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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 2,421 - 2,440건 출력
  • 2421
    Book Info
    The insufficiency of the principal objections whether of Jews or Greeks to Christianity. A sermon preached in St. Mary's church, before the University of Cambridge, upon Sunday the 3d. of June, 1739. In which are occasionally considered the moral philosopher's doctrines of a temporal Messiah and miracles. By John Cradock, ...
    Cradock, John
  • 2422
    Book Info
    The irish comes commercii : or trader's - companion. Containing I. Exact and useful tables, shewing the Value of any Quantity of Goods or Wares ready cast up, more adapted to Merchants Use, than any other extant. Calculated by Edward Hatton, gent. And carefully corrected by Nicholas Grant, Philomath. II. The tables of exchange and coin calculated, and tables of interest corrected by John Watson...
    Hatton, Edward
  • 2423
    Book Info
    The irresistible fair, a poem. Humbly inscrib'd to that incomparable, and celebrated beauty Miss F--y Be--l. By J. Dodd, Philomathes
    Dodd, J
  • 2424
    Book Info
    An impartial history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, during the reign of King Charles the First. With the precedent passages and actions that contributed thereto, and the happy end and conclusion thereof by the Restoration of King Charles II. Faithfully collected from Clarendon, Bishop Kennet, Echard, Rushworth, and other writers, by Jacob Hooper, Esq;
    Hooper, Jacob
  • 2425
    Book Info
    An index to the sermons, published since the Restoration. Pointing out the texts in the order they lie in the Bible, shewing the occasion on which they were preached, and directing to the volume and page where they occur. Part II
    Letsome, Sampson
  • 2426
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue: In two treatises, I. Concerning beauty, order, harmony, design, II. Concerning moral good and evil
    Hutcheson, Francis
  • 2427
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    An introduction to geography, by way of question and answer. Particularly design'd for the use of schools: giving a general description of all remarkable countries in the world; Of their Situation, Extent, Division, Cities, Rivers, Soil, Commodities, Rarities, Archbishopricks, Bishopricks, Universities, Manners, Government, Religion, &c. To which is prefix'd, an explanation of the sphere, Or of al
    H{uml}ubner, Johann
  • 2428
    Book Info
    I pifferi di montagna che andarono per sonare, e furono sonati. Ragionamento I. Di Cesellio Filomastige. In risposta a' quattro Sermoni pubblicati per mezzo delle Stampe di Ginevra nel passato Anno MDCCxxxvii. sotto il seguente Titolo: L. Sectani q. fil. de tota graecvlorvm hvivs aetatis litteratvra ad gaivm Salmorivm
    Mecatti, Giuseppe Maria
  • 2429
    Book Info
    Information for John Ranken merchant in Air, against Robert Mollison collector of excise at Air
    Ranken, John
  • 2430
    Book Info
    Information for Robert Mollison collector of excise at Air; against Mr. John Rankine merchant there
    Mollison, Robert
  • 2431
    Book Info
    Institute of the Laws of England; or, the Laws of England in Their Natural Order, according to the Common Use
    Wood, Thomas
  • 2432
    Book Info
    Intercession every Christian's duty: a sermon preached at the parish church of Great Saint Helen, on Tuesday, December 27. 1737. By George Whitefield, A. B. of Pembroke College, Oxford. Published at the particular Request of the Hearers
    Whitefield, George
  • 2433
    Book Info
    Interest at one view, calculated to a farthing: At 3, 3 1/2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 per Cent. For 1000 L. to 1 L. for 1 Day to 96 Days; and for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Months. With Rules and Examples to cast up Interest at any Rate, by the said Tables. Also a Concise Table, whereby to cast up Salaries and Wages speedily, and others of great Use in receiving and paying of Money. The thir
    Hayes, Richard
  • 2434
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    The Iliad of Homer, translated by Mr. Pope.
  • 2435
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    The inconsoleables: or, the contented cuckold. A dramatick farce of three acts
  • 2436
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    The informers outwitted: a tragi-comical farce. As it has been rehears'd at the New-Exchange in Rag-Fair. Written originally in Hebrew, and translated by Solomon Bung-Your-Eye, Gent.
  • 2437
    Book Info
    The instalment. To the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter. By E. Young, L. L. D.
    Young, Edward
  • 2438
    Book Info
    The intriguing milliners and attornies clerks. A mock-tragedy in two acts. As it was design'd to be acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written in imitation of the style and manner of - With the Lace-Women, a satire; and poems on several occasions
    Robinson, William
  • 2439
    Book Info
    The irish Blasters: or, the votaries of Bacchus
  • 2440
    Book Info
    An impartial examination of the third volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans. In which the reflections of that author, upon the blessed martyr King Charles the First, are proved to be groundless: His Misrepresentation of the Conduct of the Prelates of those Times fully detected, and his numerous Mistakes in History, and unfair way of quoting, exposed to publick View. By Zachary Grey,
    Grey, Zachary