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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 2,281 - 2,300건 출력
  • 2281
    Book Info
    An inquiry concerning faith.
  • 2282
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    An inquiry into the nature, obligation, and advantages of religious fellowship: together with an attempt to direct in the proper exercise of it
  • 2283
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    An instructed historical account of the Settlement in the episcopal congregation of Dundee in 1727; and of the intrusion there in 1743. Being a full and proper reply to a late pamphlet of Mr. James Dundass. ...
    Raitt, James
  • 2284
    Book Info
    An introduction to the study of philosophy: Exhibiting a General View of all the Arts and Sciences, For the Use of Pupils. With a catalogue of some of the most valuable authors, necessary to be read, in order to instruct them in a thorough knowlege of each of them
    Johnson, Samuel
  • 2285
    Book Info
    Idolatry discovered and detested: shewing, that almost all the pretended Christians, Greeks, Papists, and Protestants, (except the Unitarians,) are guilty of it; By worshiping a mortal Man, as the most high God; directly contrary to the express Words of the holy Prophet, Jesus of Nazareth. Matth. iv. 10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. With a plain honest defenc
    Elwall, Edward
  • 2286
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    Information for Mrs. Isabella Somervell relict of Mr. Hugh Murray-Kynnynmound advocate, against the creditors of the said Mr. Hugh Murray-Kynnynmound
    Somerville, Isabella
  • 2287
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    Information for Thomas Telfer of Townhead, defender; against John Jameson pursuer, and his factor
    Telfer, Thomas
  • 2288
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    Information for the representatives of the deceast John Wightman sometime Provost of Edinburgh, defenders, against the children of the deceast William, Agnes and Elizabeth Hamiltons, pursuers
  • 2289
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    Instructions and devotions for hearing mass; also for confession, communion, and confirmation
    Gother, John
  • 2290
    Book Info
    Instructions for the whole year. Part I. Tome I. For Sundays being practical thoughts on the epistles and gospels of all the Sundays and moveable feasts, from Advent to Whitsunday, excepting those of Lent.
    Gother, John
  • 2291
    Book Info
    Instructions to ministers: in three parts. Containing, I. Two discourses of preaching Christ, and of Particular and Experimental Preaching. by the late Reverend Mr. John Jennings. II. A letter concerning the most useful way of preaching; by the late celebrated Dr. Augustus Hermannus Franck, Professor of Divinity at Hall in Saxony, and Founder of the Orphan House there. III. An illustrious pattern
    Jennings, John
  • 2292
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    Ireland preserv'd; or, the siege of London-Derry. A tragi-comedy. Written by a gentleman who was in the town during the whole siege
    Michelborne, John
  • 2293
    Book Info
    Isabella Le Neve, spinster, Edward Le Neve, Esq; Peter Le Neve, gent. and Matthew Grave, gent. and Ann his wife - (which said Isabella, Peter, and Ann are the Descendants and Coheirs of Oliver Le Neve, and Coheirs of his Brother Peter Le Neve, Esq; deceased, - appellants. John Norris an infant (great Grandson and Heir of John Norris, Esq; deceased) by John Carthew, his next friend - - - - and John
    Norris, John
  • 2294
    Book Info
    Isabella Le Neve, spinster, Edward Le Neve, Esq; Peter Le Neve, gent. son and heir of Henrietta Le Neve, deceased, late wife of the said Edward Matthew Grave, gent. and Anne his wife of John Rogers, also deceased) which said Isabella, Henrietta and Anne Rogers, were the Daughters and Coheirs of Oliver Neve, otherwise Le Neve, of Great Witchingham in the County of Norfolk, Esq; deceased. Appellants
    Le Neve, Isabella
  • 2295
    Book Info
    The ill effects of the game of rowlet, otherwise rowley-powley; and the fatal consequences attending it; particularly in and about Covent-Garden. Addressed to all Degrees of Men; with a Word of Advice to the Fair-Sex. By Amos Docultree, Gent.
    Docultree, Amos
  • 2296
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    The illustrious unfortunate: or the adventures of the greatest heroes of antiquity. Translated from the French By James Seguin, Teacher of the French Tongue in Trurow and in Falmouth
    Seguin, James
  • 2297
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    The impartial. An address, without flattery. Being a poet's free thoughts on the situation of our public affairs, anno 1744:
    Hill, Aaron
  • 2298
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    The influence of education justified, with regard to the profession of Christianity. A sermon preached before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, May 6. 1744. By John Spry, B. D. Vicar of West-Hendred, Berks, and formerly Fellow of C. C. C. Oxon.
    Spry, John
  • 2299
    Book Info
    The instructions sent by the Regency of Hanover to the Privy-Counsellor De Busch, Electoral Minister of the King of Great-Britain at the Court of Dresden. Together with a letter from an Hanoverian minister to a Member of the Parliament of Great-Britain: Containing A Justification of the Hanoverians, and his Sentiments on the present Critical Conjuncture of Affairs
  • 2300
    Book Info
    The instructor: or, young man's best companion. Containing spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick, ... By George Fisher, ...
    Fisher, George