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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 2,627건 중 621 - 640건 출력
  • 621
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    An impartial and explicit supplement to the life of Mathetes: with some further elucidations of the doctrines of grace and Christian experience
  • 622
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    An impartial inquiry into the present state of religion in England: Recommended to the Serious Consideration of Christians of Every Denomination. By Samuel King
  • 623
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    An impartial report of all the proceedings in Parliament, on the late important subject of a regency: Comprehending a More Accurate, Ample, and Unbiassed Statement than any Hitherto Published; with correct lists of the divisions, and the protests of the Lords; a concise narrative of the circumstances attending His Majesty's indisposition. And an appendix, Containing Copies of Mr. Pitt's Letter to
  • 624
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    An impartial review of the present great question. January 3, 1789
  • 625
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    An institute of the law relative to trials at nisi prius. Originally published in the year 1760. A new edition, with alterations and additions. By Arthur Onslow, Esq. Barrister at Law
  • 626
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    An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation. Printed in the year 1780, and now first published. By Jeremy Bentham, of Lincoln's Inn, Esquire
  • 627
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    Ifigenia in Aulide; a serious opera, in two acts, as performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market, the music entirely new, by Signor Cherubini; Under the Direction of Mr. Mazzinghi
  • 628
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    Il barbiere di Siviglia, a comic opera, in two acts, as performed at the King's Theatre in the Haymarket. The music by the celebrated Signor Paisiello, under the direction of Mr. Storace
  • 629
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    Il disertore; a serious opera, in two acts. As performed at the King's Theatre, in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new, by Signor Tarchi
  • 630
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    Illustrations of Euripides, on the Alcestis. By Richard Paul Jodrell, Esq. F.R.S.
  • 631
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    Impartial thoughts upon the beneficial consequences of inrolling all deeds, Wills, and Codicils affecting Lands, throughout England and Wales. By Francis Plowden, Esq. conveyancer
  • 632
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    In the Honourable the House of Commons. Brief for the manufacturers of tobacco and snuff
  • 633
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    In the Right Honourable the House of Lords. Brief from the manufacturers of tobacco and snuff
  • 634
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    Inf. - James Robertson, against John Thomson. Lord Swinton, reporter. Information for James Robertson, keeper of the tolbooth of Edinburgh, defender; against John Thomson, farmer at Mosshouses, near Howgate, pursuer
  • 635
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    Inf. Miss Anne Arbuthnot, against Archibald Cockburn, Esq; Information for Miss Anne Arbuthnot, daughter of the deceased Thomas Arbuthnot, late merchant in Edinburgh, against Archibald Cockburn, Esq;
  • 636
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    Inkle and Yarico: an opera; in three acts; as performed at the Theatres-Royal in Covent-Garden and the Hay-Market. First acted (in the Haymarket) on Saturday, August 11, 1787. Written by George Colman, junior
  • 637
    Book Info
    Instructions for cutting out apparel for the poor; principally intended for the assistance of the patronesses of Sunday schools, And other Charitable Institutions, But Useful in all Families. Containing patterns, directions, and calculations, whereby the most Inexperienced may readily buy the Materials, cut out and value each Article of Cloathing of every Size, without the least Difficulty, and wi
  • 638
    Book Info
    Interest at one view, calculated to a farthing: at 2 1/2, 3, 3 1/2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 per cent. For 1000l. to 1l. for 1 day to 96 days; ... The sixteenth edition, with additions. Carefully calculated and examined from the press, by Richard Hayes. To which is added, a concise table, whereby to cast up salaries ...
  • 639
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    Interesting views of Christianity: being a translation of part of a work of the celebrated M. Bonnet, entitled Recherches philosophiques sur les preuves du Christianisme
  • 640
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    Introduction to the art of thinking. Enlarged with additional maxims and illustrations. By the late Henry Home, Esquire, (one of the senators of the College of Justice