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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 1,721 - 1,740건 출력
  • 1721
    Book Info
    Ingratitude. A poem. Inscribed to the most grateful of mankind.
  • 1722
    Book Info
    Inquiries concerning the varieties of the pulse, and the particular crisis each more especially indicates. Written originally in French, by Mr. De Bordeu, Doctor of the Faculties of Paris, and Montpellier
    Bordeu, Th{acute}eophile de
  • 1723
    Book Info
    Instructions pour les jeunes dames qui entrent dans le monde, se marient, Leurs devoirs dans cet Etat, & envers leurs Enfans. Pour servir de suite au Magasin des adolescentes. Par M. Le Prince de Beaumont. ...
    Leprince de Beaumont
  • 1724
    Book Info
    Instructions to be observed by the officers concerned in ascertaining the duties on glass
    Great Britain
  • 1725
    Book Info
    Instructions, regulations and prayers, for the indulgences in the Western District
    Catholic Church
  • 1726
    Book Info
    Introduction to the art of thinking
    Kames, Henry Home
  • 1727
    Book Info
    Israel in Babylon. An oratorio. The music selected from the works of George Frederick Handel, Esq.
    Handel, George Frideric
  • 1728
    Book Info
    The imitation of Christ. A sermon preached before the vice-presidents, stewards, and trustees, of the Westminster Hospital, or Publick Infirmary, In James-Street, Westminster, at the Parish-Church of St. Margaret, On their Anniversary-Meeting, April 12th 1764. By Gregory Sharpe, Lld. Master of the Temple, Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. Publi
    Sharpe, Gregory
  • 1729
    Book Info
    The indispensible duty of frequenting the publick worship of God, and the behaviour required therein. By Thomas Talbot, D. D. K Rector of the Parishes of Ullingswick and Little Cowarn, in Herefordshire
    Talbot, Thomas
  • 1730
    Book Info
    An impartial enquiry into the right of the French king to the territory west of the great river Mississippi, in North America, not ceded by the Preliminaries, including A Summary Account of that River, and the Country adjacent; with A short Detail of the Advantages it possesses, it's Native Commodities, and how far they might be improved to the Advantage of the British Commerce. Comprehending A Vi
  • 1731
    Book Info
    An impartial history of the late war: deduced from the committing of hostilities in 1749, to the signing of the definitive treaty of peace in 1763
    Almon, John
  • 1732
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the legality of pensions on the Irish establishment. By Alexander M'Aulay, ...
    MacAulay, Alexander
  • 1733
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the legality of pensions on the Irish establishment. By Alexander M'aulay, Esq. One of his Majesty's Council at Law for the Kingdom of Ireland
    MacAulay, Alexander
  • 1734
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the legality of pensions on the Irish establishment. By Alexander Mc Aulay, Esq. One of his Majesty's Counsel at Law for the Kingdom of Ireland
    MacAulay, Alexander
  • 1735
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the legality of pensions on the Irish establishment. By Alexander Mc. Aulay Esq; One of his Majesty's Counsel at Law for the Kingdom of Ireland. June 1st, 1763
    MacAulay, Alexander
  • 1736
    Book Info
    An institute of the laws of England: or, the laws of England in their natural order, according to common use. Published For the Direction of Young Beginners, or Students in the Law; and of Others that Desire to have a General Knowledge in our Common and Statute Laws. In four books. By Thomas Wood, L.L.D. and Barrister at Law. The ninth edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged by considerable addi
    Wood, Thomas
  • 1737
    Book Info
    An introduction to physic and surgery : containing I. Medicinal institutions, or Physiology, Hygieine, Pathology, Semeiotice, and Therapeutice. II. A Compendious System of Anatomy. III. A General Account of Wounds, Ulcers, Tumours, Operations, and Dressings; as also, the Medicines used in Surgery. IV. Botany and the Materia Medica. V. Pharmacy, as well Chemical as Galenical. VI. A Dispensatory,...
    Brookes, R
  • 1738
    Book Info
    An introduction to the knowledge of the laws and constitution of England. By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple.
    Gentleman of the Middle Temple
  • 1739
    Book Info
    Ignoramus abbreviatus. Comædia, in Schola Mercatorum Scissorum habita, anno MDCCLXIII
    Ruggle, George
  • 1740
    Book Info
    Il giocatore, comedia in trè atti. = The gamester, a comedy of three acts, as it is now performing at the theatre of Edinburgh. Translated from the Italian by Peter Nicolosi, Italian and French master