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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 781 - 800건 출력
  • 781
    Book Info
    An introduction to merchandise. Containing a complete system of arithmetic. A system of algebra. Forms and Manner of Transacting Bills of Exchange. Book-Keeping in Various Forms. An Account of the Trade of Great Britain, and the Laws and Practices relating to Sale, Factorage, Insurance, Shipping, &c. The second edition, corrected and revised. By Robert Hamilton, LL. D. Professor of Philosophy in t
    Hamilton, Robert
  • 782
    Book Info
    An introduction to the practice of midwifery. By Thomas Denman, M. D. Licentiate in midwifery of the College of Physicians. ...
    Denman, Thomas
  • 783
    Book Info
    An introduction to the study of the prophecies concerning the Christian church; And, in Particular, Concerning the Church of Papal Rome: in twelve sermons, Preached in Lincoln's-Inn-Chapel. At the Lecture of The Right Reverend William Warburton Lord Bishop of Gloucester. By Richard Hurd, D. D. Preacher to the Honourable Society of Lincoln's-Inn. ...
    Hurd, Richard
  • 784
    Book Info
    I shall not follow the example of my opponent in quitting the subject with a sort of huff, ...
    Maxwell, George
  • 785
    Book Info
    Idée générale de la Turquie et des Turcs; pour servir à l'intelligence des opérations de la guerre actuelle
  • 786
    Book Info
    Idiomes de la langue francaise, traduits par des idiomes italiens, littéralement conformes aux idiomes de la langue anglois, avec des commentaires, Pour servir de Syntaxe a la Grammaire de ces trois Langues. Ouvrage bien aise, et tres-utile pour les Anglois, les Italiens, et les Francais, Precede d'un Discours sur la Langue Italienne, qui renferme toutes les Difficultes de la Grammaire. Dedie a la
    Curioni, Antonio
  • 787
    Book Info
    Illustrations of masonry. By William Preston, Past Master Of The Lodge Of Antiquity Actin BY Immemorial Constitution
    Preston, William
  • 788
    Book Info
    Imperfect hints toward a new edition of Shakespeare. Part second and last
    Felton, Samuel
  • 789
    Book Info
    Important facts and opinions relative to the King; faithfully collected from the examination of the royal physicians, and clearly arranged under general heads
  • 790
    Book Info
    Imprisonment for debt unconstitutional and oppressive, proved from the Fundamental Principles of the British Constitution, and the Rights of Nature. By Edward Farley, Esq.
    Farley, Edward
  • 791
    Book Info
    In His Majesty' High Court of Appeals for Prizes. La Colombe, Jean Joseph Charronier, Master. Appendix to the Respondent's case
    Great Britain
  • 792
    Book Info
    In His Majesty's High Court of Appeals for Prizes. The Karel den Vyfden, Joan Gaston, Master. John Peter Du Roveray, of London, Merchant, Claimant of the said Ship and Cargo, on behalf of divers neutral Subjects - - - Appellant. Stephen Casey, Commander of the Private Ship of War the Regulator, the Captor of the said Ship and Cargo - - - - - - Respondent. Appendix to the captor's and respondent's
    Great Britain
  • 793
    Book Info
    In olentem Bellendeni editorem carmen anatamobæum. With an epistle dedicatory to the free translator of the celebrated preface to Bellendenus
  • 794
    Book Info
    In the High Court of Appeals for Prizes. Appeal from the Vice Admiralty Court at Minorca. La Colombe, Jean Joseph Charronier, Master. Robert Heard, Commander of the Private Ship of War the Success, the Captor of the said Ship, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes therein laden, and therewith taken and seized, - - - - - Appellant. Against Daniel M`neille, Esquire, the Petitioner or Claimant of th
    Great Britain
  • 795
    Book Info
    In the High Court of Appeals for Prizes. On an Appeal from the Vice Admiralty Court at Minorca. La Colombe-Jean Joseph Charronier Master. Robert Heard, Commander of the Private Ship of War Success, the Captor of the said Ship, and the Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes therein laden, and therewith taken and seized - - - Appellant. Against Daniel M`neille, Esquire, the Petitioner or Claimant of the sai
    Great Britain
  • 796
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. Case of the distillers of corn spirits in North Britain
  • 797
    Book Info
    India tracts: containing a description of the jungle Terry districts, their revenues, trade, and government: with a plan for the improvement of them. Also an history of the origin and progress of the Sicks. Written by Major J. Browne, and printed by order of the Honourable Court of Directors of the East India Company
    Browne, James
  • 798
    Book Info
    Inf. - Bailie Alex. Walker, &c. against John M'Glashan, &c. Lord Alva reporter. Information for Alexander Walker, one of the late magistrates of Edinburgh, James Laing, writer in the Council-Chamber there, and Miles M'Phail, preses of the Society of Running Stationers i Edinburgh, defenders; against John M'Glashan, late running stationer in Edinburgh, now stiling himself late soldier in the 63d re
    Walker, Alexander
  • 799
    Book Info
    Inf. John Macglashan, against Myles Macphail, &c. Lord Alva, reporter. Information for John Macglashan, running stationer in Edinburgh, late soldier in the 63d regiment of foot; against Myles Macphail, running stationer there, and preses of that Society; James Laing, writer there, and Alexander Walker, late one of the bailies of Edinburgh
    McGlashan, John
  • 800
    Book Info
    Inf. R. Robertson, Esq; Against William Macgowan. April 24. 1788. (lord Eskgrove Reporter.) Information for Robert Robertson, Esq; of Tullibelton, one of the Defenders in the Process of Advocation, against William Macgowan, Merchant in Alloa, Pursuer in the Process of Advocation
    Robertson, Robert