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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 921 - 940건 출력
  • 921
    Book Info
    Information for the Rev. Mr. William Leslie, minister of the parish of St. Andrews and Longbride, pannell; against Alexander Penrose-Cumming of Altyre, Esq; with concourse of His Majesty's Advocate, prosecutor
    Leslie, William
  • 922
    Book Info
    Inkle and Yarico: an opera; in three acts; as performed at the Theatres-Royal in Covent-Garden and the Hay-Market. First acted (in the Haymarket) on Saturday, August 11, 1787. Written by George Colman, junior
    Colman, George
  • 923
    Book Info
    Institutes of moral philosophy. By Adam Ferguson, ...
    Ferguson, Adam
  • 924
    Book Info
    Institutes of natural philosophy, theoretical and experimental : By William Enfield, LL.D.
    Enfield, William
  • 925
    Book Info
    Institutions of medicine : Part I. Physiology. For the use of the students in the University of Edinburgh. By William Cullen, M.D. Professor of the Practice of Physic, &c. &c.
    Cullen, William
  • 926
    Book Info
    Intended navigation to Worcester. A very curious hand-bill having been circulated, dated 'Worcester, January 20th, 1785,' and an anonymous advertisement having appeared in the last week's paper, (cautioning the publick not to be deceived by spurious productions and false calculations) ...
  • 927
    Book Info
    Interesting memoirs. By a lady. In two volumes. ...
    Keir, Elizabeth
  • 928
    Book Info
    Iron trade: England and Ireland
  • 929
    Book Info
    Isabella; or, the fatal marriage. A tragedy, altered from Southern. Distinguishing also the variations of the theatre, as performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury Lane. Regulated from the prompt-book, by permission of the managers, by Mr. Hopkins, prompter.
    Garrick, David
  • 930
    Book Info
    Isaiah versified. By George Butt, Cler. A. M. chaplain in ordinary to his majesty
    Butt, George
  • 931
    Book Info
    Ismene et Tarsis, ou la colere de Vénus, roman poétique; suivi d'une premierre traduction de quelques poésies légeres de Métastase. Par M. Grainville
    Grainville, Jean-Baptiste-Christophe
  • 932
    Book Info
    Israel's testament. A sermon preached at Haberdashers Hall, London, on account of the much lamented death of the Rev. Thomas Gibbons, D.D. who departed this life Feb. 22, 1785. By B. Davies, ...
    Davies, Benjamin
  • 933
    Book Info
    Itinerarium Novi Testamenti: or, the sacred history and doctrine of the New Testament, in question and answer, divided into twelve examinations, with notes, &c. Containing The Lives and Travels of the Virgin Mary and Joseph, of our Saviour Jesus Christ, his Apostles, &c. an Explanation of the fixed and moveable Feasts, in Commemoration of their Lives and Martyrdoms, and their Successors in the Chu
    Brown, Christopher
  • 934
    Book Info
    Ivar. A tragedy
  • 935
    Book Info
    The Isle of Wight's Garland. In Three parts. Part I. The Outlandish Lady's Love to an English Sailor. Part II. The Lady's Love discovered (by her Waiting-Maid) to her Father. Part III. The wandering Lady's Return; or the stony heart softned
  • 936
    Book Info
    The importance and extent of free inquiry in matters of religion: A sermon, preached before the Congregations of the Old and New Meeting of Protestant Dissenters at Birmingham. November 5, 1785. To which are added, Reflections on the Present State of Free Inquiry in this Country; and animadversions on Some Passages in Mr. White's Sermons at the Bampton Lectures; Mr. Howes's Discourse on the Abuse
    Priestley, Joseph
  • 937
    Book Info
    The important question: a sermon on Matt. xvi. 26. By John Wesley, M.A. This sermon is not to be sold, but given away.
    Wesley, John
  • 938
    Book Info
    The improvement of the mind: containing a variety of remarks and rules for the attainment and communication of useful knowledge in religion, in the sciences, and in common life. By I. Watts, D.D.
    Watts, Isaac
  • 939
    Book Info
    The inconstant maid
  • 940
    Book Info
    The infallible doctor. A new song