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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 381 - 400건 출력
  • 381
    Book Info
    I contadini bizzari, a new comic opera, to be performed at the King's Theatre, Hay-Market. The music by the celebrated Mr. Sarti, Under the Direction of Mr. Federici. Poete, Mr. L. Da Ponte. Translated by Mr. John Mazzinghi
  • 382
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    I respectfully beg permission to inform you, that I have (just arrived from America) a curious collection of snakes
  • 383
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    I zingari in fiera; a comic opera in two acts: as represented at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music by Sig. Paisiello. Under the Direction of Mr. Viotti. The translation by F. Panormo, Teacher of the Italian Language, No. 116, Wardour-Street
  • 384
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    I'm in haste. A new song
  • 385
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    Il burbero di buon core: a comic opera in two acts. As represented at the King's Theatre, Haymarket. The music by the celebrated Signor Vincenzo Martini, under the direction of Mr. Federici. The words by Lorenzo da Ponte, Poet of this Theatre
  • 386
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    Il capriccio drammatico, a comic opera in one act. The music by Signor Dom. Cimarosa; under the direction of Mr. Federici. The words by Mr. ----; with many additions and alterations by Mr. D. Ponte, Poet of this Theatre. The translation by Mr. John Mazzinghi
  • 387
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    Illustratio systematis sexualis Linnæi, per Iohannem Miller. = An illustration of the sexual system of Linnaeus by John Miller
  • 388
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    Impartial inquiries, respecting the progress of the Baptist denomination. By Noah Worcester, A.B. Pastor of the church in Thornton. [Two lines of Scripture texts]
  • 389
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    Important state paper. A report made in the National Convention, in the name of the Committee of Public Safety. By Citizen Roberspierre [sic]. A member of that Committee, on the political situation of the Republic. The 27th brumaire, the 2d year of the Republic. (17th Nov. O.S.) Printed by order of the National Convention. Translated from the French, for the information of the American Republic
  • 390
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    Improved psalmody vol. 1 containing the first twenty-five psalms, from a poetical version originally written by the late Reverend James Merrick, ... with new music collected from the most eminent composers, by the Reverend William Dechair Tattersall, ...
  • 391
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    In name and by authority of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Admonition and information respecting the profanation of the Lord's Day
  • 392
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    In the House of Lords. Thomas Martin of Cheshunt in the county of Hertford, Esquire, and Archibald Swinton clerk to the Signet, his attorney, appellants. James Martin, Richard Stone, and John Foote, Esquires, of the city of London, bankers, - - - - respondents. The appellants case
  • 393
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    In the matter of bankruptcy. 8th March, 1794. Lord Chancellor. Whereas by the act of Parliament made and passed in the fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty, King George the Second; entitled, An act to prevent the committing of frauds by bankrupts; ...
  • 394
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    In the matter of bankruptcy. 8th March, 1794. Lord Chancellor. Whereas the presenting and bringing to a hearing petitions for liberty to prove separate debts, under a joint commission of bankrupt, or for the choice of a new assignee or new assignees, upon the death or bankruptcy of an assignee ...
  • 395
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    Information concerning the strength, views, and interests of the powers presently at war; intended to assist true friends to Themselves and Their Country, to judge of the Progress and Effects of the Present War; and to decide upon the grand question of immediate peace? Or war for another campaign? By Robert Heron
  • 396
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    Information for Andrew Houston of Jordanhill, James Macdowall, ... and James Gammill, ... partners of the Greenock Banking Company, defenders; against Messrs Scott Moncrieff and Dale, cashiers of the Royal Bank of Scotland at Glasgow, and William Simpson, cashier ... at Edinburgh, pursuers
  • 397
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    Information for the Governor and Company of the Royal Bank of Scotland, and Mr. William Simpson, their cashier, pursuers, against James Dunlop ... Andrew Houston ... James Gemmell ... and James Macdowall ... under the firm of Dunlop, Houston, Gemmell, and Company, Bankers in Greenock, defenders
  • 398
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    Information to those who would remove to America. By Dr. Benjamin Franklin
  • 399
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    Institutes of English grammar; containing I. The different kinds, relations, and changes of words. II. Syntax, or the right construction of sentences. With an appendix, comprehending A Table of Verbs Irregularly Inflected; Remarks on some Grammatical Figures; Rules of Punctuation; a Praxis on the Grammar; and Examples of True and False Construction. By R. Harrison
  • 400
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    Institutes of Hindu law; or the ordinances of Menu, according to the gloss of Cullúca, comprising the Indian system of duties religious and civil: verbally translated from the original Sanscrit