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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 641 - 660건 출력
  • 641
    Book Info
    Idalide, o sia la vergine del sole, a serious opera, as represented at the King's Theatre, Pantheon
    Moretti, Ferdinando
  • 642
    Book Info
    Illustrations of British history, biography, and manners, in the reigns of Henry Viii, Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, and James I, exhibited in a series of original papers, selected from the manuscripts of the noble families of Howard, Talbot, and Cecil; containing, Among a variety of interesting Pieces, a great Part of the Correspondence of Elizabeth, and her Ministers, with George, the sixth earl o
  • 643
    Book Info
    Improbability; Or, The Batchelor's Dislike to a Married Life
  • 644
    Book Info
    In the cause, Mrs Rebecca Hog, and Thomas Lashley, her husband; against Thomas Hogg [sic], Esq;
    Hog, Rebecca
  • 645
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    In the dead of the night. Sung by Mrs. Jordan in the Wedding Day
  • 646
    Book Info
    In the press, printing by subscription, in one volume royal quarto, Observations and remarks made during a voyage to the islands of Teneriffe, Amsterdam, Maria's Islands near Van Dieman's Land; Otaheite, Sandwich Islands; Owhyhee, Oonalaska, Tinian, and from Thence to Canton, in the brig Mercury, Commanded by the Owner, John Henry Cox, Esq. Illustrated with a Sketch of the Island of Amsterdam, a P
    Mortimer, George
  • 647
    Book Info
    Instructiones pueriles. In usum juventutis Christianæ. Edidit Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ presbyter
    Wesley, John
  • 648
    Book Info
    Instructions and regulations for the fast of Lent, 1791, addressed to the faithful of the Southern District
    Catholic Church
  • 649
    Book Info
    Instructions for Christians
    Wesley, John
  • 650
    Book Info
    Instructions for the poor, shewing God's goodness and love to them; and how much it is their Duty and Interest to serve and please him. Intended not only as a Means to promote the true Benefit and Comfort of the Poor in general; but also to remind those of their Duty, who have it in their Power to do Good. By T. Green, M. A. Vicar of Wymeswould, Leicestershire
    Green, Thomas
  • 651
    Book Info
    Interesting considerations on the public affairs of France prior to the Revolution; with Historical Remarks on the States General or National Assembly from the Earliest Periods of the Monarchy. To which is added, a Parallel of the reigns of Louis XIV. and Louis XVI. Translated from the second edition of the French
  • 652
    Book Info
    Introduction to a dissertation on the properties and efficacy of the Lisbon diet-drink : and its extract, in the cure of veneral disease and scurvy; Rheumatic Gout, the Scrophula, Consumption, and other Disorders proceeding from an impure State of the Blood; especially those of the Skin and Glands. to which are added sixty-three select cases, Confirming its Success and restorative Power in Cons...
    Leake, John
  • 653
    Book Info
    Iphigenia, a novel in Three Volumes. ...
  • 654
    Book Info
    Irish debates: fifth Parliament in the reign of his present Majesty. John Fane, Earl of Westmoreland, Lord Lieutenant General, and General Governor of Ireland
  • 655
    Book Info
    Irish wake. Written and sung by Mr. Dibden [sic]
    Dibdin, Charles
  • 656
    Book Info
    Isagoge, sive Janua Tusculana, for the use of grammar schools. By the Rev. R. Lyne,
    Lyne, Richard
  • 657
    Book Info
    Isaiah. A new translation; by the late Robert Lowth, ... With a summary view and explanation of the same. Consisting of I. Preliminary observations ... II. A particular account of each chapter ... By John Smith, ...
    Lowth, Robert
  • 658
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    The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English blank verse, by W. Cowper, ... In two volumes. ...
  • 659
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    The Iliad of Homer. Translated by Mr. Pope. ...
  • 660
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    The idyllia, Epigrams, and Fragments, of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, with the Elegies of Tyrtæus; translated from the Greek into English verse. To which are added, dissertations and notes. In two volumes. A new edition, corrected. By the Reverend Richard Polwhele