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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,176건 중 1,961 - 1,980건 출력
  • 1961
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the state and progress of the linen manufacture of Ireland. In which will be introduced Remarks on the Principal Transactions of the Trustees of the Linen Board. To be Published Monthly. Number I
    Stephenson, Robert
  • 1962
    Book Info
    An introduction to the English language and learning. In three parts. ... By Benjamin Martin
    Martin, Benjamin
  • 1963
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    An introduction to the doctrine of fluxions : By John Rowe.
    Rowe, John
  • 1964
    Book Info
    Il padre di famiglia commedia rappresentata per la prima volta in Venezia il Carnevale dell' Anno 1750 di Carlo Goldoni Avvocato Veneziano = The father of a family a Comedy Acted for the first time at Venice during the Carnival of 1750 By Charles Goldoni. Translated into English with the Italian original
    Goldoni, Carlo
  • 1965
    Book Info
    Il re pastore dramma per musica. Pel Teatro di S.M.B.
    Metastasio, Pietro
  • 1966
    Book Info
    Indexes to Mr Viner's General abridgment of law and equity
    Viner, Charles
  • 1967
    Book Info
    Information for Antonius Count Leslie, of Balquhain; against Peter Grant, eldest lawful son of Capt. John Grant, late of Ballindalloch, in the service of the States-General
    Leslie, Antonius Leslie
  • 1968
    Book Info
    Information for John MacArthur writer in Edinburgh, executor nominate by the deceased Ludovick Grant writer in Edinburgh, and Mrs. Elizabeth Leslie, creditor to the said Ludovick Grant, pursuers; against David Bruce writer in Edinburgh, defender
    MacArthur, John
  • 1969
    Book Info
    Information for Peter Grant, eldest lawful son of Captain John Grant, late of Ballindalloch, in the service of the States General, eldest lawful son of the deceased John Grant of Ballindalloch, procreate betwixt him and the also deceased Anna Francisca Leslie, second lawful daughter of the deceased Patrick Count Leslie of Balquhain, against Antonius Count Leslie, second lawful son of Charles Cajet
    Grant, Peter Leslie
  • 1970
    Book Info
    Instructions for travellers. 1757
    Tucker, Josiah
  • 1971
    Book Info
    Interest tables, at Three, Three and a half, Four, Four and a half, and Five per Cent. By which The Interest of any Sum less than a Million, for any Time less than Eight Years, may be readily calculated. To which are added, Concise Methods for finding Interest, Commission and Brokerage, by the Pen
  • 1972
    Book Info
    The immorality of stage-plays in general, and of The tragedy called Douglas, in particular, Briefly illustrated; in a Letter from Athelstaneford to the Moderator of the Presbytery of Haddingtoun
  • 1973
    Book Info
    The impetuous lover, or the Guiltless Parricide, shewing, To what Lengths Love may run, and the extream Folly of forming Schemes for Futurity. Written under the Instructions, and at the Request of one of the Interested Partys. By A. G. Esquire. ...
    A. G
  • 1974
    Book Info
    The independent freeholder's letter to the people of England, upon the one thing needful at this final crisis
  • 1975
    Book Info
    The infernal council. An excellent new ballad. To the tune of, The devils were brawling, &c.
  • 1976
    Book Info
    The irretrievable abyss: Humbly addressed to both Houses of Parliament; And recommended to the citizens of London In Particular. By a citizen
  • 1977
    Book Info
    The italian library. Containing an account of the lives and works of the most valuable authors of Italy. With a preface, exhibiting the changes of the Tuscan language, from the barbarous ages to the present time. By Giuseppe Baretti
    Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio
  • 1978
    Book Info
    An impartial account of the invasion under William Duke of Normandy, and the consequences of it: With proper Remarks. Humbly offered to the Consideration of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy and Commonalty of Great Britain, particularly to those of the County of Norfolk. By Charles Parkin, A. M. Rector of Oxburgh in Norfolk
    Parkin, Charles
  • 1979
    Book Info
    An impartial view of the conduct of the m-----ry, in regard to the war in America; the engagements entered into with Russia, Hesse-Cassel, and Prussia; ... In answer to the many inviduous [sic] attacks of pamphleteers, &c.
  • 1980
    Book Info
    An inquiry into the share, which King Charles I. had in the transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan, Afterwards Marquis of Worcester, for bringing over a body of Irish rebels to assist that King, in the years 1645 and 1646. In which Mr. Carte's imperfect Account of that Affair, and his Use of the MS. Memoirs of the Pope's Nuncio Rinuccini, are impartially considered. The whole drawn up from the Best
    Birch, Thomas