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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 2,721 - 2,740건 출력
  • 2721
    Book Info
    A new method, humbly offered to the consideration of parliament, for carrying on the Whale-fishing to great advantage
  • 2722
    Book Info
    A new system of music, both theorical and practical, and yet not mathematical: written in a manner intirely new; that's to say, in a Style plane and intelligible; and calculated to render the Art more Charming, the Teaching not only less tedious, but more profitable, and the Learning easier by three Quarters. All which is done by tearing off the Veil that has for so many Ages hung before that nobl
  • 2723
    Book Info
    A new voyage round the world, by a course never sailed before. Being a voyage undertaken by some merchants, who afterwards proposed the setting up an East-India company in Flanders Illustrated with Copper Plates
  • 2724
    Book Info
    Namby Pamby: or, a panegyrick on the new versification address'd to A----- P----
  • 2725
    Book Info
    Navigation improved: In two books. Book I. Containing an exact description of the fluid quadrant for the latitude; or, Quadrants reduc'd to the utmost degree of portableness: whereby quadrants of a small radius are contriv'd to be equally useful, and as exact as the largest quadrant now in use. By which travellers and others, with these protable instruments, may be able to take any observations, o
  • 2726
    Book Info
    News from the dead: or, a dialogue between Blueskin, Shepperd, and Jonathan Wild
  • 2727
    Book Info
    Nobilissimi illustrissimique Domini, Domini Henrici, Marchionis de la Bazoniere, bellovacorum in Normannia præpositi præclarissimi, bibliothecæ catalogus. Catalogue of the Library of the most Illustrious Henry Marquis de la Bazoniere, Governor of Bayeux in Normandy. Consisting of a large Series of Books relating to the History, Antiquities, and Constitution of Great-Britain and Ireland, France, It
  • 2728
    Book Info
    Nomenclatura trilinguis anglo-latino-græca: or a short vocabulary, English, Latin, and Greek. Containing Nouns Substantive, Adjective, With their Genders and Declensions; Verbs with their several Conjugations: With the Quantities of Doubtful Syllables. To which is added, a collectior of sententious proverbs. With Examples of the Five Declensions of Latin Nouns, especially Heteroclite; And for Decl
  • 2729
    Book Info
    Novels, tales, and stories. Written originally in French, by Margaret de Valois, Queen of Navar. And Printed by Order of the French King. Translated into English by several hands
  • 2730
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    The nature and excellency of universal benevolence. A sermon preach'd at Clapham in Surry, September 5, 1725. By Thomas Stamper, A.M.
  • 2731
    Book Info
    The nature of the pastoral office; or, the apostle Peter's exhortation to the elders of the church, briefly consider'd. A sermon, preach'd at Onger in Essex, May 7th, 1725. at the publick ordination of Mr. John Tren, and Mr. Benjamin Owen. By W. Harris. Publish'd at the Desire of the Ministers and Gentlemen who were present
  • 2732
    Book Info
    The nature of truth defin'd, and its definition apply'd to the Holy Scriptures. In a sermon preach'd November 6. 1724. By Richard Meadowcourt, ...
  • 2733
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    The necessity and benefit of confirmation. A sermon preach'd at West-Cowes-Chapel, in the Isle of Wight, on Sunday, Aug. 15. 1725. For the farther Instruction of young Persons desirous of, and shortly to be Confirm'd. By John King, M. A. Late of Queens-College, Oxon.
  • 2734
    Book Info
    The new-Years-Gift complete: in six parts. Composed of meditations and prayers for every day in the week: with Devotions for the Sacrament, Lent, and Other Occasions
  • 2735
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    The northern-Star. A poem sacred to the name and memory, of the immortal Czar of Russia
  • 2736
    Book Info
    A narrative of all the robberies, Escapes, &c. of John Sheppard: giving an exact description of the manner of his wonderful escape from the Castle in Newgate, and of the Methods he took afterward for his Security. Written by himself during his Confinement in the Middle Stone-Room, after his being retaken in Drury-Lane. To which is prefix'd, a true representation of his escape from the Condemn'd Ho
  • 2737
    Book Info
    A narrative of all the robberies, escapes, &c of John Sheppard: giving an exact description of the manner of his wonderful escape from the castle in Newgate, and of the Methods he took afterward for his Security. Written by himself during his Confinement in the Middle Stone-Room, after his being retaken in Drury-Lane. To which is added, A true Representation of his Escape from the Condemn'd Hold,
  • 2738
    Book Info
    A narrative of all the robberies, escapes, &c. of John Sheppard: giving an exact description of the manner of his wonderful escape from the Castle in Newgate, and of the Methods he took afterward for his Security. Written by himself
  • 2739
    Book Info
    A narrative of all the robberies, escapes, &c. of John Sheppard: giving an exact description of the manner of his wonderful escape from the castle in Newgate, and of the Methods he took afterward for his Security. Written by himself during his Confinement in the Middle Stone-Room, after his being retaken in Drury-Lane. To which is added, a true representation of his escape from the condemn'd hold,
  • 2740
    Book Info
    A new and accurate description of Persia, and other eastern nations. Containing The Natural History of those Countries; the Religion, Temper, Manners and Customs of their Inhabitants; their Apparel, Exercises and Games; Arts, Trades, Manufacture, and Commerce. With Genuine Copies of the Instructions given by the English, French, and other European Powers, to their Respective Embassadors at that Co