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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 2,241 - 2,260건 출력
  • 2241
    Book Info
    The immorality of prophane swearing demonstrated; In a New method: and Without the Aid of Revelation. Dedicated To Modern Deists and Christians. By a Lover of his country
    Fleming, Caleb
  • 2242
    Book Info
    The impartial examiner. Or the Faithful representer of the Various and Manifold Misrepresentations imposed on the Roman Catholics of Ireland, in the several Charges laid at their Doors by the Scribblers of the Farmer's, Merchant's, and Drapier's Letters, and Charitable and Seasonable Advices, the Editors of the Magazines, and by the Printers of the Journals, Courants, Occurrences, News-Letters, Ga
  • 2243
    Book Info
    The importance and improvement of our late national deliverance represented in a thanksgiving sermon preached to a congregation of Protestant dissenters at Cambridge; July 27, 1746. On occasion of the victory obtained by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, over the rebels at Culloden. By Jeremiah Gill
    Gill, Jeremiah
  • 2244
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    The importance of Cape Breton consider'd; in a letter to a member of Parliament, from an inhabitant of New-England
  • 2245
    Book Info
    The importance of rabbinical learning, or, the advantage of understanding the rites, customs, usages, phraseology, &c. of the Talmudists considered, with some remarks on their ænigmatical and sublime method of instruction. Occasion'd by the Rev. Mr. John Gill's preface to his learned comment on the New Testament
    Dove, John
  • 2246
    Book Info
    The important question discussed; or, a serious and impartial enquiry into the true interest of England with respect to the Continent
  • 2247
    Book Info
    The important question discussed; or, a serious and impartial enquiry into the true interest of England with respect to the Continent.
  • 2248
    Book Info
    The important question discussed; or, a serious and impartial enquiry into the true interest of England with respect to the Continent.
  • 2249
    Book Info
    The important question discussed; or, a serious and impartial enquiry into the true interest of England, with respect to the Continent
  • 2250
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    The indispensible necessity of constantly celebrating the Christian sacrifice, plainly proved from Scripture and antiquity. By Samuel Hardy, A. B. Curate of Layham
    Hardy, Samuel
  • 2251
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    The intentions, articles, and order, agreed on by the Church of Christ, meeting in Black and Grey-Eagle Street, Spital-Fields; and, in Peter's Yard, Castle-Street, near Liecester-Fields
    Church of Christ (Grey Eagle Street, London, England)
  • 2252
    Book Info
    The irish cabinet. Or a collection of curious tracts relating to Ireland
  • 2253
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    An impartial history of the life and reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne of immortal memory: wherein all the transactions of that memorable period are faithfully compiled from the best authorities. By Conyers Harrison, Esq;
    Harrison, Conyers
  • 2254
    Book Info
    An infallible project for the more effectual speedy and easy manning of the navy of England, without that intollerable and unparallel'd practice of pressing, plainly demonstrated. With Observations on our Marine Affairs in general, and some Thoughts on Trade. Likewise an Account of the Excellent Management of the Marine in France, well worthy our Imitation. Humbly inscribed to the Consideration of
  • 2255
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the itinerancy, and the conduct of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, an itinerant preacher: vindicating the former against the charge of unlawfulness and inexpediency, and the latter against some aspersions, which have been frequently cast upon him. By William Hobby, A.M. pastor of the first church in Reading. In a letter to a minister. [Four lines of quotations]
    Hobby, William
  • 2256
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    An introduction to moral philosophy. By Edward Bentham B. D. Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford
    Bentham, Edward
  • 2257
    Book Info
    An introduction to natural philosophy : or, philosophical lectures read in the University of Oxford, Anno Dom. 1700. To which are added, the demonstrations of Monsieur Huygens's theorems, concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. By John Keill M. D. Savilian Professor of Astronomy. F. R. S. Translated from the last edition of the Latin.
    Keill, John
  • 2258
    Book Info
    An introduction to the art of fortification. Containing draughts of all the common works used in military architecture, and of the Machines and Utensils employed in Attacks and Defences; with Brief References for their Explanation. Also, a military dictionary, wherein The said Works and Machines are not only more fully described, but all the other Technical Terms and Phrases made use of in the Sci
  • 2259
    Book Info
    Iberian tales and novels. As they were Publickly Rehearsed for the Entertainment of the Spanish Nobility: By that Celebrated Lady Donna Isabella. Containing Many Surprizing Amours and Gallantries of the Present Court of Spain, and other Foreign Nations
  • 2260
    Book Info
    Information for Alexander Chrystie merchant in Montrose, against John Spence trustee for Samuel Straiton of London
    Chrystie, Alexander