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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 541 - 560건 출력
  • 541
    Book Info
    A narrative of the proceedings relating to the bill which was lately passed into a law, intituled An act for granting relief to pastors, ministers, and lay persons of the episcopal communion in Scotland. By a member of their committee, Appointed to Solicit the Repeal of Certain Penal Statutes
  • 542
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    A narrative of the sufferings of James Bristow, belonging to the Bengal Artillery, during ten years captivity with Hyder Ally and Tippoo Saheb
  • 543
    Book Info
    A new American selection of lessons in reading and speaking. Consisting of sacred, moral, and historical extracts; humorous, entertaining, and descriptive pieces; select sentences and maxims; poetry, dialogues, &c. To which are added, elements of gesture, illustrated wit copper-plate engravings. Designed for the use of schools. By Joseph Dana, A.B.
  • 544
    Book Info
    A new Latin-English dictionary; containing all the words proper for reading the classic writers; with the Authorities subjoined to each Word and Phrase. To which is prefixed, a new English-Latin dictionary, Carefully Compiled from The best Authors in our Language. Both Parts greatly improved, beyond all the preceding Works of the same Nature; supplying their Deficiencies, and comprising whatever i
  • 545
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    A new Persian and English work, after the method of Boyer and others, by Robert Jones
  • 546
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    A new Spanish grammar; or, the elements of the Spanish language: containing an easy and compendious method to speak and write it correctly. With Several Useful Remarks on the most particular Idioms and Fundamental Rules, shewing Low to make use of them, as well in Speaking as in Writing. The whole extracted from the best Observations of Spanish Grammarians, and particularly of the Royal Spanish Ac
  • 547
    Book Info
    A new and accurate description of all the direct and principal cross roads in England and Wales. Containing, I. An Alphabetical List of all the Cities, Towns, and remarkable Villages; with their Market-Days, and the Counties in which they are situated. II. The Direct Roads from London to all the Cities, Borough, Market, and Sea-Port Towns; shewing the Distance from each City, Town, or Village, to
  • 548
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    A new and easy introduction to universal geography; in a series of letters to a youth at school: ... By the Rev. R. Turner, ...
  • 549
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    A new and easy method of curing the fistula lacrymalis: the second edition, with considerable improvements. To which is added, a dissertation on the epiphora vera; or, True watery eye: and the zeropthalmia; or, Dry eye. By Jonathan Wathen, surgeon, F.A.S. Also, an appendix, on the treatment of patients after the operation for the cataract: in which are shewn, the evils attendant on long confinemen
  • 550
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    A new collection of moral tales, chiefly written by the celebrated Marmontel, and translated from the original French, by Mr. Heron. In three volumes. ...
  • 551
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    A new collection of moral tales. Written by the celebrated Marmontel, and translated from the original French, by Mr. Heron. Volume First, Containing: Error of a Good Father Palemon, a Pastoral Tale the Hermits of Murcia the Village Breakfasts to which is Added, Lucia and Melania, a Novel
  • 552
    Book Info
    A new concordance and dictionary to the Holy Scriptures. Being The most Comprehensive and Concise of any before Published. In which Any Word or Passage of Scripture may be easily Found:-The Signification is given of all proper Names of Men, Women, Beasts, Birds, Fishes, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, precious Stones, and other Things mentioned in Scripture. Together with The different Acceptati
  • 553
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    A new daily paper. On Monday, October 1st, 1792, will commence a daily publication, to be entitled the Sun
  • 554
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    A new edition, corrected to the end of April, of The royal Kalendar; or complete and correct annual register for ... 1792; ...
  • 555
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    A new guide to the city of Edinburgh: containing a description of all the public buildings, and a concise history of the city, From The Earliest Periods To The Present Time, embellished with engravings Of The Principal Public Buildings
  • 556
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    A new law dictionary: intended for general use, as well as for gentlemen of the profession. By Richard Burn, LL. D. Late Chancellor of the Diocese of Carlisle. And continued to the present time by John Burn, Esq. his son, One of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Counties of Westmorland and Cumberland. In two volumes. ...
  • 557
    Book Info
    A new moral system of geography, Containing an account of the different nations ancient and modern: Their situation and climate - their rise and fall - their customs and manners; including, a description of each country, and their respective productions, by which commerce has been established, and society cemented for the good of mankind. Adorned with the dresses of each country
  • 558
    Book Info
    A new royal French grammar; containing rules for the pronouncing and writing of the French tongue; some familiar Phrases, Dialogues, Fables; and three Vocabularies. By John Palairet, French Master to their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cumberland, the Princess of Hesse, and the Queen of Denmark
  • 559
    Book Info
    A new system of modern geography: or, a geographical historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world. Containing I. The Figures, Motions, and Distances of the Planets, according to the Newtonian System and the latest Observations. II. A general View of the Earth considered as a Planet; with several useful Geographical Definitions and Problems. III. The gr
  • 560
    Book Info
    A new theatrical dictionary. Containing an account of all the dramatic pieces that have appeared from the commencement of theatrical exhibitions to the present time. Together with their dates when Written or Printed, where Acted, and Occasional Remarks on their Merits and Success. To which is added. An alphabetical catalogue of dramatic writers, with the titles of all the Pieces they have Written,