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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 781 - 800건 출력
  • 781
    Book Info
    A new and literal translation of the I, III, IV, Vii, Viii, X, XIII, & XIV satires of Juvenal, with copious explanatory notes; by which this difficult satirist is rendered easy and familiar to the reader. By the Rev. M. Madan
  • 782
    Book Info
    A new cheap manure. Particularly adapted for the counties of Leicester, Derby, Nottingham and Rutland, and the adjoining counties. A treatise on alabaster, or gypsum. Describing its powerful effects, as a very cheap manure, for corn and land in general, and particularly for grass lands, proved by a variety of experiments. By Richard Weston, Secretary to the Leicester Agriculture Society
    Weston, Richard
  • 783
    Book Info
    A new chronological abridgment of the history of England; from the earliest times to the accession of the House of Hanover. To each reign is added a list of the contemporary princes of Europe. Written upon the plan of the President Henault's History of France. By Charles Home, Esq
    Home, Charles
  • 784
    Book Info
    A new collection of medical prescriptions, distributed into twelve classes, And accompanied with Pharmaceutical and Practical Remarks, exhibiting a view of the present state of the materia medica, and Practice of Physic, Both at Home and Abroad. By a member of the London College of Physicians
    Pearson, Richard
  • 785
    Book Info
    A new dialogue of the dead: or, a supposed debate between the crucified thief and the Apostle Paul, upon this question, Who was the greater sinner before conversion?
    Serle, Ambrose
  • 786
    Book Info
    A new directory for the East-Indies: containing, I. The first discoveries made in the East-Indies by European voyagers and Travellers. II. The Origin Construction, and Application Nautical and Hydrographical Charts. III. The natural Causes, and observed Phaenomena, of the constant and variable Winds, Trade-Winds, Monsoons, and Currents, throughout the East-India Oceans and Seas. IV. A Description
    Herbert, William
  • 787
    Book Info
    A new elegy, upon the much lamented death of the Right Honourable Selina, late countess of Huntingdon, who departed this life, at her house in the Spa fields, on Friday last, aged eighty-seven
  • 788
    Book Info
    A new friend on an old subject
    Bristol, Frederick William Hervey
  • 789
    Book Info
    A new historical catechism; containing witty answers to several questions, of many wonderful matters in ancient history. Shewing, 1. The light of the Heathen world. 2. The confession and decease of oracles. 3. The miracles that happened at our Saviour's birth. 4. The usurpation of Herod to the kingdom of Judea by treachery. 5. The many great and cruel murders committed by him, together with the wa
  • 790
    Book Info
    A new history of England. From the earliest period to the present time. ... Embellished with copper plates, ... from the designs of Mr. Wale. By the Reverend Mr. Cooper.
    Johnson, R
  • 791
    Book Info
    A new history of the Holy Bible. By a lady
  • 792
    Book Info
    A new medical dictionary : or, general repository of physic. Containing an explanation of the terms, and a description of the various particulars relating to anatomy, physiology, physic, surgery, materia medica, chemistry, &c. &c. &c. Each Article, according to its Importance, being considered in every Relation to which its Usefulness extends in the Healing Art. By G. Motherby, M.D. C. M. S. By...
    Motherby, G
  • 793
    Book Info
    A new method of learning French, in a practical and easy way: being an illustration of all the French verbs, systematically arranged, and combined in short Sentences, with the Substantives and other Words to which they are the most likely to be connected: With an English Translation, so very literal as to answer to the French, Word for Word, without offending the Rules of Construction. By Mr. Du M
    Huguenin du Mitand, Louis
  • 794
    Book Info
    A new method of learning with facility the Latin tongue, Containing the Rules of Genders, Declensions, Preterites, Syntax, Quantity, and Latin Accents. Digested in the clearest and concisest Order. Enlarged with variety of solid remarks, necessary not only for a perfect knowledge of the Latin tongue, but likewise for understanding the best authors: extracted from the ablest writers on this languag
    Lancelot, Claude
  • 795
    Book Info
    A new system of the natural history : of quadrupeds, birds, fishes, - and insects. In three volumes.
  • 796
    Book Info
    A new version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ...
  • 797
    Book Info
    A new version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ...
  • 798
    Book Info
    A new version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ...
  • 799
    Book Info
    A new version of the Psalms of David, ... By N. Brady, ... and N. Tate, ... With notes and annotations
  • 800
    Book Info
    Names of the members of the Toxophilite Society, for the year M DCC XCII
    Toxophilite Society