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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 2,961 - 2,980건 출력
  • 2961
    Book Info
    A new voyage to Italy. With curious observations on several other countries; as, Germany; Switzerland; Savoy; Geneva; Flanders; and Holland. ... In four volumes. The fourth edition, with large additions throughout ...
  • 2962
    Book Info
    Natural religion insufficient; and reveal'd necessary to man's happiness in his present state: or, a rational enquiry into the principles of the modern deists: Wherein is largely discovered their utter Insufficiency to answer the great Ends of Religion, and the Weakness of their Pleadings for the Sufficiency of Nature's Light to eternal Happiness; And particularly the Writings of the learn'd Lord
  • 2963
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    News from both universities
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  • 2964
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    Noah's flood: or, the history of the general deluge. An opera. Being the sequel to Mr. Dryden's Fall of man
  • 2965
    Book Info
    Noctes Nottinghamic? or cursory objections against the syntax of the common-grammar, in order to obtain a better: design'd in the mean time for the use of schools. By Richard Johnson. M. A. Author of the Grammatical Commentarys, Master of the Free-School in Nottingham
  • 2966
    Book Info
    Now, or never: or, seasonable thoughts for the present times
  • 2967
    Book Info
    The new association. Of those called, moderate church-men, with the modern-whigs & fanaticks, to under-mine and blow-up the present constitution in church and state. Occasion'd by a late pamphlet, entitul'd, The danger of priestcraft: with a recital of the old Snugg Solemn League and Covenant. And a supplement, on occasion of the new Scotch Presbyterian Covenant. Together, with an appendix, contai
  • 2968
    Book Info
    The new project examin'd, or, the design of the faction to deprive the family of Honover [sic], of the power to name Lords Justices, anatomiz'd. In a letter to a Member of Parliament. ...
  • 2969
    Book Info
    The novelty and nullity of dissatisfaction: Or, The Solemn Affirmation Defended, Against the Unwarrantable Attempts of a Nameless Author, In a Late Essay upon Mat. 5. 33,--37. Wherein His Erroneous Exposition of the Text, Confused Notion of an Oath, many Precarious Assertions, Repeated Contradictions, False or Fallacious Reasonings, and Palpable Misrepresentations of our Ancient Friends, &c. are M
  • 2970
    Book Info
    A narrative of proceedings in the dispute between the Bishop of Winchester, and the College of Winchester, concerning his Jurisdiction. Together with An Account of those designs which brought on that Dispute
  • 2971
    Book Info
    A new English dictionary; or, a compleat collection of the most proper and significant words, and terms of art commonly used in the language; With a continued Short and Clear Exposition. The Whole digested into Alphabetical Order; and chiefly designed for the benefit of Young Scholars, Tradesmen, Artificers, Foreigners, and the Female Sex, who would learn to spell truly; being so fitted to every C
  • 2972
    Book Info
    A new elegy upon the death of Mr. Daniel Burgess, the famous dissenting teacher, who died at his House in Boswel-Court, on Monday the 26th of January, 1713, in the 65th year of his age
  • 2973
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    A new manual of devotions, in three parts. Part I. Containing prayers for families and private persons. Part II. Containing offices. I. Of Humiliation. II. For the Sick. III. For Women with Child. Part III. Consisting of an office for the Holy Communion: To which are added some Occasional Prayers
  • 2974
    Book Info
    A new poem on the ratification of the safe and honourable peace, with Spain as well as France. Her Majesty obtaining Liberty of the French King, for the Renowned Confessors, from their miserable Gallies, and Heavy Bands of Iron. Also On the blessed Art of Cultivating peace at Home, which has been earnestly Recommended by Her most Excellent Majesty, from the Throne. By Nicholas Tucker,
  • 2975
    Book Info
    A new voyage to the island of fools, representing the policy, government, and present state of the Stultitians. By a noble Venetian. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable, the Lord Ferdinando. Translated from the Italian
  • 2976
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    A new-Years-Gift to youth. A sermon preach'd at Leicester, January the 1st, 1713. to young persons. By John Greene
  • 2977
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    A notion of the historical draught or tablature of the judgment of Hercules, according to Prodicus, Lib.II. Xen. de Mem. Soc
  • 2978
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    Ne'er a barrel the better herring, between low-church and no-church. Occasioned by the Modern Prefacers
  • 2979
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    New dialogues of the gods; or, reflections upon the passions: with a discourse upon the nature of dialogue. Translated from the French by Mr. Tamworth Reresby
  • 2980
    Book Info
    No lawful ministry without a divine mission, asserted in a sermon Preach'd at a Visitation of the Clergy held at Chichester, June the 8th, 1712. By Daniel Lafite, M. A. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Ormond, and Rector of Woollavington, in the Country of Sussex