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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 2,401 - 2,420건 출력
  • 2401
    Book Info
    Industry and liberality recommended: a sermon preach'd at the Old Jewry, March 7th, 1738-9. to the Society for Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Dissenting Ministers. By Samuel Wilson. Publish'd at the Request of the Managers of that Society
    Wilson, Samuel
  • 2402
    Book Info
    Information for Colonel Lewis Grant, against the other creditors of Dumphail
    Grant, Lewis
  • 2403
    Book Info
    Information for David Home of Wedderburn, against John Home
    Home, David
  • 2404
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    Information for John Home son to Mr. Francis Home advocate, against David Home of Wedderburn
    Home, John
  • 2405
    Book Info
    Information for Mrs. Barbara Makdougall of Makerstoun, and George Makdougall Esquire, her husband for his interest, against Thomas and William Makdougalls and others
    Makdougall, Barbara
  • 2406
    Book Info
    Information for Thomas Makdougall heir-male of Makerston, against Mrs. Barbara Makdougall and George Hay her Husband
    Makdougall, Thomas
  • 2407
    Book Info
    Information for the creditors upon the estate of Dunphail, against Colonel Lewis Grant
  • 2408
    Book Info
    Institution d'un prince; ou traité des qualitez, des vertus et des devoirs d'un souverain, Soit par rapport au Gouvernement Temporel de ses Etats, ou comme Chef d'une Societé Chrétienne qui est nécessairement liée avec la Religion. En quatre parties
  • 2409
    Book Info
    It is proposed by John Taylor, M. A. Fellow of St. John's College and Registrary of the Vniversity, to print by subscription a new and correct edition of the orations, epistles and other remains of Demosthenes and Aeschines, Diligently collated with the former Impressions and most valuable Mss (not yet compared) that can be procured in Europe
  • 2410
    Book Info
    The illustrious French lovers; being the true histories of the amours of several French persons of quality. ... Written originally in French, and translated into English by Mrs. P. Aubin. In two volumes.
    Challes, Robert
  • 2411
    Book Info
    The impartial Englishman: or, the joyful Briton. Humbly iscrib'd to all lovers of their country. By J. Burch, Gent.
    Burch, J
  • 2412
    Book Info
    The impartial accomptant. To all Lovers of Great-Britain, first To the King, Lords and Commons, then to the Whole Nation, Is demonstratively made known how to Pay the National Debts, if 48 Millions, in Seven Years; and without a New Tax, or any Inconveniency to the People
    Philo Britannicus
  • 2413
    Book Info
    The imperious style of the Turks exemplified, in I. A letter from Solyman the Magnificent, to the Emperor Ferdinand, Anno 1562, confirming a League of eight Years. II. The Proud and Blasphemous Denunciation of War by Amurath the Third, against Rodolph the Christian Emperor. III. A Menacing Letter from Sultan Morat, or Amurath the Fourth, to Uladislaus the King of Poland, Anno 1637. IV. Amurath's b
  • 2414
    Book Info
    The indictment, arraignment, tryal, and judgment, at large, of twenty-nine regicides, the murtherers of His Most Sacred Majesty King Charles I. Of Glorious Memory. Begun at Hicks's-Hall on Tuesday the Ninth of October, 1660. and continued at the Sessions-House in the Old-Baily until Friday the Nineteenth of the same Month
  • 2415
    Book Info
    The indwelling of the Spirit, the common privilege of all believers. A sermon preached at the parish-church of Bexly in Kent, on Whitsunday, 1739. By George Whitefield, A. B. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Published at the Request of the Vicar, and many of the Hearers
    Whitefield, George
  • 2416
    Book Info
    The indwelling of the Spirit, the common privilege of all believers. A sermon preached at the parish-church of Bexly in Kent, on Witsunday, 1739. By George Whitefield, A. B. of Pembroke College, Oxford
    Whitefield, George
  • 2417
    Book Info
    The inestimable value of divine truth considered, in a sermon on Proverbs XXIII. xxiii. Buy the truth, and sell it not. Preached in the parish of Finwick, the 23d of March, 1738. By James Fisher ...
    Fisher, James
  • 2418
    Book Info
    The infancy of the world consider'd as a very unfit season for the manifestation of the Messiah: Wherein is shewn, That its Fondness for Rites and Ceremonies, was wholly owing to its Childishness and Ignorance. In a Discourse on Gal. iv. 4, 5
  • 2419
    Book Info
    The inspiration of the New Testament asserted: the integrity of the sacred writers vindicated; and the method of salvation by a redeemer confirmed. In answer to a late book of Mr. Chubb's, entitled, The true gospel of Jesus Christ asserted. Humbly offered to Publick Consideration, And in particular to all those who esteem themselves, or are esteemed by others to be Holders forth of New-Light, and
    Broughton, Thomas
  • 2420
    Book Info
    The instruction afforded by the Church of England; considered in a sermon, preached at the parish-church of St Mary-le-Bow, on St Mark's day, 1739. In pursuance of the last-will of Mr John Hutchins, citizen and goldsmith of London. By Edward Cobden, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Cobden, Edward