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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 6,134건 중 901 - 920건 출력
  • 901
    Book Info
    An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India; and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope. With an appendix, containing observations on ... the Indians.
    Robertson, William
  • 902
    Book Info
    An historical sketch of the French Revolution from its commencement to the year 1792.
  • 903
    Book Info
    An historical view of the English biblical translations: the expediency of revising by authority our present translation: and the means of executing such a revision. By William Newcome D. D. Bishop of Waterford, and member of the Royal Irish Academy
    Newcome, William
  • 904
    Book Info
    An history of England, in a series of letters from a nobleman to his son
    Goldsmith, Oliver
  • 905
    Book Info
    An humble, introductory, prefatory, adulatory, consolatory, admonitory, epistolary, address indeed! To P------- S-----d---e, a very pious and meek divine truly!!!
  • 906
    Book Info
    An hymn to be sung by the charity-children of St. Mary, Islington, before two sermons to be preached on Sunday, May 13, 1792. ...
  • 907
    Book Info
    An hymn to be sung by the charity-children of St. Mary, Islington, before two sermons to be preached on Sunday, October 28, 1792. ...
  • 908
    Book Info
    Hanes ferr o fywyd Howell Harris yscwier; A dynnwyd allan O'I Ysgrifeniadau EF EI Hun. At ba un y chwanegwyd Crynodeb byrr o'i Lythyrau O'R Flwyddyn 1738 hyd y Fl. 1772
    Harris, Howell
  • 909
    Book Info
    Hanes troedigaeth y wraig o Samaria : Yn Dangos, Natur gwir Argyhoeddiad a Dychweliad Pechadur at Dduw: Gyd ag Effaith Dwyfol Ddatguddiad o'r Gwaredwr, ar ucheddau y Gwaredigion. Wedi ei osod allan mewn pregeth ar Ioan iv. 29. Gan y parch. Ralph Erscin, A. M. Gynt Gweinidog yr Efengyl yn Dunfferm$$in, Scotland
    Erskine, Ralph
  • 910
    Book Info
    Hannah Hewit; or, the female Crusoe. Being the history of a woman of uncommon, mental, and personal accomplishments; who, After a variety of extraordinary and interesting adventures in almost every station of life, from splendid prosperity to abject adversity, was cast away in the Grosvenor East-Indiaman: and became for three years the sole inhabitant of an island, in the South Seas. Supposed to b
    Dibdin, Charles
  • 911
    Book Info
    Hawkherst. A sketch of its history and antiquities, upon the plan suggested in the Gentleman's Magazine, for procuring parochial histories throughout England
  • 912
    Book Info
    Heads of Mr. Dundas's speech, on the finances of the East-India Company, 5th June 1792
    Melville, Henry Dundas
  • 913
    Book Info
    Heads of philological lectures, intended to illustrate the Latin classicks: in respect to the antiquities of Rome; the rules of general criticism; and the principles of universal grammar. By John Hill, LL. D. Professor of Humanity in the University, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
    Hill, John
  • 914
    Book Info
    Helvetic liberty; or, the lass of the lakes. An opera. In three acts. Dedicated to all the archers of Great Britain. By a Kentish Bowman
    Kentish Bowman
  • 915
    Book Info
    Henry the Fourth. Dramatis personae
    Bruce Castle (Tottenham, England)
  • 916
    Book Info
    Heroic epistle to Joseph Priestley, L.L.D. F.R.S. Academ. Imp. Petrop. R. Paris. Holm. Taurin. Ital. Harlem. Aurel. Med. Paris. Cantab. Americ. ET Philad. Soc
  • 917
    Book Info
    High church politics: being a seasonable appeal to the Friends of the British Constitution, against the practices and principles of high churchmen; as exemplified in the late opposition to the repeal of the test laws, and in the riots at Birmingham
    Heywood, Samuel
  • 918
    Book Info
    Hints for some new regulations in the sugar-trade: with remarks on the state of commerce in the French and British West-India islands. By an impartial man
    Impartial Man
  • 919
    Book Info
    Hints; to the people of England: for the year 1793
    De Coetlogon, C. E
  • 920
    Book Info
    His Majesty's proclamation of the twenty-first of May 1792. To which is added, an address to the Revolution Club. By Gibbie Burnet
    Great Britain