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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 2,101 - 2,120건 출력
  • 2101
    Book Info
    An impartial account of the rise, progress, and nature of the scheme for augmenting the livings of the Scots clergy. In a letter to the publisher of the printed collection of papers relative to that affair
    Lover of peace | unity in both church | state
  • 2102
    Book Info
    An impartial enquiry into the time of the coming of the Messiah: in a second letter from Robert, Lord Bishop of Clogher, to an eminent Jew
    Clayton, Robert
  • 2103
    Book Info
    An impartial inquiry into the benefits and damages arising to the nation from the present very great use of low-priced spirituous liquors: with Proper estimates thereupon, and some Considerations humbly offered for preventing the Introduction of Foreign Spirits not paying the Duties. By J. T. of Bristol. Author of the Brief Essay on the Advantages and Disadvantages which respectively attend France
    Tucker, Josiah
  • 2104
    Book Info
    An impartial relation of some late parish transactions at N---k, containing a full and circumstantial answer to a late libel entituled, Remarks on a book entituled, An account of the donations to the parish of N-----k
  • 2105
    Book Info
    An important enquiry; or, the nature of a Church Reformation fully considered: Wherein is shewn, From Scripture, Reason and Antiquity, that the Late pretended Reformation Was groundless in the Attempt, and defective in the Execution
    Redford, Sebastian
  • 2106
    Book Info
    An index to mankind: or maxims selected from the wits of all nations, for the benefit of the present age, and of posterity; by Mrs. Mary Midnight, author of the Midwife, or old woman's magazine. Intermix'd with some curious reflections by that lady, and a preface by her good friend, the late Mr. Pope
    Smart, Christopher
  • 2107
    Book Info
    An index to the sermons published since the Restoration. Pointing out the texts in the order they lie in the Bible, Shewing the Occasion on which they were preached, and directing to the Volume and Page where they occur
    Letsome, Sampson
  • 2108
    Book Info
    An inquiry concerning a plan of a literary correspondence
    Chambers, John
  • 2109
    Book Info
    An inquiry concerning virtue and happiness. In a letter to a friend
    Glover, Phillips
  • 2110
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the right of appeal from the Chancellor, or Vice Chancellor, of the University of Cambridge, in matters of discipline: addressed to a fellow of a college. To which is added, an appendix: containing some observations on the Authentic narrative, &c
    Chapman, Thomas
  • 2111
    Book Info
    An institute of the laws of Scotland in civil rights: with observations upon the agreement or diversity between them and the laws of England. In four books. After the General Method of the Viscount of Stair's Institutions. ...
    Bankton, Andrew MacDowall
  • 2112
    Book Info
    An introduction to the doctrine of fluxions. Revised by several gentlemen well skill'd in the mathematics
    Rowe, John
  • 2113
    Book Info
    Ietro-rhapsodia: or, a physical rhapsody
    Schomberg, R
  • 2114
    Book Info
    Il conte di Gabali' ovvero ragionamenti sulle scienze segrete tradotti del Francese da una dama Italiana a' quali si {grave}e aggiunto in fine Il riccio rapito poema del Signor Alessandro Pope tradotto D'Inglese dal Signor Antonio Conti Patrizio Veneto
  • 2115
    Book Info
    Impar{cedil}cial y verdadera rela{cedil}cion de los effectos admirables de la medi{cedil}cina compuesta por el Dr. William Cockburn. Un experimentado antidoto, contra diarh{oelig}as, lienterias, Disenterias, Tenasmus, Fluxos de Sangre, &c. Los quales Effectos Proseguieron en tres Mezes de tiempo, en varios Casos y Personas depues de haveren provado muchos otros Remedios, receptados por diferent...
    Dove, John
  • 2116
    Book Info
    In Pindari primum Pythium dissertatio habita Cantabrigiæ in scholis publicis Viimo Kalend. Julias A.D. MDCCL. A Gulielmo Barford, M.A. Collegii Regalis Socio
    Barford, William
  • 2117
    Book Info
    Information for Alexander Clunie, John Hegginson, John Ramsay and James Crichton, merchants in Perth, and other defenders, against Walter Miller Procurator Fiscal of the Borough Court of Perth, pursuer
    Clunie, Alexander
  • 2118
    Book Info
    Information for James Mcnair, son to Robert Mcnair Merchant in Glasgow, Pannel; against John Graham of Dougalston, Esq; James Coulter, James Spreul, Archibald Stirling of Calder, Esq; George Buchanan, and George Anderson, all Merchants in Glasgow, with Concourse and at the Instance of Mr Hugh Forbes, Advocate, Procurator-Fiscal of the High Court of Admiralty, Pursuers
    McNair, James
  • 2119
    Book Info
    Information for Walter Millar Procurator-Fiscal of the Burgh of Perth, pursuer against Alexander Clunie ... and others, defenders. Lord Kilkerran reporter
    Perth (Scotland)
  • 2120
    Book Info
    Institutio Græcæ grammatices compendiaria in usum regiæ scholæ Westmonasteriensis. ...
    Camden, William