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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,866건 중 541 - 560건 출력
  • 541
    Book Info
    The hive of modern literature: a collection of essays, narratives, allegories, and instructive compositions; Calculated to Instil into the Youthful Mind the Principles of Morality, Friendship, Honour, Truth, Justice, and the other Virtuous Dispositions, which Fortify it against the Allurements of Vice and Youthful Propensities, too Apt to Grow into Incurable Habits
  • 542
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    The holy Bible ornamented with engravings by James Fittler from celebrated pictures by old masters. The letter press by Thomas Bensley
  • 543
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    The holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, Translated Out Of The Original Tongues, And With The Former Translations Diligently Compared And Revised. With select notes. Vol. I. Appointed to be Read in Churches
  • 544
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    The hope of the hypocrite, described from the Scriptures
  • 545
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    The humble representation of Stevens Totton, citizen and mercer, of London, to the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor, the Honorable the Aldermen, and the gentlemen of the Common Council of the City of London
  • 546
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    The humorous lieutenant. A tragi-comedy. Now acting at the Theatre-Royal, in Crow-Street. Written by F. Beaumont and J. Fletcher. Collated with all the former editions, and corrected, by Mr. Theobald, and Mr. Seward
  • 547
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    The humours of Christmas holidays
  • 548
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    A history of all the real and threatened invasions of England, from the landing of Julius Cæsar, to the present period. Giving a succinct account of the several parties; that either excited, or suppressed the various commotions. Concluding with a view of the present state of affairs. Dedicated to the lord lieutenants of the counties of Great Britain. To which is added, an appendix, containing a mo
  • 549
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    A history of three of the judges of King Charles I. Major-General Whalley, Major-General Goffe, and Colonel Dixwell: who, at the Restoration, 1660, fled to America; and were secreted and concealed, in Massachusetts and Connecticut, for near thirty years. With an account of Mr. Theophilus Whale, of Narragansett, supposed to have been also one of the judges. By President Stiles. [Five lines from Heb
  • 550
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    An historical account of Ludlow Castle; the ancient palace of the Princes of Wales, and supreme court of judicature of the president and council of the Welsh marches. Compiled from Original Manuscripts, &c. &c. By W. Hodges, Attorney at Law
  • 551
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    An historical description of Dunkirk, from its origin in 646 to the year 1785. By H.E. Diot
  • 552
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    An historical journal of the transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, with the discoveries which have been made in New South Wales ... since the publication of Phillip's voyage, ... including the journals of governor Phillip and King, and of Lieut. Ball: ... By John Hunter, ...
  • 553
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    An historical miscellany of the curiosities and rarities in nature and art. Comprising new and entertaining descriptions of the most surprising volcanos, caverns, cataracts, whirlpools, Waterfalls, Earthquakes, Thunder, Lightning, And Other Wonderful And Stupendous Phenomena Of Nature. Forming A Rich And Comprehensive View Of All That IS Interesting And Curious in every part of the habitable world
  • 554
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    An history of the principal rivers of Great Britain. ...
  • 555
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    An hymn to be sung by the charity-children of St. Mary, Islington, before two sermons to be preached on Sunday, October 26, 1794. ...
  • 556
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    Habeas corpus act. Serious consequences attending the suspension of the Habeas corpus Act. Exemplified in the case of Thomas Humphreys Blacksmith, near Blackfriars-Bridge, taken up on false information, and examined before the privy council at Whitehall, and afterwards before the justices at Union-Hall, Southwark
  • 557
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    Hackney Association. At a meeting of the Committee, held on Thursday, February 6, 1794
  • 558
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    Hamilton's juryman's guide; or, the Englishman's right. Containing the antiquity, use, duty, and just privileges of juries, by the laws of England. With necessary instructions for jurymen to make proper minutes on trials; so as to have at one view, a clear state of the proceedings
  • 559
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    Harrison's British classicks. Vol. VI. Containing The connoisseur, The citizen of the world, and The babler
  • 560
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    Heads of Mr. Dundas's speech, on the finances of the East-India Company, 4th April 1794