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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 321 - 340건 출력
  • 321
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    New publications printed for John Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly
  • 322
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    New travels into the interior parts of Africa, by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1783, 84 and 85. Translated from the French of Le Vaillant. Illustrated with a map, Delineating the Route of his Present and Former Travels, and with Twenty-Two other Copper-Plates. In three volumes. ...
  • 323
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    Notes adressées par le Citoyen Adet, ministre plénipotentiaire de la République Française près les États-Unis d'Amérique, au secrétaire d'etat des Etats-Unis. = Notes from Citizen Adet, minister plenipotentiary of the French Republic, near the United States of America, to the secretary of state of the United States
  • 324
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    Notes critical and dissertatory on the Gospel and Epistles of St. John. By the Rev. R. Shepherd, D. D. F. R. S.
  • 325
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    Notes on the etymology of a few antique words. By Mr. Brothers. Copied from the Morning-Post, April 18, 1796
  • 326
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    Notice is hereby given. That it shall and may be lawful for the citizens and subjects of the United States of America to import in to the British parts of St. Domingo in their own vessels the following enumerated articles ...
  • 327
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    Novelle di autori senesi. ...
  • 328
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    Novelle morali di Francesco Soave, colla spiegazione di vari idiomi e frasi che in esse s'incontrano. Parte Prima
  • 329
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    Novum Testamentum vulgatæ editionis, juxta exemplum Parisüs editum apud fratres Barbou. Sumptibus Academiæ Oxoniensis, in usum cleri gallicani in Anglia exulantis. Cura et studio quorundam ex eodem clero Wintoniæ commorantium
  • 330
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    The New Year's wish of an affectionate minister for the people of his charge; addressed to them in a sermon preached at Dorchester, January 1, 1796. By Thaddeus Mason Harris, M.A. F.H.S. [Five lines of Scripture texts]
  • 331
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    The names of those patriots, in the parish of Saint John, that supported Mr. Tierney
  • 332
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    The nature and advantages of good education. A sermon, preached before the Society incorporated by royal charter for the Benefit of the Sons of the Clergy of the Established Church of Scotland, in the Tron Church of Edinburgh, June 3d, 1795. By Henry Grieve, D. D. F. R. S. E. one of the Ministers of Edinburgh, and one of his Majesty's Chaplains. To which is added, an account of the objects and con
  • 333
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    The nature of the gospel delineated, and its universal spread founded upon the declaration of Jesus Christ: a sermon, preached in the parish church of Kilmarnock, on Thursday, August 18th, 1796, by John Russel, A. M. One of the Ministers of Kilmarnock
  • 334
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    The nature of the work of God; considered in a sermon on Acts xiii.41. By John Beaumont
  • 335
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    The nature, Uses, Dangers, Sufferings, and Preservatives, of the Human Imagination. A sermon, preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, on Sunday, January 31, 1796. By William Jones, M.A. F.R.S. author of the man of sin, &c.
  • 336
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    The nature, design, and general rules of the United Societies in London, Bristol, Kingswood, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, &c. To which are added the rules of the Band Societies
  • 337
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    The nature, obligation and importance of Christian compassion, illustrated; in a sermon preached before the Middlesex Lodge, of Free and Accepted Masons, in Framingham, on the twenty-fourth day of June, 1796. By David Kellogg, Pastor of the church in said town. Published at the request of the society
  • 338
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    The negro slaves, a dramatic-historical piece, in three acts. Translated from the German of the president de Kotzebue
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  • 339
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    The new Bath guide; or, useful pocket companion for all persons residing at or resorting to this antient city. Giving an account of The First Discovery of its medicinal waters by King Bladud; Saron and Roman Antiquities, Nature and Efficacy of the Warm Baths and Sudatories. With the Rules and Prices of Bathing and Pumping. The Virtues of the Bath Waters used internally and externally. Lists of the
  • 340
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    The new Brighton guide; involving a complete, authentic, and honorable solution of the recent mysteries of Carlton House. By Anthony Pasquin, Esq.