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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 2,821 - 2,840건 출력
  • 2821
    Book Info
    The nation preserved; or, the plot discovered. Containing an impartial account of the secret policy of some of the South-Sea directors; with copies of their letters to each other, and the Substance of their Debates in several of their Private Conferences: taken before a notary-publick. Also a letter from one of their Agents in France. Addressed to Sir J- B-
  • 2822
    Book Info
    The nature and consequences of enthusiasm consider'd, in some short remarks on the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended. In a letter to Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. The second edition. With a postscript occasion'd by Mr. Bradbury's discourse, intitled, The Necessity of Contending for Revealed Religion. By a Protestant Dissenter
  • 2823
    Book Info
    The nature and consequences of enthusiasm, Defended; against the reflections of the Reverend Mr. Samuel Fancourt, in his essay concerning certainty and infallibility. In a second letter to Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. By the author of the letter o enthusiasm
  • 2824
    Book Info
    The nature and extent of the office of the civil magistrate. Consider'd in a sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable Sir George Thorold, Bart. Lord-Mayor of the City of London, and the Court of Aldermen, and the Liveries of the several Companies, at the parish-church of St. Lawrence-Jewry, on Thursday, September 29. 1720. Being the Festival of St. Michael the Archangel, and the Election-Day of
  • 2825
    Book Info
    The nature of contracts consider'd, as they Relate to the Third and Fourth Subscriptions, taken in by the South Sea Company. In a Letter to a Friend. With a postscript, concerning the Meeting at Salters-Hall, the 18th instant. By a Tradesman of the City, whose Name is not to be found in any of the Subscriptions
  • 2826
    Book Info
    The nature of hell, the reality of hell-fire, and the eternity of hell-torments, explain'd and vindicated. In opposition to a profane blasphemous libel, first Published under Cromwell's Usurpation, and lately reprinted, intituled, Of the torments of hell, the foundation and pillars thereof discover'd, Search'd, Shaken, and Removed, &c. By Mr. Lewis
  • 2827
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    The necessity of a plot: or, reasons for a standing army. By a friend to K. G.
  • 2828
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    The necessity of contending for revealed religion: with a sermon on the fifth of November, 1719. By Thomas Bradbury. To which is prefix'd, a letter from the Reverend Cotton Mather D.D. on the late disputes about the ever-blessed Trinity
  • 2829
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    The necessity of providing another and more severe law, for the more effectual suppressing profane cursing and swearing. In a letter to the Right Honourable William Bromley, Esq ; by Nathaniel Collier, A.M.
  • 2830
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    The new art of gardening, with the gardener's almanack: Containing, the true art of gardening, in all its particulars. I. Site of a proper plat of ground, for planting fruit-trees; with the manner of planting, grasting, imbuding, inoculating, and ordering all sorts of fruit-trees, and fruits in all seasons. The art of making cyder, perry, and wines of divers sorts of fruits. II. Of the kitchen-gar
  • 2831
    Book Info
    The noble and renowned hstory [sic] of Guy Earl of Warwick: containing a full and true account of his many famous and valiant actions, ... Extracted from authentick records; and the whole illustrated with cuts suitable to the history
  • 2832
    Book Info
    The noble stand. Third Part. Being an examination of the replies of the nonsubscribing ministers, so far as concerns their celebrated principle; viz that doctrines only to be known by revelation are to be stated in the words of revelation only, when designed to be a standard and test. By Daniel Wilcox
  • 2833
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    A new ballad, to the tune of King John, and the abbot of Canterbury
  • 2834
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    A new book of declarations, pleadings, verdicts, judgments, and judicial writs; with the entries thereupon. Many of the same being upon new cases and statutes in the late reign. With various other Useful and Necessary Entries. Compiled by Mr. Henry Clift, Late of Furnivals-Inn. And now digested and published for the common benefit of the professors of the law, by Sir Charles Ingleby, Knight, Serje
  • 2835
    Book Info
    A new method of short and swift writing. Being the plainest, easiest, shortest, and quickest way of writing ever yet published or invented, Notwithstanding the many Attempts made at it since the Year 1500 not only by Mr. Rich and his numerous Train of Followers, but also by Dr. Wilkins, Mr. Shelton, Hopkins, Slater, Ridpath, Willis, Steel, Ramsey, Metcalf, Coles, Mason, Lane, and near 40 other Aut
  • 2836
    Book Info
    A new song, made on the intended invasion of the Spaniards in favour of the Pretender: or Great-Britain's triumph: or, the demolishers demolish'd, and the hopes of Prince Perkin's friends and abettors for ever extinguish'd. Tune, Now comes on the glorious year
  • 2837
    Book Info
    Natural obligations to believe the principles of religion, and divine revelation: in XVI sermons, preached in the church of St. Mary le Bow, London, In the Years 1717 and 1718. At the Lecture founded by The Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By John Leng, D. D. Rector of Bedington, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty
  • 2838
    Book Info
    Nicolai Triveti, Dominicani, Annales sex Regum Angliæ. E præstantissimo codice Glastoniensi nunc primum emendate edidit Antonius Hall, A. M. Coll. Regin. Oxon. Socius
  • 2839
    Book Info
    Nine sermons on several subjects. By the Reverend Jonathan Smedley, A. M. Dean of Killalla
  • 2840
    Book Info
    Nine sermons: the first preached before His Majesty K. Charles I. The other on special and eminent occasions. By William Chillingworth, M. A. Of the University of Oxford