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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 2,561 - 2,580건 출력
  • 2561
    Book Info
    A new geographical and historical grammar: wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive. ... By Mr. Salmon. Illustrated with a set of twenty-three new maps ...
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 2562
    Book Info
    A new introduction to the politcal history of all nations. Treating of the four monarchies in their proper order; as also, Of the Governments and Revolutions of States, and the several Successions, Marriages, Claims, Alliances, Wars, and Treaties of Peace; Together with All such other Occurences as have been any ways remarkable in all the Courts of Europe; from the earliest Ages to this present Ti
    H{uml}ubner, Johann
  • 2563
    Book Info
    A new law-dictionary: containing the interpretation and definition of words and terms used in the law; and also the whole law and the practice thereof, Under all the Heads and Titles of the same. Together with Such Informations relating thereto, as Explain the History and Antiquity of the Law, and our Manners, Customs, and Original Government. Collected and Abstracted from All Dictionaries, Abridg
    Jacob, Giles
  • 2564
    Book Info
    A new method of demonstrating from reason and philosophy the four fundamental points of religion, viz. I. The Existence and the Immateriality of the Spirit or Soul of Man. II. The Existence of the supreme Spirit, or God. III. The Immortality of the Soul of Man. And, IV. The Certainty of a Future State of eternal Happiness or Misery
  • 2565
    Book Info
    A new musical grammar, and dictionary: or, a general introduction to the whole art of musick. In four books. Teaching, I. The Rudiments of Tones, Diatonick, and Semitonick; according to the Gamut. - With Rules for Tuning the Voice, and Beating of Time; the Nature of Keys, and Transposition; and of all other Characters used in Musick. II. Containing such plain and easy Directions as are necessary f
    Tans'ur, William
  • 2566
    Book Info
    A new register; (commonly called Jenny's whim) or, a sure guide to the nobility, gentry and other eminent persons in this metropolis. Being a genuine account of their town residence. Very different from the Romantic Court and City Registers, Pocket-Companions, Calendars, &c. Books that only serve to lead Strangers astray. Beware of Counterfeits, for such are Abroad
  • 2567
    Book Info
    A new scheme for increasing the Protestant religion, and improving the kingdom of Ireland. With some occasional observations on heads of a bill for a register of Popish priests. Humbly offered to the consideration of the legislature
  • 2568
    Book Info
    A new speech from the Old Trumpeter of Liberty Hall; in English: with a few gentle animadversions
    King, William
  • 2569
    Book Info
    A new system of patriot policy. Containing the genuine recantation of the British Cicero. To which is added, An abstract of the reciprocal duties of representatives and their constituents, on constitutional principles
  • 2570
    Book Info
    A new whole duty of man improv'd; explaining the necessary faith and practice of every Christian; made more plain and practical than in either the old or new Whole duty of man; Peculiarly Adapted to The Present Times, as a Remedy against those wild and mistaken Notions, which Perplex and Distract well-meaning and pious Christians, to the Hindrance of a Holy Life, tho' essentially necessary to Salv
  • 2571
    Book Info
    National judgments, calling for national repentance: or, A serious address to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, on account of the exorbitant rate of provisions. Together with some account of the divine proceedings with us in these lands, for a series of years past, and our remarkable deliverances. As also an exhortation to magistrates, ministers, parents, and children, in their different stations,
  • 2572
    Book Info
    National repentance urged from the prospect of national judgments. A sermon preach'd at the parish-church of All-Saints in Northampton, on February 6, 1756, Being the Day appointed by His Majesty's Proclamation for the Publick Fast. By T. Richards, Curate of the said Parish
    Richards, Thomas
  • 2573
    Book Info
    National wickedness the cause of national misery. A sermon preach'd at the parish church of Weverham in Cheshire: on Friday, the Sixth of February. Being The Day appointed, by Proclamation, to be kept as a General Fast and Humiliation, on Account of the late dreadful Earthquakes, in Portugal, &c. By Thomas Hunter, Vicar of Weverham. Printed at the Request of the Inhabitants
    Hunter, Thomas
  • 2574
    Book Info
    Natural and civil events the instruments of God's moral government. A sermon preached The last public Fast-Day, At Lincoln's-Inn-Chappel. By W. Warburton, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
    Warburton, William
  • 2575
    Book Info
    Natural occasions of terror considered as intentional warnings of providence: Or an Enquiry how far we, of this Nation, may be concerned to attend to the late extraordinary and alarming Events. A Sermon preached February the 6th, MDCCLVI, (being the Day appointed for a general Fast and Humiliation, on Account of the important Situation of public Affairs, and the late dreadful and extensive Earthqu
    Petit, Peter
  • 2576
    Book Info
    Nehemiah's advice to the Jews, recommended to the Inhabitants of Great-Britain. A sermon, (occasion'd by the popular apprehensions of an invasion.) Preach'd at Cranbrook in Kent, December 14, 1755. By Robert Noyes
    Noyes, Robert
  • 2577
    Book Info
    New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the Latin Vulgat
    Nary, Cornelius
  • 2578
    Book Info
    New rudiments of the Latin tongue, plain and short, in the parts that are fundamental and most necessary for beginners. Enlarged by notes and explications for their Improvement, when a little advanced. With directions in the method of teaching, to such as have little or no Experience in it. The Whole in a very natural, easy Connection, with the Reasons both of Things and their Order; so accommodat
    Malcolm, Alexander
  • 2579
    Book Info
    News from the dead: or, the monthly packet of true intelligence from the other world. Written by Mercury.
    Berington, Thomas
  • 2580
    Book Info
    No Protestant-Popery. A letter of admonition, to the Rev. Mr. Samuel Pike. Occasioned By some very offensive passages in his Assembly's Catechism, analized, explained, &c. which are animadverted upon, and the sole Authority of the Sacred Scriptures defended, By Caleb Fleming. Author of the Scale of Principles, &c.
    Fleming, Caleb