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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 2,901 - 2,920건 출력
  • 2901
    Book Info
    The necessary duty of family prayer, and the deplorable condition of prayerless families consider'd; in a letter from a minister to his parishioners. ...
  • 2902
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    The necessity of a divine call or mission in those who take upon them to preach the gospel of Christ. Being, a sermon On Romans X. 15. How shall they Preach except they be sent. By the author of The clergyman's companion in visiting the sick
  • 2903
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    The new key to The rehearsal. Presented to his Royal Highness the Prince. Written by his Grace George, late Duke of Buckingham
  • 2904
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    The new scheme of doctrine contained in the answers of Mr. John Simson, Professor of Divinity in the Colledge of Glasgow; to Mr Webster's libel, considered and examined, by Mr. John M'claren, one of the Minister's of Edinburgh
  • 2905
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    A national establishment, the True Foundation of Allegiance. A sermon Preach'd before the Right Honourable Sir Charles Peers Knight, Lord-Mayor, and the Aldermen & Citizens of London, at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, On Wednesday Aug. 1. 1716, Being the Anniversary of His Majesty's Happy Accession to the Throne. By John Turner, D. D. Vicar of Greenwich, and Chaplain to His Royal Highness the P
  • 2906
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    A new farce; represented in a battle-royal, between three cocks of the game. Containing their different schemes of government, compar'd with the natural state
  • 2907
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    A new miscellany of poems and translations. Never before printed. By the author of The smock-race at Finglas
  • 2908
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    Nanny Roc-d's letter to a member of the B---f Stake Club, In Vindication of Certain Ladies Calumniated in the Freeholder of March 9th. In the Stile of a Certain Knight
  • 2909
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    New miscellaneous poems. With five love-letters from a nun to a cavalier. With the cavalier's answer. In two parts. Done into verse
  • 2910
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    News from Westminster, or Presbyterian John tossed in a blanket
  • 2911
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    News from the dead, in a letter from Tom. Brown, the Poet. Giving an account of the arrival and behaviour of the Earl of Derwentwater, Oxborough, Gascoigne, Parson Paul, and Justice Hall, in the Elysium shades. In which are some learned notes on their several speeches
  • 2912
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    Nixon's Cheshire prophecy at large. Publish'd from the Lady Cowper's correct copy. With historical and political remarks: and several instances wherein it is fulfill'd
  • 2913
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    The nature, guilt and danger of rebelling against the light, explain'd and improv'd. With a recommendatory epistle to the rising generation. By Thomas Freke
  • 2914
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    The noble life and character of the Honourable Sir Simon Harcourt, Lord Baron harcourt, of harcourt, in stanton In Oxfordshire, late Lord Chancellor, together with his Lordship's speech made to the Earl of Oxford on his promotion to the post of Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain
  • 2915
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    The nonjurors separation from the public assemblys of the Church of England examin'd, and prov'd to be schismatical, upon their own principles. By Tho. Bennet, D.D.
  • 2916
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    The northern crisis. Or, impartial reflections on the policies of the Czar, occasioned by Mynheer Von Stocken's reasons for delaying the descent upon Schonen. A True Copy of which is prefix'd, verbally Translated after the Tenour of that in the German Secretary's Office in Copenhagen, October the 10th, 1716
  • 2917
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    The northern heiress: or, The Humours of York. A comedy. As it was acted at the New-Theatre in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields. By Mrs. Mary Davys
  • 2918
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    A new Scotch song, or a dialogue between two shepherds
  • 2919
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    A new Tory health: to the tune of Hark, hark, we hear the thundring cannons roar
  • 2920
    Book Info
    A new academy of complements; or the lover's secratary [sic]. Being wit and mirth improv'd, by the most elegant expressions us'd in the art of courtship, ... To which is added, a choice collections [sic] of above 120 love-songs, ...