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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 561 - 580건 출력
  • 561
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    The importance of truth relative to ministerial usefulness. A sermon preached ... By Rev. William Jay
  • 562
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    The income and expenditure of Great-Britain of the last seven years, examined and stated. By Robert Rayment
  • 563
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    The indian cottage, or a search after truth. By M. Saint-Pierre
  • 564
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    The indian cottage. Translated from the French of Monsieur de St. Pierre, Author of Etudes De La Nature, Paul Et Virginie, &c. &c.
  • 565
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    The indians, a tragedy. Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Richmond
  • 566
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    The injustice and impolicy of the slave trade, and of the slavery of the Africans: illustrated in a sermon preached before the Connecticut Society for the Promotion of Freedom, and for the Relief of Persons Unlawfully Holden in Bondage, at their annual meeting in New-Haven, September 15, 1791. By Jonathan Edwards, D.D. Pastor of a church in New-Haven
  • 567
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    The interesting and affecting history of Prince Lee Boo, a native of the Pelew Islands, brought to England by Captain Wilson. To which is prefixed, a short account of those islands, with a sketch of the manners and customs of the inhabitants
  • 568
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    The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. Written by himself. Vol I[-II]. [Five lines from Isaiah]
  • 569
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    The irish nosegay: or, songster's companion. Being a select collection of the newest and best songs of every species, and adapted to persons of every kind of taste. Together with the Most approved Cantatas, Sonnets, and Airs, As sung at the Theatres and Public Gardens. Also a variety of country-dances, toasts, sentiments, &c.
  • 570
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    The irishman in Spain. A farce. In one act. Taken from the Spanish. By C. Stuart
  • 571
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    An inaugural dissertation, on the phoenomena, causes and effects of fermentation; submitted to the examination of the Revd. William Smith, S.T.P. provost; the trustees and medical professors, of the College of Philadelphia; for the degree of Doctor of Medicine; on the second day of June A.D. 1790. By John Penington of Philadelphia
  • 572
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    An index to the remarkable passages and words made use of by Shakspeare; calculated to point out the different meanings to which the words are applied. By the Rev. Samuel Ayscough, F. S. A. and Assistant Librarian of the British Museum
  • 573
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    An inquiry into the effects of spirituous liquors on the human body. To which is added, a moral and physical thermometer. By Benjamin Rush, M.D. professor of the theory and practice of medicine in the University of Philadelphia
  • 574
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    An inquiry into the moral and political tendency of the religion called Roman Catholic
  • 575
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    An inquiry into the nature of Zemindary tenures in the landed property of Bengal, &c. In two parts. With an appendix, including a discussion of the great national question; whether, by the grant and condition of such tenures, the Zemindar, or the sovereign-representative-government, is to be considered the legal proprietor of the soil, as landlord, ... By J.G. ... .
  • 576
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    An inquiry, historical and critical, into the evidence against Mary Queen of Scots; ... By William Tytler, ... The fourth edition, containing several additional chapters, and an introduction, in two volumes. ...
  • 577
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    An inquiry, into the nature of subscription to the thirty-nine articles. I. How far is it consistent with the Natural Rights of Mankind? II. How far is it consistent with the Powers of the Human Mind? III. How far is it consistent with the Principles of the British Constitution? IV. How far is it consistent with the Doctrines and Precepts of Christianity? By G. Dyer, A.B. Late Of Emmanuel College
  • 578
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    An intended petition to the House of Commons, for Alexander Robertson of Strowan, heir of one of the five chiefs of clans, whose estates were annexed to the Crown in the year 1752; with proofs and remarks
  • 579
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    An interesting narrative of the travels of James Bruce, Esq. into Abyssinia, to discover the source of the Nile. Abridged from the original work. The second edition. By Samuel Shaw, Esq.
  • 580
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    An introduction to natural philosophy. Illustrated with copper plates; by William Nicholson. The third edition, with improvements. In two volumes. ...