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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 1,081 - 1,100건 출력
  • 1081
    Book Info
    An impartial history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies, from its commencement to the end of the year 1779. ... With an appendix, containing a collection of interesting and authentic papers tending to elucidate the History. ...
  • 1082
    Book Info
    An impartial history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies, from its commencement to the end of the year 1779. Exhibiting a circumstantial, connected, and complete Account of the real Causes, Rise, and Progress of the War, interspersed with Anecdotes and Characters of the different Commanders, and Accounts of such Personages in Congress as have distinguished themselves duri
  • 1083
    Book Info
    An improved explanation of the prophecy of the seven vials of wrath, or the seven last plagues, contained in the Revelation of St. John, chapter XV. XVI. By Robert Ingram, A. M. Vicar of Wormingford, and Boxted, in Essex
    Ingram, Robert
  • 1084
    Book Info
    An incredible bore: a familiar epistle; from Roger Wittol, Esq: of -- College, Oxford, to Mr. John Hedgings, in the country
    Wittol, Roger
  • 1085
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the origin and consequences of the influence of the Crown over Parliament. Submitted to the Consideration of the Electors of Great Britain
    Nugent, Robert Nugent
  • 1086
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    An inquiry whether popery is a proper subject of toleration, in protestant states
    Reader, Thomas
  • 1087
    Book Info
    An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy, compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. ... To which is subjoined, ... a succinct account of ... ancient Greece and Rome, ... The twenty-third edition, diligently revised and carefully corrected. By John Clarke, ...
    Clarke, John
  • 1088
    Book Info
    An introduction to the theory and practice of surgery. By William Dease, Surgeon to the United Hospitals of St. Nicholas, and St. Catherine, at Dublin. Vol.I
    Dease, William
  • 1089
    Book Info
    An introduction. to the English tongue; designed for a spelling book suited to all ages and capacities of children: (adorned with cuts) ... The fifth edition. With additions and improvements. By the Rev. C. Marshall, ...
    Marshall, Charles
  • 1090
    Book Info
    An investigation of the principles of progressive and rotatory motion : By the Rev. S. Vince, A. M. of Sidney College, Cambridge. Read at the Royal Society, June 15, 1780.
    Vince, Samuel
  • 1091
    Book Info
    An investigation of the principles of progressive and rotatory motion : By the Rev. S. Vince, A. M. of Sidney College, Cambridge. Read at the Royal Society, June 15, 1780.
    Vince, Samuel
  • 1092
    Book Info
    I Philip Mocridge, Your Private lamplighter, beg Leave to inform my worthy Masters and Mistresses, that for several Years past I have been defrauded of my Christmas Box, that'you were pleased to design for me, by a Set of Villains who came in my Name; therefore I hope whatever your bountiful Goodness will please to bestow on me this Season, you will be so kind as to reserve for me, until Thursday
    Mocridge, Philip
  • 1093
    Book Info
    Il duca D'Atene, a new comic opera, as performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Written by C.F. Badini, M. A. and L. L. B. The music entirely new, by Signor Bertoni
    Badini, Carlo Francesco
  • 1094
    Book Info
    Imirce, ou la fille de la nature. Tome Premier
    Dulaurens, Henri Joseph
  • 1095
    Book Info
    In a short time will be published, a portrait, etched with the point of a fork, by Austin of Portland-road, of Zacchariah Sharp, ...
    Austin, William
  • 1096
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. Elizabeth, Margaret, and Harriot Graham, infants, children of William Graham, Esq; deceased, by Margaret, his wife, and their guardians, appellants. The said Margaret Graham, otherwise Porterfield, the widow of the said William Graham, Esq; and others, respondents. The respondent, Mrs. Graham's case.
    Graham, Margaret
  • 1097
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. Elizabeth, Margaret, and Harriot Graham, the infant children of William Graham younger, of Gartmore, Esq; deceased, by Margaret his wife, only daughther [sic] of Dr. William Porterfield, and their guardians, appellants. Margaret Graham, mother of the said Elizabeth, Margaret, and Harriot Graham, and Alexander Greig, her trustee, - - respondents. The appellants case.
    Graham, Elizabeth
  • 1098
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. George Dun - - appellant. Hugh M'Clure - - - respondent. The appellant's, [sic] case.
    Dun, George
  • 1099
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. George Haldane of Gleneagles, Esquire, appellant. The officers of state in Scotland, on behalf of his Majesty, the Governor and Company of undertakers for raising Thames water in York Buildings, the Hon. John Elphinston, assignee of George Keith, late Earl Marischal of Scotland deceased, and James Ferguson of Pitfour, Esquire. The case of the respondent, the Honourable John
    Elphinstone, John Elphinstone
  • 1100
    Book Info
    In the House of Lords. Marjory the Wife of Patrick Graham, and the said Patrick for his Interest, - - Appellants. Ann, Mary, John, and Thomas Gardners, and Thomas Christie, - - - Respondents. The Appellants case
    Graham, Marjory