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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 2,841 - 2,860건 출력
  • 2841
    Book Info
    Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large. Published from the Lady Cowper's correct copy. With historical and political remarks: and several instances wherein it is fulfilled. The sixth edition. To which is added, the life of Nixon
  • 2842
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    No just grounds for introducing the New Communion Office, or denying Communion To those who cannot think themselves at Liberty to reject the Liturgy of the Church of England For its sake. In answer to a late appendix, And to the Learned and Reverend Dr. Brett's Postscript. By a Non-Juror
  • 2843
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    Nomina quorundam e primariis olim Regiæ Grammaticalis Scholæ Buriæ Sti Edmundi, Inter Icenos Celeberrimae Carminibus Illustrata. (miscellaneis quibusdam adjectis) Edita a Joan Randall, A. M. Coll. Christi Burienfis nuper Scholae Magistro Nunc a Sacris Agro Norfolciensi
  • 2844
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    Notes of a lecture after the victory over the rebels, and on the return of the honourable Major General Wightman, with the troops under his command, from the Highlands to Inverness, upon the 20th June, 1719
  • 2845
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    Notes upon the twelve books of Paradise lost: Collected from the Spectator. Written by Mr. Addison.
  • 2846
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    The New Testament, with moral reflections upon every verse, ...
  • 2847
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    The nature and consequences of enthusiasm consider'd, in some short remarks on the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity stated and defended. In a letter to Mr. Tong, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Smith, and Mr. Reynolds. By a Protestant Dissenter
  • 2848
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    The negociator's magazine: or, the exchanges anatomiz'd. In two parts. Part I. Of the Foreign Banks and Agio's; the different Species and Denominations of their Money; the Usances and Times of their Marts or Fairs; and the Current Prices of the Exchanges for the principal Places of Traffick in Europe; together with great Variety of Examples in reducing of Exchanges. Part II. Concise and plain Inst
  • 2849
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    The new separation from the Church of England groundless; Being a vindication of the No Necessity of Altering The Common-Prayer: in answer To a late Pamphlet, Entitled the Necessity of an Alteration
  • 2850
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    The night-Piece. A poem
  • 2851
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    The ninth ode of the third book of Horace, imitated. Ben-n and G-ge
  • 2852
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    The noble stand. Second part. Containing I. The first news-paper representation of the proceedings at Salter's Hall, which blew up the Misunderstanding among the Dissenting Ministers of London, into an open Contention and War, and so is Chargeable with all the Mischief that has, or may follow: With the Conciliator's Censure of the Hand that drew it. II. The Second News-Paper Representation, to det
  • 2853
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    The noble stand: or, a just vindication of those brave spirits who in the late memorable actions at Salters-Hall distinguished themselves, and got so much honour in appearing for that important principle of religious liberty, viz. That Doctrines only to be known by Revelation are to be stated in the Words of Revelation only, when designed to be a Standard and Test. In a letter to a friend
  • 2854
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    The nooning. A poem. Translated from Ovid, at the request of a young lady at the last ball. By Major Pack
  • 2855
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    A narrative or, the ordinary of Newgate's account of what passed between him and James Sheppard; who was try'd and convicted, and received sentence of death, for high-treason, ...
  • 2856
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    A new collection of miscellany poems, for the year, 1718
  • 2857
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    Nazarenus: or, Jewish, Gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. Containing the history of the antient Gospel of Barnabas, and the modern Gospel of the Mahometans, attributed to the same Apostle: this last Gospel being now first made known among Christians. Also, the original plan of Christianity occasionally explain'd in the history of the Nazarens, wherby diverse Controversies about this divine (but
  • 2858
    Book Info
    Nazarenus: or, Jewish, gentile, and Mahometan Christianity. Containing the history of the antient Gospel of Barnabas, ... Also, the original plan of Christianity ... With the relation of an Irish manuscript of the four Gospels, ... By Mr. Toland
  • 2859
    Book Info
    New improvements of planting and gardening, both philosophical and practical; Explaining the motion of the sapp and generation of plants. With other discoveries never before made publick, for the improvement of forest-trees flower gardens, or parterres; with a new invention whereby more designs of garden-platts may be made in an hour, than can be found in all the books now extant. Likewise several
  • 2860
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    No necessity to alter the Common-Prayer; or, the unreasonableness of the New Separation. Being a full answer to Two late Books; the one called, Reasons for Restoring some Prayers and Directions, &c. and the other, The Defence of the Reasons. In a letter to a Friend who has left the Communion of the Church of England