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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 4,121 - 4,140건 출력
  • 4121
    Book Info
    The new state of England, under our Sovereign, Queen Anne. In three parts. Containing, I. An exact and particular Description both of England and Wales, through their several Counties; with all Things Remarkable therein, and the best Account hitherto of London and Westminster. II. Of the Original, Temper, Genius, Language, Trade, Laws, and Religion of the English. Of our several Orders of Men, the
    Mi{grave}ege, Guy
  • 4122
    Book Info
    The newest, plainest and best short-hand extant. Containing I. A brief account of all the short-hands already extant; with their Alphabets and Fundamental Rules. 2. A plain and easie method for beginners, less burthensome to the Memory than any other. 3. A new invention for contracting words, with special Rules for contracting Sentences, and other Ingenious Fancies, both pleasant and profitable un
    Coles, Elisha
  • 4123
    Book Info
    A new Spanish and English dictionary: collected from the best Spanish authors, both ancient and modern. Containing several thousand words more than any other dictionary; with their etymology; their proper, figurative, burlesque and cant significations; the common terms of arts and sciences; the proper names of men; the surnames of families, and and
    Stevens, John
  • 4124
    Book Info
    A new description of the world. Delineating Europe Africa, and Asia, America. With a mapp and tables of the empires, Kingdoms, provinces & cities therein. Together with A Chronological and Historical Account of the Emperors, Kings, Princes, Governments, Religion, Languages, Customs, Commodities, Revolutions and Rarities thereof. By H. Curson, Gent
    Curson, H
  • 4125
    Book Info
    A new ecclesiastical history of the sixteenth century: volume the second. Containing an impartial and succinct history of the Council of Trent. The state of religion in England, France, Italy, Germany, Hungary, and other Parts of Christendom, in the latter Part of this Age. Stnods and Ecclesiastical Assemblies held in that Time. The Succession of the Popes. The Institutions of Religious Orders. An
    Du Pin, Louis Ellies
  • 4126
    Book Info
    A new version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ...
  • 4127
    Book Info
    A new voyage to the north: containing, a full account of Norway; the Laplands, both Danish, Swedish and Muscovite; of Borandia, Siberia, Samojedia, Zembla and Iseland: with the description of the religion and customs of these several nations. To which is added, a particular relation of the court of the Czar; of the Religion and Customs of the Muscovites; and a Short History of Muscovy. As it was t
    La Martini{grave}ere, Pierre Martin de
  • 4128
    Book Info
    Nicholas Edge, appellant. Henry Hatrell, James Ford, Philip Hollins, Esq; and Tho. Swettenham, Gent respondents. The respondents case
    Hatrell, Henry
  • 4129
    Book Info
    Nicodemus: or, a treatise against the fear of man. Wherein the causes and sad effects thereof are briefly describ'd. With some remedies against it. Written in High Dutch by Augustus Hermannus Franke, ... Now done into English.
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 4130
    Book Info
    No-Church establish'd: or, the schismatick unmask'd. Being an impartial answer to The rights of the Christian church asserted. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Two Renowned Universities, and the Whole Body of the Clergy of this Kingdom
  • 4131
    Book Info
    Nocturnal revels: or, a general history of dreams. In two parts. Shewing I. the Nature, Causes, and various Kinds of Dreams and Visions: And of the Nocturnal Communications of the Soul with Good and Evil Angels. With several Examples of Dreams, both Divine and Humane, Ancient and Modern, that have been Remarkably Accomplish'd. II. Shewing the Signification of all manner of Dreams whatsoever, accor
  • 4132
    Book Info
    Nomenclator classicus, sive dictionariolum trilingue, Secundùm Locos communes, Nominibus usitatioribus Anglicis, Latinis, Graecis, ordine dispositis. A classical nomenclator, with the gender and declension of each word and the quantities of the syllables. By John Ray, M. A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. To which are added paradigmata of all the declensions, as well Greek as Latin; with a Centur
    Ray, John
  • 4133
    Book Info
    Novus græcorum epigrammatum & Poemation delectus cum nova versione et notis. Operâ Thomæ Johnson, A M. In usum Scholæ Etonensis
    Johnson, Thomas
  • 4134
    Book Info
    The Negro Christianized An essay to excite and assist the good work, the instruction of Negro-servants in Christianity. [Four lines of Scripture texts]
    Mather, Cotton
  • 4135
    Book Info
    The natural frailty of princes consider'd: a sermon preach'd the 29th of March, 1702. Upon the sad occasion of the death of ... William the Third, ... By John Piggott
    Piggott, John
  • 4136
    Book Info
    The nature, Obligation, and Measures of conscience, deliver'd in a sermon preach'd at Leicester, at the assizes held there, July 25th, 1706. By Henry Sacheverell, M. A. Fellow of Magdalen-College, Oxon. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 4137
    Book Info
    The nature, Obligation, and Measures of conscience, deliver'd in a sermon preach'd at Leicester, at the assizes held there, July 25th, 1706. By Henry Sacheverell, M.A. Fellow of Magdalen-College, Oxon. Publish'd at the Request of the Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury
    Sacheverell, Henry
  • 4138
    Book Info
    The necessity and advantage of an early education. In a sermon preach'd in the parish-church of St. Mary White-Chappel, on Sunday the 25th of November, 1705. Upon The Account of the Poor Children belonging to the Free School in the said Parish. Publish'd at the Request of them that Heard it, and particularly the Trustees for the said Poor Children. By R. Welton, Rector of the said Parish, And Chap
    Welton, R
  • 4139
    Book Info
    The necessity of a regular mission to the ministry: asserted and proved in a sermon preach'd at Chertsey, Octob. 16. 1705. By Daniel Mayo, M.A.
    Mayo, Daniel
  • 4140
    Book Info
    The new art of thriving; or, the way to get and keep money. Being a Seasonable Caution against the Extravagancies of these Times. Containing Sixteen Excellent Rules and Observations for Promoting good Husbandry, and Banishing Idleness and Profuseness, the certain Parents of Poverty: With a table of expenses, principally intended for an Admonition to Youth, but most necessary to be Practised by All