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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 2,081 - 2,100건 출력
  • 2081
    Book Info
    A new guide to the English tongue: in five parts. Containing, I. Words, both common and proper, ... V. Forms of prayer for children, ... designed for the use of schools ... The thirty-first edition. By Thomas Dilworth, ...
    Dilworth, Thomas
  • 2082
    Book Info
    A new peerage of England; containing an accurate account of the noble peers of that kingdom; their births, marriages, and issue, their several employments, titles, creations and residences; including all the late alterations and additions, to the present time
  • 2083
    Book Info
    A new spelling-book, in which the rules of spelling and pronouncing the English language are exemplified and explained. Entered in Stationers Hall, according to Act of Parliament. By William Adie, Schoolmaster in Paisley
    Adie, William
  • 2084
    Book Info
    A new system of mathematics : Containing plane geometry; general investigation of areas, surfaces, and solids; greatest and least quantities; trigonometry; logarithms; motion, Uniform, Accelerated, Projectiles, Compound, Retarded, Application. To which is prefixed the first principles of algebra, by way of introduction. By John Muller, Professor of Artillery and Fortification to his Royal Highn...
    Muller, John
  • 2085
    Book Info
    A new system of mathematics. Containing plane geometry; general investigation of areas, surfaces, and solids; greatest and least quantities; trigonometry; logarithms; motion, Uniform, Accelerated, Projectiles, Compound, Retarded, Application. To which is prefixed the first principles of algebra, by way of introduction. By John Muller, Professor of Artillery and Fortification to his Royal Highness
    Muller, John
  • 2086
    Book Info
    A new system of midwifery, in four parts; founded on practical observations : the whole illustrated with copper plates. By Robert Wallace Johnson, M. D.
    Johnson, Robert Wallace
  • 2087
    Book Info
    A nominal incomium, on the city and council of Edinburgh 1769
  • 2088
    Book Info
    A north Briton extraordinary: written by a young Scotsman, now a volunteer in the Corsican service
    Young Scotsman, formerly a voluntier in the Corsican service
  • 2089
    Book Info
    Nanetta e Lubino, a new comic opera; imitated from the French, by Carlo Francesco Badini. As perform'd at the King's-Theatre in the Hay-Market. The music entirely new by Signor Gaetano Pugnani
    Badini, Carlo Francesco
  • 2090
    Book Info
    National sin, the Cause of National Trouble. A sermon, Preached before the Amicable Society of Burgesses of Shrewsbury, and their friends; In the Parish Church of Saint Julian, Salop: On Wednesday the Third Day of May 1769. Published at the Request, and Sold for the Benefit of the said Society; By T. Warter, M. A. Rector of Cleobury-North, in the Country of Salop:
    Warter, Thomas
  • 2091
    Book Info
    Netley Abbey. An elegy. By George Keate, Esq;
    Keate, George
  • 2092
    Book Info
    New observations on Italy and its inhabitants. Written in French by two Swedish gentlemen. Translated into English by Thomas Nugent, L.L.D. and fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. ...
    Grosley, Pierre Jean
  • 2093
    Book Info
    Nomenclator botanicus : continens platarum in terris danicis sponte nascentium romina vernacula in linguis Gallica, Anglica, Germanica, Suecica, Danica, cum nomenclatore Synonymico-Linn{aelig}ano, & Pharmaceutico-Linnaeano.
    Oeder, Georg Christian
  • 2094
    Book Info
    Nomenclator botanicus : enthaltend die Namen der in den D{uml}anischen Staaten wild wachsenden Kr{uml}auter in Franz{uml}osischer, Englischer, Deutscher, Schwedischer und D{uml}anischer Sprache, nebst denen auf den Apothecken gebr{uml}auchlichen lateinischen Namen, ...
    Oeder, Georg Christian
  • 2095
    Book Info
    Nouvelles recherches sur les d{acute}ecouvertes microscopiques : et la g{acute}en{acute}eration des corps organis{acute}es. Ouvrage traduit de l'Italien de M. l'Abb{acute}e Spalanzani, Professeur de Philosophia {grave}a Mod{grave}ene. Et d{acute}edi{acute}e {grave}a son altesse, Monseigneur le Prince de Marsan, par M. l'Abb{acute}e Regley, Aum{circ}onier de son Altesse. Avec des notes, des rech...
    Spallanzani, Lazzaro
  • 2096
    Book Info
    Numbers no criterion of truth: or, the history of the prophet Micaiah, considered and applied in a sermon, preached before the Protestant dissenting ministers of Cumberland, at their general Meeting in Cockermouth, August 16, 1769. By Radcliffe Scholefield
    Scholefield, Radcliffe
  • 2097
    Book Info
    The narrative of the Honourable John Byron (Commodore in a late expedition round the world.) Containing an account of the great distresses suffered ... on the coast of Patagonia, ... with a description of St. Jago de Chili, ... Also a relation of the loss of the Wager man of war, ... Written by himself.
    Byron, John
  • 2098
    Book Info
    The nature and design of Christianity. Extracted from a Treatise on Christian perfection
    Law, William
  • 2099
    Book Info
    The nature of inoculation explained : and Its Merits Stated; in an essay, intended to supply what appeared still wanting to clear up that subject. And wherein The Nature of the Difference, between Inoculation and the Natural Small-Pox, is fully shewn; all Extremes in Opinion or Practice are avoided; and the true Use and best Manner of Preparation, from a Knowledge and Experience therein, of an ...
    Barker, John
  • 2100
    Book Info
    The nature, design, and general rules, of the United Societies in London, Bristol, Ringswood [sic], and Newcastle upon Tyne
    Wesley, John