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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 1,801 - 1,820건 출력
  • 1801
    Book Info
    The investigator. Containing the following tracts: I. On ridicule. II. On Elizabeth Canning. III. On naturalization. IV. On taste
    Ramsay, Allan
  • 1802
    Book Info
    An illustration of the wisdom and equity of an indulgent providence, in a Similar Treatment of all Creatures on this Globe. Wherein The Nature and Ground of Happiness; and also the Origin of Evil, are carefully examined and represented
    Edmonds, John
  • 1803
    Book Info
    An impartial account of the rise both of Arianism and Athanasianism. To which is added, a short irenicum
  • 1804
    Book Info
    An impartial examination of Mr. Robert Sandeman's Letters on Theron and Aspasio. In three parts, containing, I. Some general remarks on the spirit and leading notions of the author of those Letters. II. A particular consideration of the character of the Pharisee, and of Jesus, as drawn by Mr. Sandeman--Remarks upon his conversion of Jonathan the Jew--The conversion of Cornelius the gentile as a co
    Langdon, Samuel
  • 1805
    Book Info
    An impartial narrative of the reduction of Belleisle. Containing a detail of the military operations, and every interesting Anecdote since the first landing of our Forces on the Island, to the Surrender of the Citadel of Palais. In a series of letters, written by an officer, employed on the expedition
    Officer employed on the expedition
  • 1806
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the beauties of painting; and into the merits of the most celebrated painters, Ancient and Modern. By Daniel Webb, Esq.
    Webb, Daniel
  • 1807
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the means of improving medical knowledge, by examining all those methods which have hindered, or increased its improvement in all past Ages. To which is added, an explanation of the motion and action of fire, in and upon the human body, both in continuing life, and in producing and curing diseases. By William Hillary, M.D.
    Hillary, William
  • 1808
    Book Info
    An interpretation of the New Testament. Part the second. Containing, the Acts of the Apostles and the several Epistles. To which are added, select discourses upon the Principal Points of Reveal'd Religion. By John Heylyn, D. D. late Prebendary of Westminster, and Rector of St. Mary-le-Strand
    Heylyn, John
  • 1809
    Book Info
    An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising, after an easy, compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax. With Proper English Examples, most of them Translations from the Classic Authors, in one Column, and the Latin Words in another. To which is subjoined, in the same Method, a succinct account of the Affairs of ancient Greece and Rome, intended at once to bring Boys acquainted wi
    Clarke, John
  • 1810
    Book Info
    Impartial reflections upon the present state of affairs: with incidental remarks upon certain transactions: in a letter to a friend
  • 1811
    Book Info
    In pursuance of His Majesty's commands, this is to give notice, that as there are many scaffolds built, and are now building, and much timber lying in Westminster, it is His Majesty's pleasure, that to prevent any accidents that may happen from fires, there should be no bonfires made, or any fire-works played off, in any part of Westminster, ... till seven days after the coronation; ...
    Great Britain
  • 1812
    Book Info
    Information for Alexander Wedderburn of St. Germains, Esq; and others, defenders, against Sir Peter Halket of Pitfirran, baronet, and his curator ad litem, pursuers
    Wedderburn, Alexander
  • 1813
    Book Info
    Information for Andrew Ayton, Andrew Blackburn, Hugh Blackburn, Robert Donaldson and Patrick Nisbet, all merchants in Glasgow, suspenders; against William Flint for himself and partners of the Glasgow tannery, chargers
    Ayton, Andrew
  • 1814
    Book Info
    Information for Charles Hacket [sic] merchant in Aberdeen, pursuer; against John Chancellor Hyde, defender
    Halket, Charles
  • 1815
    Book Info
    Information for Charles Lord Kinnaird, Pursuer; against James Hunter Tenant in Inchture, Defender
    Kinnaird of Inchture, Charles Kinnaird
  • 1816
    Book Info
    Information for Charles Lord Kinnaird, pursuer; against James Hunter ... defender.
    Kinnaird of Inchture, Charles Kinnaird
  • 1817
    Book Info
    Information for Colonel John Scott of the third regiment of guards, and others, defenders; against John Mackenzie of Brae, and Donald Morison, pursuers; ...
    Scott, John
  • 1818
    Book Info
    Information for David Orme writer in Edinburgh, against the creditors of the deceased Thomas Hay writer there
    Orme, David
  • 1819
    Book Info
    Information for Edward Macculloch of Auchinguil, defender; against Janet Macculloch, daughter of the deceast John Macculloch of Torhouskie, pursuer
    MacCulloch, Edward
  • 1820
    Book Info
    Information for Francis Lord Napier, defender; against Captain William Livingston, pursuer
    Napier, Francis Napier