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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 441 - 460건 출력
  • 441
    Book Info
    Imitations of some of the epigrams of Martial. Part I
  • 442
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    Impartial memoirs of the life of Thomas Paine, Author of ``rights of Man,'' ``common Sense,'' &c; and Member of the National Convention of France
  • 443
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    Impartial memoirs of the life of Thomas Paine, Sixpenny Edition of Paine's Life. Author of ``rights of Man,'' ``common Sense, &c; and Member of the National Convention of France
  • 444
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    Impeachment of Mr. La Fayette: containing his accusation, (stated in the report of the Extraordinary Commission to the National Assembly, on the 8th of August, 1792,) supported by Mr. Brissot of Warville; and his defence by Mr. Vaublanc: with a supplement, containing the letters, and other authentic pieces relative thereto. Translated from the French, by William Cobbett. [One line from Marmontel]
  • 445
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    Important trifles, chiefly designed for the entertainment and instruction of youth; which, in a pleasing Variety, and by an Assemblage of interesting Histories, Tales. &c. of admired Authors, are calculated to attract their Attention, either towards contemplating the Beauties and Deformities of peculiar Virtues and Vices, or, towards such Subjects and Events, which at particular Periods of Time ma
  • 446
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    Impromptu. By a young lady
  • 447
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    In the Court of Justiciary, information for Alexander Brown starch maker at Monkton; against Robert Dundas, Esq; of Arniston, his Majesty's advocate for Scotland
  • 448
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    Index to records called, the Originalia and Memoranda on the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's side of the Exchequer: extracted from the records, and from the manuscripts of Mr. Tayleure, Mr. Madox and Mr. Chapman; Formerly Officers In That Office. Containing All The Grants Of Abbey Lands, And Other Property, Granted BY The Crown, From The Beginning Of The Reign Of Henry Viii. To The End Of Queen An
  • 449
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    Infant salvation: an essay, to prove the salvation of all who die in infancy: with answers to objections. Written with a particular view to the consolation oe [sic] bereaved parents
  • 450
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    Inimitable performances Real fox chase, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, with unbounded applause. Royal Circus, St. George's Fields. This present Thursday, and every evening this week, will be performed the following new entertainments, after the grand equestrian parade. ...
  • 451
    Book Info
    Inimitable performances. Real fox chase, as performed at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden, with unbounded applause. Royal Circus, St. George's Fields. This present Monday, and every evening this week, will be performed the following new entertainments, after the grand equestrian parade. ...
  • 452
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    Injur'd innocence; or, virtue in distress. An affecting narrative, founded on facts; containing the history of Miss Adams and Lord Whatley. By his Lordship's chaplain
  • 453
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    Innovation. A poem. Addressed to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, by George Lethieullier Schoen, Esq.
  • 454
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    Inquiries into the origin and progress of the science of heraldry in England. With Explanatory Observations on Armorial Ensigns, by James Dallaway, A. M. Trinity College Oxford, and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries
  • 455
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    Institutes of practical arithmetic; With plain and easy rules for managing every operation that occurs in business, in the most concise method, by vulgar arithmetic only. With a key in which is exhibited the solution of every example at large. Designed as a text book for young ladies. By the Author of Universal accountant
  • 456
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    Institutio Græcæ grammatices compendiaria in usum Regiae Scholae Westmonasteriensis. In usum studiosæ Juventutis adduntur etiam quidam Literarum nexus & Scripturae compendia, quae partim Elegantiae, partim Brevitatis cause usurpari solent. Scientiarum Janitrix Grammatica
  • 457
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    Institutio graecae grammatices compendiaria, in usum regiae scholae Westmonasteriensis
  • 458
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    Instruction of youth in Christian piety. Taken out of the Sacred Scriptures and Holy Fathers. From the French of Charles Gobinet , D. D. ... . The fifth edition, Revised and corrected by the Rev. B. Macmahan
  • 459
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    Instructions afforded by the present war, to the people of Great-Britain. A sermon preached at St. Andrew's, on Thursday the 18th of April 1793. By George Hill, D. D. F. R. S. E. Principal of St. Mary's college in the university of St. Andrews, and one of the Ministers of that city
  • 460
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    Instructions and regulations for the fast of Lent, 1793. Addressed to the faithful of the London District