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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 2,701 - 2,720건 출력
  • 2701
    Book Info
    Nova editio Psalmorum Davidis quinquaginta priorum, unà cum nonnullis aliis selectis, versibus elegiacis Latine redditorum. Interprete Joh. Hanway triginta plusquam annos domi, forisque, in re militari occupato
  • 2702
    Book Info
    Nova grammatica græca facillima, & accuratissima, in quâ, rejectis veterum grammaticorum inutilibus, aut intricatis institutionem suarum methodis, via facilis sternitur ad græci Idiomatos intelligentiam. Auctore Henrico Fiotio, Verbi Divini Ministro
  • 2703
    Book Info
    Novum Jesu Christi Testamentum à Sebestiano Castalione Latinè redditum. Latinè Redditum
  • 2704
    Book Info
    Nummi Britannici historia: or an Historical account of English Money, from the Conquest to the uniting of the two Kingdoms by King James I. and of Great-Britain to the Present Time. With Particular Descriptions of each Piece, and Illustrated with Cuts of the more Antient. A work hitherto unattempted. Necessary for all those that would have any Knowledge of this useful Part of Antiquity; but partic
  • 2705
    Book Info
    The natural and political history of Portugal. From its first erection into a kingdom, by Alphonso son of Henry Duke of Burgundy, anno 1090. down to the present time. Shewing Its Extents, Soil, Production, History, Trade, Manufactures, Customs, and Manners of its Inhabitants; with its Revolutions and Conquests. As also its Provinces, Cities and noted Towns, with their Antiquity, Building, and Pres
  • 2706
    Book Info
    The nature and extent of Christian unity explain'd; and the duty of promoting it particularly recommended to the clergy. In a sermon preach'd at the Cathedral church of St. Asaph in Flintshire: on Sunday, July 10. 1726. ... To which is prefixed an expostulatory letter to the Reverend Dr. Mather, ... By John Wynne, ...
  • 2707
    Book Info
    The nature, design, and benefits of confirmation. A sermon preached in the parish church of Westram in Kent, on Sunday, Aug. 14. 1726. At a Confirmation held there By the Right Reverend Father in God, Samuel Lord Bishop of Rochester. By John Denne, M. A. Vicar of St. Leonard in Shoreditch, and Chaplain to his Lordship
  • 2708
    Book Info
    The necessary knowledge of the Lord's Supper, as it is delivered in Holy Scripture; with suitable meditations and prayers, and directions to live well after receiving
  • 2709
    Book Info
    The necessity and profitableness of good works, asserted; in a sermon preached at Kirkaldy, April 12. 1724. By Mr. Ebenezer Erskine, Minister of the Gospel at Portmoak
  • 2710
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    The nocturnal. A L----------n in defence of the ladies. By a Young Gentleman of Hampsted
  • 2711
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    The northern lass: or, a nest of fools. A comedy. With prologue, epilogue, and new songs. By Richard Brome, Gent.
  • 2712
    Book Info
    A narrative of the proceedings in France, for discovering and detecting the murderers of the English gentlemen, September 21. 1723, near Calais. With an account of the condemnation and sentence of Joseph Bizeau and Peter Le Febvre, two notorious robbers, who were the principal Actors in the said Murder; particularly in the killing Mr. Lock. Together with their Discovery, and Manner of perpetrating
  • 2713
    Book Info
    A new Spanish grammar, more perfect than any hitherto publish'd. All the errors of the former being Corrected, and the Rules for Learning that Language much improv'd. To which is added, a vocabulary of the most necessary words: Also a Collection of Phrases and Dialogues Adapted to Familiar Discourse. By Capt. John Stevens, Author of the large Spanish Dictionary
  • 2714
    Book Info
    A new canting dictionary: Comprehending All the terms, Antient and Modern, Used in the Several tribes of Gypsies, Beggars, Shoplifters, Highwaymen, Foot-Pads, and all other Clans of Cheats and Villains. Interspersed With Proverbs, Phrases, Figurative Speeches, &c. Being a Complete Collection of all that has been publish'd of that Kind. With very large Additions of Words never before made Publick.
  • 2715
    Book Info
    A new collection of miscellanies in prose and verse
  • 2716
    Book Info
    A new collection of poems on several occasions. By Mr. Prior, and others. Adorned with cuts
  • 2717
    Book Info
    A new description of Paris: or, the Present State of the French Nation. Giving An Account of their Virtues and Vices, Academies, Dress, Devotion, Levity, Women, Beggars, Writers, Booksellers. Their Diversions, Theatres, Gallantry, Language, Entertainment of Strangers, Lawyers, Pickpockets, Physicians and Quacks. The Court, the Great Men, the King and the Mob. The Tuilleries, Lamps, Chymists, and C
  • 2718
    Book Info
    A new dictionary of heraldry, explaining all the terms us'd in that science, with their Etimology, and how express'd in Latin. And Containing all the Rules of Blazoning Coat-Armour, with the Reasons for the same. The Original Signification of all Bearings. An account of the most noted orders of knighthood that are, or have been; and of Honours and Dignities Ecclesiastical, Civil, or Military. Ador
  • 2719
    Book Info
    A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century: containing an account of the controversies in religion; the Lives and Writings of Ecclesiastical Authors, an Abridgment of their Works, And a Judgment on their Style and Doctrine: also A Compendious History of All Affairs Transacted in the Church. Volume the first. Written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin, Doctor of the Sorbon, And Regius Pro
  • 2720
    Book Info
    A new journey through Greece, Ægypt, Palestine, Italy, Swisserland, Alsatia, and the Netherlands. Written by a French officer, who travelled those countries in the years, 1721, ... 1723. Now first done into English