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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,061 - 1,080건 출력
  • 1061
    Book Info
    New books printed for John Stockdale, opposite Burlington-House, Piccadilly
    Stockdale, John
  • 1062
    Book Info
    New books printed for John Stockdale, opposite Burlington-house, Piccadilly.
    Stockdale, John
  • 1063
    Book Info
    New election plays. At the hustings, Covent-Garden, will be presented two plays, ...
  • 1064
    Book Info
    New system of the world, and the laws of motion; in which are explained animal electricity and magnetism, both natural and artificial. No.I. By the Rev. John Bell, Member of the Philosophical Harmonic Society at Paris, Fellow Correspondent to M. Le Court de Geblin's Museum; and the only person authorised to teach and practise that Science in England
    Bell, John
  • 1065
    Book Info
    New, candid, and practical thoughts on the law of imprisonment for debt, with a view to the regulation of it; ... together with heads proposed for an act of Parliament ... By a country attorney
    Country Attorney
  • 1066
    Book Info
    Newbery's familiar letter writer: containing a variety of useful letters, calculated for the most common occurrences, and adapted to the capacities of young people, From an early Age to the Time of their engaging in the most material Concerns of Life
  • 1067
    Book Info
    Newbery's spelling dictionary of the English language. wherein All the Words are properly accented, shewing How to write and pronounce them with Ease and Propriety. To which is prefixed, a new and concise introduction to English grammer
    Newbery, John
  • 1068
    Book Info
    Nimrod's songs of the chace; the best collection of hunting songs ever presented to the lovers of that delightful sport. with an Animated Description of a Fox-Chace, and a superb print of a stag-hunt, near Windsor, with Exact Likenesses of the King, Prince of Wales, and Duke of York. The whole compiled (with permission) from the hunting register of the Windsor nimrod
  • 1069
    Book Info
    No. 1, Summer productions; or, progressive miscellanies. By Thomas Johnson, ...
    Johnson, Thomas
  • 1070
    Book Info
    Notice des principaux réglemens publiés en Angleterre, concernant les pauvres; A laquelle on a joint quelques Reflexions qui peuvent la rendre utile aux Assemblees Provinciales
  • 1071
    Book Info
    The narrative of the Honourable John Byron: (Commodore in a late expedition round the world.) Containing an account of the great distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coasts of Patagonia, ... With a description of St. Jago de Chili, ... Also a relation of the loss of the Wager man of war, ... Written by himself.
    Byron, John
  • 1072
    Book Info
    The nature and qualities of Bristol water: illustrated by experiments and observations, with practical reflections on Bath waters, occasionally interspersed. By The Late A. Sutherland, M. D. of Bath
    Sutherland, Alexander
  • 1073
    Book Info
    The nature and rules of a religious society: submitted to the consideration of the serious inhabitants of the parish of Madeley. By the Rev. John Fletcher, Late Vicar of Madeley. With A Prefatory Epistle by Melvill Horne, Curate of Madeley
    Fletcher, John
  • 1074
    Book Info
    The nautical almanac and astronomical ephemeris, for the year 1789. Printed by order of the Commissioners of Longitude
    Great Britain
  • 1075
    Book Info
    The naval Atalantis; or, a display of the characters of such flag officers as were distinguished during the last war. By Nauticus Junior
    Harris, Joseph
  • 1076
    Book Info
    The necessity, utility, nature and object of a society, entitled The sick man's friend. Instituted in the year 1784, For the Purposes of visiting, advising, and relieving the Poor, under the painful and distressing Hours of Sickness. Supported by the voluntary Contributions of the Pious and Humane
    Sick Man's Friend
  • 1077
    Book Info
    The new Bath guide: or memoirs of the B---n---r---d family. In a series of poetical epistles
    Anstey, Christopher
  • 1078
    Book Info
    The new Bath guide: or memoirs of the B-n-r-d family. In a series of poetical epistles.
    Anstey, Christopher
  • 1079
    Book Info
    The new Bath guide; or, useful pocket companion for all persons residing at or resorting to this antient city. Giving an account of the first discovery of its medicinal waters by King Bladud; ...
  • 1080
    Book Info
    The new British jewel, or, complete housewife's best companion. Containing I. A number of the most uncommon and useful Receipts in Cookery, with the Manner of trussing Poultry, Rabbits, Hares, &c. illustrated with Curious Cuts, shewing how each is to be trussed. II. The best and most fashionable Receipts for all Manner of Pastry, Pickling, &c. with some general Rules to be observed therein. III. D