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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,866건 중 521 - 540건 출력
  • 521
    Book Info
    The history of England, from the year 1765, to the year 1795. Being a continuation of the histories of Mr. Hume and Dr. Smollett. By J. Barlow, Esq. ...
  • 522
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    The history of France, from the accession of Henry the third, to the death of Louis the fourteenth. Preceded by a view of the civil, military, and political state of Europe, between the middle, and the close, of the sixteenth century. By Nathaniel William Wraxall. ...
  • 523
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    The history of Ireland, descriptive of the manners and customs of the antient Irish. Dedicated to the mayor of Ballintemple. To which is annexed, a heroic description of part of Cork, In Blank Verse. BY AN Inhabitant Of Blackpool. Humbly Inscribed To The Ugly Club. BY Several Eminent Characters
  • 524
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    The history of Jacobinism, its crimes, cruelties and perfidies: comprising an inquiry into the manner of disseminating, under the appearance of philosophy and virtue, principles which are equally subversive of order, virtue, religion, liberty and happiness. By William Playfair, author of the commercial and political atlas, &c.
  • 525
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    The history of Jonathan Wild the great. By Henry Fielding, Esq. In one volume. Cooke's edition. Embellished with superb engravings
  • 526
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    The history of Joseph Andrews, and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams. Written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes, Author of Don Quixote. By Henry Fielding, Esquire. Two volumes in one. ... . Embellished with superb engravings
  • 527
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    The history of King Lear. Revived with alterations. By N. Tate
  • 528
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    The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. A tale. By Dr. Johnson. Two volumes in one. Embellished with a portrait of the author
  • 529
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    The history of Sandford and Merton. Abridged from the original. Embellished with elegant plates
  • 530
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    The history of Tom White, the postilion
  • 531
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    The history of Tom White: the postilion. Part I.
  • 532
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    The history of a good Bramin. To which is annexed, an essay on the Reciprocal Contempt of Nations, proceeding from their vanity
  • 533
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    The history of the District of Maine. By James Sullivan. Illustrated by a new correct map of the District
  • 534
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    The history of the French Revolution. Proposals for publishing by subscription, the history of Jacobinism; ... by Mr. Wm. Playfair, ...
  • 535
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    The history of the Isle of Wight; military, ecclesiastical, civil, & natural: to which is added a view of its agriculture. By the Rev. Richard Warner; editor of 'hampshire extracted from domesday book,' and of the 'antiquitates culinariae;' and author of 'topographical remarks relating to hampshire,' and 'an attempt to ascertain the situation of the ancient clausentum.'
  • 536
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    The history of the ancient and royal foundation, called the Abbey of St. Alban, in the county of Hertford, from the founding thereof, in 793, to its dissolution, in 1539. Exhibiting the life of each Abbot, and the principal events relating to the monastery, during his rule and Government. Extracted from the most faithful authorities and records, both printed and manuscript. With plates; and a new
  • 537
    Book Info
    The history of the county of Middlesex: Containing a General Description of it, its Rivers, and of the Churches from their Foundation, with the Patrons and Incumbents of Each: the Ancient Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions, How to be Found in the Respective Churches and the Endowments of the Several Vicarages: also of St. Paul's Cathedral and Westminster-Abbey: with a History of the Bishops of L
  • 538
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    The history of the emperor Manalay, and his virtuous wife. A story taken from ancient history
  • 539
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    The history of the reign of George the Third, king of Great Britain, &c. from the conclusion of the third session of the thirteenth Parliament, in 1770, to the end of the last session of the fourteenth parliament of Great Britain, in 1780. Second edition. Vol. II
  • 540
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    The history of the swindling and amorous adventures of James George Semple, &c. &c. since his liberation from the hulks; comprising his various deceptions Practised upon the Convention at Paris, Dumourier, and the Generals of the Allied Armies. With an account of the major's former unparralleled feats in Russia, and his capital Retreat from that country. Together with his letters, as published to