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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,134건 중 801 - 820건 출력
  • 801
    Book Info
    Harrison's British classicks. Vol. V. Containing the fifth, sixth; seventh & eighth, volumes of The spectator
  • 802
    Book Info
    Hartford-Bridge: or, the skirts of the camp. An operatic farce, in two acts. Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. Written by Mr. Pearce,
    Pearce, William
  • 803
    Book Info
    Heads of Mr. Dundas's speech, on the state of the affairs of the East India Company, The 25th February 1793
    Melville, Henry Dundas
  • 804
    Book Info
    Heads of Mr. Francis's speech, in the House of Commons, on the 7th of May, 1793, on Mr. Grey's motion for a reform in Parliament:
    Francis, Philip
  • 805
    Book Info
    Heads of a proposed speech, by a proprietor, upon the policy of renewing the Company's monopoly, &c.
  • 806
    Book Info
    Heads of the speech of the Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, in the House of Commons, February 25, 1793, on stating the affairs of the East India Company
    Henry Dundas
  • 807
    Book Info
    Henry & Emma. A poem. Upon the model of the nut-brown maid. By Matthew Prior
    Prior, Matthew
  • 808
    Book Info
    Heraldic miscellanies, consisting of the lives of Sir William Dugdale, Garter and Gregory King, Esq. Windsor Herald. Written by themselves. With an exact copy of the third part of 'the boke of St. Albans,' first printed in 1486
    Dallaway, James
  • 809
    Book Info
    Hiero; on the condition of Royalty: a conversation, from the Greek of Xenophon. By the translator of Antoninus's Meditations
  • 810
    Book Info
    High life below stairs. A farce, in two acts. Written by David Garrick, Esq. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. The lines distinguished by inverted commas, are omitted in the representation
    Townley, James
  • 811
    Book Info
    Hints for a system of education, for a female orphan-house. In a letter to Mrs. Peter Latouche. By Eubante
  • 812
    Book Info
    Hints from the manufacturers of the raw material of saltpetre into gunpowder, oil of vitriol, &c. &c.
    Hill, Edmund
  • 813
    Book Info
    Hints to gentlemen of landed property. To which are now first added, supplementary hints. By Nathaniel Kent, Of Fulham
    Kent, Nathaniel
  • 814
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    Hints to juries in trials for libel. By a freeholder
  • 815
    Book Info
    Histoire de l'antiquité et de l'état présent de Londres, de Westminster, et du bourg de Southwark, contenant un guide pour les bâtimens publics et particuliers de la métropole. a la quelle est ajoute, Un Abrege de l'Histoire de l'Isle de Bretagne, des Teras les plus recules, jusqu a l'Invasion, la Conquete, et la fin de la Jurisdiction des Romains. Par Jean Mazzinghi, L.M.
    Mazzinghi, Giovanni
  • 816
    Book Info
    Histoire de la conspiration du 10 aout 1792. Par L. C. Bigot de Sainte-Croix, ...
    Bigot de Sainte-Croix, Louis Claude
  • 817
    Book Info
    Histoire de la restauration de la monarchie francaise ou la campagne de 1793. Publiée en forme de correspondance sur les affaires du tems, et servant de suite à l'histoire du 10 Aouãt, & du 2 7bre, 1792. Par J. Peltier
    Peltier, Jean-Gabriel
  • 818
    Book Info
    Histoire du Clergé pendant la Révolution francoise; ouvrage Dédié à la nation angloise; par L'Abbé Barruel, Aumonier de Son Altesse Sérénissime La Princesse de Conti
  • 819
    Book Info
    Historic proof of the doctrinal Calvinism of the Church of England. Including a brief account of eminent persons, before and since the Reformation; More Especially, Of Our English Reformers, Martyrs, Prelates, Universities, &c. With Specimens of their Testimonies. Also a review of the rise and progress of Arminianism in England, Under the Patronage of Archbishop Laud. By Augustus Toplady, A. B. La
    Toplady, Augustus
  • 820
    Book Info
    Historical view of plans, for the government of British India, and regulation of trade to the East Indies. And outlines of a plan of foreign government, ... for the Asiatic interests of Great Britain.
    Bruce, John