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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 461 - 480건 출력
  • 461
    Book Info
    Instructions for young mariners, respecting the management of ships at single anchor. By Henry Taylor, of North Shields
  • 462
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    Introduction to the New Testament. By John David Michaelis, Late Professor in the University of Gottingen, &c. Translated from the fourth edition of the German, and considerably augmented with notes, Explanatory and Supplemental. By Herbert Marsh, B. D. Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. ...
  • 463
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    Introductory sketches towards a topographical history, of the county of Hereford. By the Rev. John Lodge, B.A.
  • 464
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    Iphigenia in Tauris, a tragedy, written originally in German by J.W. von Goethe
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  • 465
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    Itinéraire des routes les plus fréquentées, ou journal de plusieurs voyages aux villes principales de L'Europe, depuis 1768 jusqu'en 1783; Où l'on a marqué en heures & minutes le temps employé à aller d'une poste à l'autre; les distances en milles anglois, mesurées par un Odomètre appliqué à la voiture; les productions des differentes contrées; les choses remarquables à voir dans les villes & sur
  • 466
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    Ivan Czarowitz, or the rose without prickles that stings not. A tale. Written by Her Imperial Majesty. Translated from the Russian language
  • 467
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    The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or Gustavus Vassa, The African, Written By Himself
    Equiano, Olaudah
  • 468
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    The idioms of the French and English languages. Being Equally necessary to the French, and other Foreigners understanding French, to learn English: and The best, if not the only, Help extant to attain to the Knowledge of that Tongue. By Lewis Chambaud
  • 469
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    The idler. By the author of The rambler. In two volumes. With additional essays. ...
  • 470
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    The importance of a religious education illustrated and enforced. A sermon: delivered at Worcester, October 31, 1793, occasioned by the execution of Samuel Frost, on that day, for the murder of Captain Elisha Allen, of Princeton, on the 16th day of July, 1793. By Aaron Bancroft, A.M. Pastor of the Second Church in Worcester
  • 471
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    The importance of preserving unviolated the system of civil government in every state: with the dreadful consequences of the violation of it. To which is added, an appendix, containing some strictures on the writings of Mr. Paine. By the Rev. James Brown
  • 472
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    The improvement of the mind: or A supplement to The art of logic. In two parts. By Isaac Watts, D.D. To which is added, A discourse on the education of children and youth
  • 473
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    The inability of the sinner to comply with the Gospel, his inexcusable Guilt in not complying with it, and the Consistency of these with each other, illustrated, in two discourses, On John VI, 44. By John Smalley, A. M. Pastor of a Church in Farmington
  • 474
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    The influence of example: a sermon, preached at Duke Street Chapel. By the Reverend R. Shepherd, D. D. Archdeacon of Bedford
  • 475
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    The insolvent debtor: a simple pathetic tale, founded on facts. To which is added, a small collection of miscellaneous poetry. By J.C. Cross, Author of the Dialogue of the Divertisement, Parnassian Trifles, &c. &c. &c
  • 476
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    The interest of Great Britain, respecting the French war. By William Fox
  • 477
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    The interest of Great Britain, respecting the French war. By William Fox, Author Of AN Address To The People Of Great Britain, ON The Propriety Of Abstaining From West-India Sugar And Rum. Twenty-Sixth Edition, Price 3S. 6D. Per Hundred. A Summary View Of The Evidence Relating To The Slave Trade. Sixth Edition. Price 3S. 6D. Per Hundred. And, AN Examination Of MR. Paine's Writings. Price 3D
  • 478
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    The interest of Great Britain, respecting the French war. By William Fox. Author of an Address to the People of Great Britain, on the Propriety of Abstaining from West-India Sugar and Rum
  • 479
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    The interests of man in opposition to The rights of man: or, an inquiry into the consequences of certain political doctrines lately disseminated
  • 480
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    The invaluable blessings of our religious and civil government. A sermon, preached in the parish church of Charles, Plymouth, ON The Festival of St. John the Evangelist, December 27, 1792, before the Lodge of Unity, And printed at the united Request of the several Lodges Of The Antient and Honorable Society Of Free and Accepted Masons, Resident In Plymouth, Plymouth-Dock, and Tavistock, by Robert