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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 581 - 600건 출력
  • 581
    Book Info
    An introduction to the knowledge of the antiquities of Rome. For the use of schools
  • 582
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    An introduction to the law relative to trials at nisi prius. The fifth edition, corrected; with additions to the present time. By Francis Buller, Esq. Of the Middle Temple
  • 583
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    I'd take the ghost's word for a thousand pounds. Bishop Vesey's Ghost. To the R----r of S----n: Tune. - ------Welcome, welcome Brother Debtor
  • 584
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    I've lost my heart to Teddy. A new song
  • 585
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    Ideas on the opera, offered to the subscribers, creditors, and amateurs of that theatre. By Mr. Le Texier. Translated from the French
  • 586
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    Ideas, suggested on the spot in a late excursion through Flanders, Germany, France, and Italy, by A. Walker, Lecturer on Experimental Philosophy
  • 587
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    Impartial thoughts on the Test Act, in a letter to a friend, who In a private Correspondence, made some Inquiries respecting it, and At whose Request the following appears in Public. By a country clergyman
  • 588
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    Imperial election, and journey to Hanover; containing an account of the manner of electing an Emperor of Germany; Thoughts on the Importance of that Event at this particular Crisis, and on the Propriety of the King of Great Britain residing at Hanover, on so momentous an Occasion. Together with Some Account of the Journeys of our Sovereigns of the House of Brunswick to their Dominions on the Conti
  • 589
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    In the Consistory Court of London. Augusta Evans, the wife, versus Thomas Evans, Esq. the husband. Sentence given by Sir William Scott, July 2, 1790. Taken in short hand by Mr. Gurney
  • 590
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    In the press, and speedily will be published, elegantly printed in one volume, quarto, illustrated with a great variety of plates of non-descript animals, birds, serpents, lizards, curious cones of trees, &c. &c., and other natural productions of New South Wales, copied from nature by Miss Stone, and engraved by the best artists, of a journal of a voyage to Botany Bay, in New South Wales. ...
  • 591
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    Incidents of youthful life; or, the true history of William Langley
  • 592
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    Infants letter box
  • 593
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    Informations to the people of Ireland, concerning the linen trade of Spain, Portugal, and the Spanish West Indies. By C. S. merchant. Published with the allowance and at the expence of the Linen Board
  • 594
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    Innocence: an allegorical poem. By Miss Mary Young
  • 595
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    Instructions to the clergy of the diocese of Tuam. By Josiah Hort, Late Lord Archbishop Of Tuam. At his primary visitation held there on Wednesday, July Viii, MDCCXLII
  • 596
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    Interesting collection of curious anecdotes, scarce pieces, and genuine letters: In Which Some Obscure, But Important, Historical Facts Are Cleared UP, And Set In A Just Light. By a gentleman, formerly of Brazen-Nose College, Oxford
  • 597
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    Introduction to the observations made by the judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the district of Quebec, upon the oral and written testimony adduced upon the investigation into the past administration of justice. Ordered in consequence of an address of the legislative council
  • 598
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    Invocations, addressed to the deity, the ocean, and to woman. To which is added, The dissolution, a fragment
  • 599
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    Io. Daniel. a Lennep etymologicum linguae graecae sive observationes ad singulas verborum nominumque stirpes secundum ordinem lexici compilati olim a Ioanne Scapula. Editionem curavit, atque animadversiones cum aliorum, tum suas adjecit Everardus Scheidius cuius praemissa sunt quoque prolegomena de lingua latina, ope linguae graecae illustranda, adjectusque est index Etymologicus praecipuarum vocu
  • 600
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    Irish reports; or, reports of cases determined in the King's courts, Dublin; with select cases in the House of Lords of Ireland. Vol. I. Beginning with Trinity Term, 1786, 26 Geo. III. and ending with Trinity Term, 1788, 28 Geo. III. By G. W. Vernon, and J. B. Scriven, Esqrs. Barristers at Law
    Vernon, G. W.