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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,134건 중 6,001 - 6,020건 출력
  • 6001
    Book Info
    An historical relation of the kingdom of Chile, by Alonso de Ovalle Of The Company of Jesus, A Native of St. Jago of Chile, and Procurator at Rome for that Place. Printed at Rome by Francisco Cavallo, 1649. with License of his Superiors. Translated out of Spanish into English
    Ovalle, Alonso de
  • 6002
    Book Info
    An historical, genealogical and poetical dictionary: containing the lives and actions of all the great men among the Grecians, Romans, Jews, &c. Of emperors, kings, princes, &c. whether ecclesiastical, military or civil; of the heathenish gods; of ancient and modern authors; of philosophers and all other ordinary men, that have recommended themselves to the world, by their valour, vertue or learni
  • 6003
    Book Info
    An humble application to the Queen, And Her Great Council, the Parliament of England, To suppress Play-Houses and Bear-Baitings, With all Prophaness and Immorality. By John Feild
    Field, John
  • 6004
    Book Info
    Harmonia apostolica, seu, binæ dissertationes, quarum in priore doctrina D. Jacobi de justificatione ex operibus explanatur ac defenditur: in posteriore consensus D. Pauli cum Jacobo liquidò demonstratur. Authore Georgio Bullo, Anglicanae Ecclesiae Presbytero, ac Suddingtoniae, quae nuncupatur Sanctae Mariae, in Dioecesi Gloucestriensi Rectore. Accessere in hac editione annotata quædam I. E. Grabe
    Bull, George
  • 6005
    Book Info
    Harmonia sacra: or, divine hymns and dialogues; with a through-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass viol, harpsichord, or organ. Composed by the best masters of the last and present age. The words by several learned and pious persons. The first book
    Playford, Henry
  • 6006
    Book Info
    Hell upon earth: or the most pleasant and delectable history of Whittington's Colledge, otherwise (vulgarly) called Newgate : giving an account of the humours of those Collegians who are strictly examin'd at the Old-Baily, and take their highest degress near Hyde-Park Corner. Being very useful to all Persons, either Gentle or Simple, in shewing them the Manner of the Robberies and Cheats committed
    Tuus inimicus
  • 6007
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland. Together with His Grace the Lord high Commissioner and Lord high Chancellors speeches
  • 6008
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Friday the seventeenth day of December, 1703
    England | Wales
  • 6009
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday the ninth day of November, 1703
    England | Wales
  • 6010
    Book Info
    Her Majesties most gracious speech to the Parliament, on Tuesday the ninth day of Nov. 1703 with the addresses of the two Houses to Her Majesty on that occasion
    England | Wales
  • 6011
    Book Info
    Hippocratis Aphorismi, cum commentariolo. Auctore Martino Lister, E Medicis Serenissimae Majestatis Reginae Annae
  • 6012
    Book Info
    His Grace the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury's letter to the Reverend the Arch-Deacons, And the rest of the Clergy Of the Diocese of St. David
    Church of England
  • 6013
    Book Info
    Hispania illustrata: or, the maxims of the Spanish court, and most memorable affairs, from the Year 1667, to the Year 1678. Fully laid open in letters from the Right Honourable the Earl of Sandwich, the Earl of Sunderland, and Sir William Godolphin, During their Embassies in Spain. Together with several Curious Papers from Don John of Austria, the Conde de Penaranda, and other Chief Ministers ther
  • 6014
    Book Info
    Histoire abregée de la ville de Nîmes. Où il est parlé de son origine, des beaux Monumens de L'Antiquité qui s'y voyent, des Hommes Illustres qu'elle a produits, de ses Martyrs, &c
    Graverol, Jean
  • 6015
    Book Info
    Historia Anglo-Scotica: or an impartial history of all that happen'd between the Kings and Kingdoms of England and Scotland, from the beginning of the Reign of William the Conqueror, to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Comprehending Their several Homages, Incursions, Devastations, Depredations, Battles, Sieges Leagues, Truces, Breaches, Intermarriages, and divers other Matters worth Knowing. Faithful
    Drake, James
  • 6016
    Book Info
    Historical remarks and observations upon the ancient and present state of London and Westminster; Shewing The Foundation, Walls, Gates, Towers, Bridges, Churches, Rivers, Wards, Palaces, Halls, Companies, Inns of Court and Chancery, Hospitals, Schools, Government, Charters, Courts and Privileges thereof. With an Account of the most Remarkable Accidents, as to Wars, Fires, Plagues, and other Occurr
    R. B
  • 6017
    Book Info
    Homilia sanctiss. domini nostri Clementis XI. pont. max. habita in die natali Christi domini inter missarum solemnia in basilica principis apostolorum anno MDCCII. = A homily spoken by His Holiness Pope Clement XI. At the festival of the nativity of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, at the solemnization of the Mass, in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, in the year 1702
  • 6018
    Book Info
    The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New: ...
  • 6019
    Book Info
    The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New: ...
  • 6020
    Book Info
    The history and fall of Caius Marius a tragedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal / by Thomas Otway.
    Otway, Thomas