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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,041 - 1,060건 출력
  • 1041
    Book Info
    A narrative of the extraordinary case of Geo. Lukins, of Yatton, Somersetshire, who was possessed of evil spirits, for near eighteen years: also an account of his remarkable deliverance, In the Vestry-Room of Temple Church, in the City of Bristol, Extracted from the Manuscripts of several Persons who attended. To which is Prefixed a Letter from the Rev. W. R. W.
  • 1042
    Book Info
    A narrative of the lives of James Falconer, Peter Bruce, and James Dick, now under sentence of death in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, for breaking open and robbing the banking office of Dundee, on the night of the 17th February 1788. To which is added, a solemn attestation of their innocence, As Signed by themselves in the Presence of an Eminent and Reverend Divine of this City
  • 1043
    Book Info
    A narrative of the transactions in Bengal, during the Soobahdaries of Azeem Us Shan, ... Translated from the original Persian, by Francis Gladwin, Esq
    Sal{macr}im All{macr}ah
  • 1044
    Book Info
    A narrative of what passed at the Revolution House, at Whittington, county of Derby, in the year 1688. With a perspective view, and plan of that cottage
    Pegge, Samuel
  • 1045
    Book Info
    A new abstract of the excise statutes: including the whole of the late regulations, to the end of the session of the 28th George III. Each Duty arranged under its proper Head. To which is added, a correct cash table, Swewing, At One Entry, the Duty for any Number of Barrels and Parts, to 100; and, at Two Entries, from 100 to 50,000, for Common Brewers and Victuallers; and the other Duties on the s
    Locke, Samuel
  • 1046
    Book Info
    A new and complete history of the town and county of the town of Kingston-Upon-Hull; ... Compiled by George Hadley, ...
    Hadley, George
  • 1047
    Book Info
    A new and concise system of geography; containing a particular account of the empires, kingdoms, States, Provinces, and Islands, in the known world. In which is included a comprehensive history of remarkable and interesting events. with an Introduction, Exhibiting the Principles of Astronony, as they are connected with the Knowledge of Geography. By the author of the continuation of Salmon's geogr
    Tytler, James
  • 1048
    Book Info
    A new catalogue of books (for midsummer, 1788, to Christmas) containing fifty thousand volumes, ... marked ... by the publisher, William Otridge, ...
    Otridge, William
  • 1049
    Book Info
    A new copy of verses, call'd injured innocence; or, Mary Neale's tragedy; a girl of only ten years old, that was debauched by means of Maria Lewellen, who is now under sentence of death for the same in the New Prison
  • 1050
    Book Info
    A new edition in quarto, corrected, improved, and greatly enlarged; dedicated, by permission, to the King. This day is published, by Elliot and Kay, no 332. opposite Somerset-Place, Strand, number I. Price one shilling (to be continued weekly); also volume I. part I. containing 10 numbers neatly done up in boards, ... Part II. will be published ... 13th September 1788, being ten weeks from the for
  • 1051
    Book Info
    A new experimental inquiry into the nature and qualities of the Cheltenham water : To which are now added, observations on sundry other waters : Shewing how their Properties may be ascertained, their Virtues preserved, their Impurities corrected, &c. With an appendix on the mephitic-alkaline water ; a New and Approved Remedy Against the Stone and Gravel. By A. Fothergill, M. D. F. R. S. Member ...
    Fothergill, A
  • 1052
    Book Info
    A new grammar, to teach French to Englishmen. By Dom. Blondin, ...
    Blondin, Jean-No{uml}el
  • 1053
    Book Info
    A new method of learning French, in a practical and easy way: being an illustration of all the French verbs, Systematically arranged, and combined in short Sentences, with the Substantives and other Words to which they are the most likely to be connected: With an English Translation, so very literal, as to answer to the French, Word for Word, without offending the Rules of Construction. By Mr. Du
    Huguenin du Mitand, Louis
  • 1054
    Book Info
    A new pocket companion for Oxford: or, guide through the University. ... To which are added, descriptions of the buildings, ... at Blenheim, Ditchley, Heythrop, Nuneham, and Stow, ...
  • 1055
    Book Info
    Narrative of the proceedings relative to Hexham Bridge
  • 1056
    Book Info
    Narrative of the shipwreck of the Antelope East-India Pacquet, on the Pelew Islands, situated on the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean; in August, 1783
  • 1057
    Book Info
    Navigation spiritualized: or, a new compass for seamen; consisting of thirty-two points, [of] pleasant observations, of profitable applications, and [of] serious reflections. All concluded with so many spiritual poems. Whereunto is now added, I. A Sober Consideration of the Sin of Drunkenness. II. The Harlot's Face in the Scripture-Glass. III. The Art of Preserving the Fruit of the Lips. IV. The R
    Flavel, John
  • 1058
    Book Info
    Necessary to all families. In answer to questions proposed by the Royal Society of Paris, on the cause and most effectual methods to prevent the progress of infectious disorders. A treatise on fevers: wherein their causes are exhibited in a new point of view. By a proper Attention to which, their Contagion (accruing from a Contaminated Air) will be prevented; and a Variety of Cases-as Putrid Sore
  • 1059
    Book Info
    New academical institution. The committee for establishing the new academical institution among Protestant Dissenters, have now the pleasure to inform the public, that the spacious and eligible house, ... in ... Hackney, was opened ... on the 29th day of September ...
    New College among Protestant Dissenters (Hackney, London, England)
  • 1060
    Book Info
    New and old principles of trade compared; or a treatise on the principles of commerce between nations; with an appendix, respecting I. The principal general means of aiding commerce. II. The Balance of Trade. III. The Pre-Eminence of Agricultural Industry. IV. A Comparison of Prohibitions, Bounties, and Drawbacks. V. The Commerce of Grain. VI. Navigation Laws. Vii. Laws concerning the interest of