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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 3,238건 중 561 - 580건 출력
  • 561
    Book Info
    A new, and improved edition of the collection of psalm and hymn tunes sung at the chapel of the Lock Hospital with considerable additions
  • 562
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    Narrative of the operations of the British army in India, From the 21st April to the 16th July, 1791; with a particular Account of the action on the 15th of May, near Seringapatam
  • 563
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    Narrative of the proceedings relating to the suspension of the King of the French, on the 10th of August, 1792. By J.B. D'Aumont
  • 564
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    National Convention. The defence of Louis. Pronounced at the bar of the National Convention, on Wednesday, 26th December, 1792, ... By Citizen Desèze, one of his official councils. Translated from the French, by Cézar Dubuc. ...
  • 565
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    New Assembly-Rooms. For the benefit of Master Welsh. On Saturday, Jan. 7th, 1792. To begin at twelve o'clock
  • 566
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    New Assembly-Rooms. Madame Sisley's concert, Wednesday, Jan. 4th, 1792
  • 567
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    New Assembly-Rooms. The seventh subscription concert will be on Wednesday, Jan. 11th, 1792. when Mr. Giornovicchi will play a concerto on the violin. ...
  • 568
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    New Assembly-Rooms. The sixth subscription concert will be on Wednesday, Dec. 26th, 1792, in the great room
  • 569
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    New Year's morning, in Edinburgh; and Auld Handsel Monday, in the country : two poems in the Scottish dialect, by the author of The shepherd's wedding
  • 570
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    New and decisive proofs, from scripture and reason, that adults only are included in the design of the new covenant, or the Gospel dispensation, and were members of the Church of Christ, in the Apostolic age. Offered as a reply to Mr. Williams's attempt, in a late treatise, to prove that by baptism infants were initiated into the Church of Christ, and members of it, at that time. By William Ashdow
  • 571
    Book Info
    New copper-plate magazine. Published by J. Walker, no.44, Paternoster-Row. This day is published, number C. To be continued monthly, price one shilling and sixpence only, of the Copper-Plate Magazine; or, Monthly Cabinet of Picturesque Engravings. Intended to Comprise. All the most interesting, sublime, and beautiful Views of Principal Cities, Sea-Ports, Forests, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Royal Pa
  • 572
    Book Info
    New designs in architecture, consisting of plans, elevations, and sections for various buildings, comprised in Xliv folio plates, designed and engraved by George Richardson, architect. = Nouveaux desseins d'architecture, ou, plans, elevations, et coupes de divers bâtimens; Compris in Xliv Planches in Folio, dessinées et gravées par George Richardson architecte
  • 573
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    New publications printed for J. Derett [sic for Debrett], opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly
  • 574
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    New tales from the French of M. Florian
  • 575
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    New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. By J. P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French
  • 576
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    New travels in the United States of America. Performed in 1788. By J.P. Brissot de Warville. Translated from the French
  • 577
    Book Info
    Newbery's new spelling dictionary of the English language. Wherein All the Words are properly accented. Shewing How to write and pronounce them with Ease and Propriety. To which is prefixed, a new and concise introduction to English grammar
  • 578
    Book Info
    Newcastle upon Tyne. Letters, Written in the Year. MDCCXCII
  • 579
    Book Info
    Nimble and quick pick and chuse where you will. Here is something to fit and please everybody. Containing the humours of the age. Being whimsical, witty, diverting, and comical, with useful remarks on the virtues and vices of the times
  • 580
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    No song no supper: an opera, in two acts. As performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane