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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 2,061 - 2,080건 출력
  • 2061
    Book Info
    The newtonian system of philosophy adapted to the capacities of young gentlemen and ladies : And familiarized and made entertaining by Objects with which they are intimately acquainted: being the substance of six lectures read to the Lilliputian Society, by Tom Telescope, A.M. and collected and methodized for the Benefit of the Youth of these Kingdoms, by their Old Friend Mr. Newbery, in St. Pa...
    Telescope, Tom
  • 2062
    Book Info
    The nightingale. A Choice collection of new and polite songs
  • 2063
    Book Info
    The nightingale. Being a choice collection of the newest and most favourite love songs, as well as of the bacchanalian, hunting, patriotic, ... and other songs; with the most favourite cantatas, duets, ... that have been sung at the Theatres-Royal, ...
  • 2064
    Book Info
    The noble knight's garland. In four parts. I. How a poor country ploughman, amongst many children, had one son, whom he well educated, and thereupon was beloved by many persons of quality, through his courteous carriage and behaviour. II. How he lived in a noble family, where the Knight's daughter fell in love with him, and other things worthy of observation. III. How they contrived a private marr
  • 2065
    Book Info
    The noble pedlar: a burletta. As performed at Marybone-Gardens. Set to music by Mr. Barthelemon.
    Carey, George Saville
  • 2066
    Book Info
    A North Briton extraordinary: written by a young Scotsman, now a volunteer in the Corsican service.
    Young Scotsman, formerly a voluntier in the Corsican service
  • 2067
    Book Info
    A North Briton extraordinary: written by a young Scotsman, now a volunteer in the Corsican service.
    Young Scotsman, formerly a voluntier in the Corsican service
  • 2068
    Book Info
    A narrative of the rise and progress of the difficulties which have issued in a separation between the minister and people of Bennington, 1783. With a valedictory address. By David Avery, V.D.M. [Three lines of quotations]
    Avery, David
  • 2069
    Book Info
    A new Latin-English dictionary: containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; with the Authorities subjoined to each Word and Phrase. To which is prefixed, a new English-Latin dictionary, carefully compiled from The best Authors in our Language. Both parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding Works of the same Nature; supplying their Deficiences, and comprising whatever is
    Young, William
  • 2070
    Book Info
    A new Royal French grammar: containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue, ... By John Palairet, ...
    Palairet, Jean
  • 2071
    Book Info
    A new and compleat history and survey of the cities of London and Westminster, the borough of Southwark, and parts adjacent; from the earliest accounts, to the beginning of the year 1770. ...
  • 2072
    Book Info
    A new and complete history of the Holy Bible, from the creation of the world, to the incarnation of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; Containing A clear and concise Account of every memorable Event, during a Period of above four thousand Years; Particularly, The Creation of the World, The Formation, and Fall of Man, The Universal Deluge, The Building of Babel, The Call of Abraham, The Tra
    Fleetwood, John
  • 2073
    Book Info
    A new and easy guide to the use of the globes; and the rudiments of geography. Wherein The Knowledge of the Heavens and Earth is made easy to the meanest Capacity: First, by giving a short and concise Account of the four Quarters of the World, with the Distance and Situation of the most principal Islands and inland Places, and by the Solution of Seventy useful Problems in Geography, Astronomy, Nav
    Fenning, Daniel
  • 2074
    Book Info
    A new and general system of physic, in theory and practice. Containing the pharmacopoeias of the Royal Colleges of London and Edinburgh, and many other Simples and Compositions, disposed according to their Nature and Virtues, under different Classes: To each of which is added, A great Variety of useful and elegant Formulae: The Natural, Chymical, and Pharmaceutic History of each Simple and Composi
    Smith, William
  • 2075
    Book Info
    A new baronetage of England; or a genealogical and historical account of the present English baronets, with their arms accurately engraved and blazoned. With their Arms accurately engraved and blazoned. To which is added, A Complete List of all the Persons who Have been Advanced to this Dignity from the First Institution of it; with the Dates of their Several Patents, (according to the Order of th
  • 2076
    Book Info
    A new compendious dispensatory: or, a select body of the most useful, accurate, and elegant medicines, both officinal and extemporaneous, for the several disorders incident to the human body. Wherein is contained, in a Summary Way, All that is essentially necessary, either with respect to Physic or Surgery, to answer every Medicinal Intention of Cure. To which are subjoined, The Use, Virtues, and
    Ball, John
  • 2077
    Book Info
    A new description of the pictures, Statues, Bustos, Basso-Relievos, and other curiosities at the Earl of Pembroke's House at Wilton. In the Antiques of this Collection are contained the Whole of Cardinal Richelieu's and Cardinal Mazarine's, and the greatest Part of the Earl of Arundel's; besides several particular Pieces purchased at different Times. A new edition with an engraving of the busto of
    Kennedy, James
  • 2078
    Book Info
    A new dictionary, in French and English: containing all the French words now in use, with their different acceptations properly explained in English, according to the genuine spirit of both languages. By Henry Fox
    Fox, Henry
  • 2079
    Book Info
    A new gardener's dictionary : or the whole art of gardening, fully and accurately displayed; containing the most approved methods of cultivating all kinds of trees, plants, and flowers. With ample directions for performing all the operations in gardening; whether they relate to I. The Hot-House, II. The Green-House, III. The Shrubbery, IV. The Kitchen-Garden, V. The Flower-Garden, or VI. The Fr...
    Dicks, John
  • 2080
    Book Info
    A new geographical and historical grammar: wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. ... The eleventh edition, with very great additions and improvements brought down to the present times.
    Salmon, Thomas