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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 2,381 - 2,400건 출력
  • 2381
    Book Info
    The impertinence and imposture of modern antiquaries display'd. Or, a refutation of the Rev. Mr. Wise's Letter to Dr. Mead, concerning the White Horse, and other antiquities in Berkshire. In a familiar letter to a friend. By Philalethes Rusticus. With a preface by the gentleman to whom this letter was addressed
    Asplin, William
  • 2382
    Book Info
    The importance of an uncorrupted Parliament consider'd. In three letters, addressed to the electors of Great Britain. To which is added a fourth
  • 2383
    Book Info
    The important doctrines of original sin, Justification by Faith, and regeneration, Clearly Stated from Scripture and Reason: And vindicated from the misrepresentations of the Methodists. With Remarks on Mr Law's late Tract on the New-Birth. By Thomas Whiston, A. B.
    Whiston, Thomas
  • 2384
    Book Info
    The imposture of Methodism display'd: in a letter to the inhabitants of the Parish of Dewsbury. Occasion'd by The Rise of a certain Modern Sect of Enthusiasts, (among them) call'd Methodists. By William Bowman, M.A. Vicar of Dewsbury and Aldbrough in Yorkshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Hoptoun
    Bowman, William
  • 2385
    Book Info
    The insinuating bawd, and the Repenting Harlot. To which is added, Love. An ode to a lady. By a marry'd gentleman
    Ward, Edward
  • 2386
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    The institution of a prince. Or, a treatise of the virtues and duties of a sovereign. Translated from the French of the Abbe Duguet. ...
  • 2387
    Book Info
    The instructor: or, young man's best companion. ... To which is added, the family's best companion: ... and also, a compleat treatise of farriery; ... By George Fisher, ...
    Fisher, George
  • 2388
    Book Info
    The instructor: or, young man's best companion. Containing, spelling, reading, writing, and arithmetick, ... To which is added the family's best companion: ... and also, a compleat treatise of farriery; ... By George Fisher, ...
    Fisher, George
  • 2389
    Book Info
    The intire lovers. To an excellent new tune
  • 2390
    Book Info
    The irish spelling-book; or, instruction for the reading of English, fitted for the youth of Ireland. In which are set forth many useful Observations in Spelling, Alterations, and Amendments in the Sounds of Letters, both Single and Double; Exact Formations of both Sorts by the several Organs of Voice;-A Discourse on Prosody: A large Chapter about various Quantities of Vowels, Change, and Loss of
  • 2391
    Book Info
    An imitation of Horace's 16th epode
    Turner, Edward
  • 2392
    Book Info
    An impartial enquiry into the reasonableness and necessity of a bill for reducing and limiting the number of places in the House of Commons. Shewing, that the passing such a bill would be attended with the most mischievous and fatal consequences to this Nation in the present Conjuncture of Affairs
  • 2393
    Book Info
    An impartial examination of the fourth volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans. In which his too great attachment to the usurpations of the Rump parliament and Oliver Cromwell is discovered; his Misrepresentation of the Conduct of some of our English Prelates detected; and many of his Mistakes in History exposed to Publick View. By Zachary Grey, LL. D. Rector of Houghton-Conquest in Be
    Grey, Zachary
  • 2394
    Book Info
    An impartial review of Mr. Melvil's last piece against Mr. Nichols; Occasioned by His numerous Misrepresentations of, and injurious Reflections upon the Dissenters in general, and the Calvinists in particular. By Thomas Gibbons
    Gibbons, Thomas
  • 2395
    Book Info
    An index to the records, with directions to the several places where they are to be found. And short explanations of the different kinds of rolls, writs, &c. To which is added, a list of the latin sir-names, and names of places, as they are written in the old Records, explained by the Modern Names. Also a chronological table, Shewing at one View the Year of our Lord, answering to the particular Ye
    Strachey, John
  • 2396
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the Jewish and Christian revelation. Wherein all the prophecies relating to the Jewish Messiah are considered, and compared with the Person and Character of Jesus Christ, and the Times of the Gospel; the Authority of the Canon of Scripture; the Nature and Use of Miracles, &c. In a dialogue between an Indian and a Christian. By Samuel Parvish
    Parvish, Samuel
  • 2397
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the fitness of attending Parliament: in a letter from a member to his friend, who has absented
  • 2398
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    An introduction to the true astronomy : or, astronomical lectures, read in the astronomical school of the University of Oxford. By John Keill, M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and Professor of Astronomy in that University.
    Keill, John
  • 2399
    Book Info
    Improvements in navigation, and philosophy. Which contains, I. An easy method of finding the longitude at sea, which will be easily practicable there, and which will determine the said Longitude within ten or fifteen Minutes at most: Also a more easy Method of finding the Latitude, and that by the same Instrument that finds the Longitude, and to the same Pitch of Exactness, and without any Regard
    Comine, William
  • 2400
    Book Info
    In honorem legis oratio, latina lingua. Scripta ab honorabili Richardo Verney, barono Willoughby de Broke
    Willoughby de Broke, Richard Verney