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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 361 - 380건 출력
  • 361
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    An Impartial history of the late revolution in France, from its commencement to the death of the Queen, and the execution of the deputies of the Gironde party
  • 362
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    An Impartial history of the late revolution in France, from its commencement to the death of the Queen, and the execution of the deputies of the Gironde party. In two volumes. Vol. I[-II]
  • 363
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    An Italian warning to the British critic, or an elucidation of The British critic's review of Mariottini's translation of Paradise lost. ...
  • 364
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    An impartial history of the late Revolution in France, from its commencement to the death of the Queen, and the execution of the deputies of the Gironde party. In two volumes. ...
  • 365
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    An impartial history of the late Revolution in France, from its commencement, to the death of the Queen, and the execution of the deputies of the Gironde party
  • 366
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    An impartial report of the debates that occur in the two Houses of Parliament. With some account of the respective speakers, and notes and illustrations. Including copies of all State Papers, Treaties, Conventions, &c. By William Woodfall, And Assistants. ...
  • 367
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    An impartial review of that part of Dr. Rush's late publication, entitled 'An account of the bilious remitting yellow fever, as it appeared in the city of Philadelphia, in the year 1793, which treats of the origin of the disease.' In which his opinion is shewn to be erroneous; the importation of the disease established; and the wholesomeness of the city vindicated. By William Currie, Fellow of the
  • 368
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    An impartial statement of the scripture doctrine in respect of civil government and the duties of subjects. By Thomas Scott, Chaplain to the Lock Hospital
  • 369
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    An important case argued: in three dialogues, between Dr. Opium, Gallio, and Discipulus. Designed to expose erroneous teachers: alarm secure sinners: and assist the disciples of Christ
  • 370
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    An important case argued: in three dialogues, between Dr. Opium, Gallio, and Discipulus. Designed to expose erroneous teachers; alarm secure sinners; and to assist the disciples of Christ
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    An inaugural dissertation on dysentery. Submitted to the public examination of the faculty of physic, under the authority of the trustees of Columbia College, in the state of New-York, William Samuel Johnson, LL.D. president; for the degree of Doctor of Physic, on the sixth day of May, 1794. By David G. Abeel, citizen of the state of New-York, [Two lines from Thomson]
  • 372
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    An inaugural dissertation on insanity: submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost; the trustees and medical professors of the University of Pennsylvania; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, on the nineteenth day of May, A.D. MDCCXCIV. By Edward Cutbush, of Philadelphia, honorary member of the Philadelphia Medical and Chemical Societies, and member of the American Medical
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    An inaugural dissertation on the apoplexy. Submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost; the Trustees and medical professors of the University of Pennsylvania; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine; on the 19th. day of May, A.D. 1794. By John Lamb, Jun. of New-York. [Two lines from the Iliad]
  • 374
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    An inaugural dissertation on the effects of the passions upon the body; submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost, the medical professors and trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, for the degree of Doctor of Medicine, on the 19th day of May, 1794. By Henry Rose, of Virginia, honorary member of the Philadelphia Medical and Chemical Societies, and member of the Americ
  • 375
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    An inaugural dissertation on the influenza. Submitted to the public examination of the faculty of physic, under the authority of the trustees of Columbia College, in the state of New-York, William Samuel Johnson, LL.D. president; for the degree of Doctor of Physic, on th sixth day of May, 1794. By Peter Irving, citizen of the state of New-York. [One line from Horace]
  • 376
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    An inquiry into the commission and doctrine of the new apostle Emanuel Swedenborg: containing a short history of impostors and enthusiasts; an Examination of Mr. Swedenborg's Visions; his Cabalistic Interpretation of Scripture; his Denying the Resurrection; as also Thirty-One Books of the Old and New Testament; the Affected Obscurity of his Writings; and Some Remarks on his Most Palpable Contradic
  • 377
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    An inquiry into the ground and import of infant baptism; interspersed with arguments in support of the doctrine. By Stephen West, D.D. Pastor of the church in Stockbridge
  • 378
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    An introduction to astronomy, geography, and the use of the globes. The second edition, considerably enlarged and improved. By John Sharman, Teacher of Geography, &c
  • 379
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    An introduction to geography, astronomy, and the use of the globes. To which are added a chronological table of remarkable events, discoveries and inventions from the creation to the year 1794; and a large collection of questions, designed for the use of young persons. B John Rivett, Master of the Academy, at Wymondham, Norfolk
  • 380
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    An introduction to spelling and reading: containing lessons for children, historical and practical; adorned with sculptures. Together with the chief rules for spelling, and dividing words into syllables. Designed To teach them to read well and distinctly in a shorter Time than is usual. To which is added; prayers, collects, &c. By the Rev. Francis Fox, M. A. rector of Reading in Berks