action or suit at law; and of the proceedings used in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, from the original processes to the judgements in both courts; Wherein the Reason and Usage of the old, obscure, and formal Parts of our Writs and Pleadings, such especially as have reference, or relate to the ancient Method of Practice, as well before the Statute of Nisi Prius as a
  • 451
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    An historical, geographical, and philosophical view of the Chinese empire; Comprehending A Description Of The Fifteen Provinces Of China, Chinese Tartary, Tributary States; Natural History Of China; Government, Religion, Laws, Manners And Customs, Literature, Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, &c. By W. Winterbotham. To which is added, a copious account of Lord Macartney's embassy, Compiled From Origin
  • 452
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    An history of the Christian church, from the earliest periods to the present time; by G. Gregory, ... In two volumes. ...
  • 453
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    An history of the earth, and animated nature. By Oliver Goldsmith. In four volumes. ...
  • 454
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    An humble address to the members of the honourable House of Commons, in behalf of the subaltern officers of the army
  • 455
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    An humble attempt to exhibit a scriptural view of the constitution, order, discipline, and fellowship of the gospel-church. By the Rev. Archibald Hall, Late Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Well-Street, Oxford-Street
  • 456
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    An hymn to be sung by the charity-children of St. Mary, Islington, before two sermons to be preached on Sunday, May 10, 1795. ...
  • 457
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    An hymn to be sung by the charity-children of St. Mary, Islington, before two sermons to be preached on Sunday, October 18, 1795. ...
  • 458
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    Hair powder; a plaintive epistle to Mr. Pitt, by Peter Pindar Esq. To which is added, Frogmore fête, an ode for music, for the first of April
  • 459
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    Hair powder; a plaintive epistle to Mr. Pitt, by Peter Pindar, Esq. To which is added (with considerable augmentation), Frogmore fête, an ode for music, for the first of April, Vulgarly Called All Fools Day
  • 460
    Book Info
    Hair powder; a plaintive epistle to Mr. Pitt, by Peter Pindar, Esquire. To which is added, Frogmore fete, an ode for music, for the first of April