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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,361 - 1,380건 출력
  • 1361
    Book Info
    The ninth report of the Commissioners appointed to examine, take, and state, the public accounts of the kingdom
    Great Britain
  • 1362
    Book Info
    The noble peasant: a comic opera, in three acts; as performed at the Theatre-Royal, in the Haymarket. By Thomas Holcroft.
    Holcroft, Thomas
  • 1363
    Book Info
    A narrative of the transactions, imprisonment, and sufferings, of John Connolly, an American loyalist and lieutenant-colonel in His Majesty' s service: in which are shewn, the unjustifiable proceedings of Congress in his treatment and detention
    Connolly, John
  • 1364
    Book Info
    A new English translation, from the original Hebrew, of the three first chapters of Genesis; with marginal illustrations, and notes critical and explanatory. By Abraham Dawson, M.A.
    Dawson, Abraham
  • 1365
    Book Info
    A new English-Latin dictionary, carefully compiled from the most celebrated English writers; rendered in classical Latin, And The Words Distinguished According To Their Several Parts Of Speech. By John Entick, M. A. Editor of Schrevelius's Greek Lexicon; Littleton and Cole's Latin Dictionaries; and Author of the New Spelling Dictionary, &c.
    Entick, John
  • 1366
    Book Info
    A new French spelling-book, in tables from one to eight syllables, with the true English to every word. In the gradual order of teaching, and due orthography; and practical lessons on the foregoing tables; to which are annexed the catechism, and prayers, &c. (proper for schools) intended chiefly for young beginners; Adapted to the meanest Capacities. Approved of by several Eminent Masters, and now
    Pierce, Richard
  • 1367
    Book Info
    A new account of all the stamps now in use, distinguishing the several particulars that each stamp is used for
  • 1368
    Book Info
    A new and complete law-dictionary, or, general abridgment of the law: on a more extensive plan than any law-dictionary hitherto published. ... By T. Cunningham, ... In two volumes
    Cunningham, T
  • 1369
    Book Info
    A new and easy introduction to geography, by way of question and answer, divided into lessons. Principally designed for the Use of Schools. Containing A Description of all the known Countries in the World; Of their respective Situations, Divisions, Mountains, Rivers, Principal Cities and Towns, Forms of Government, Religion, &c. Likewise several useful problems on the terrestrial globe, with An Ex
    Gadesby, Richard
  • 1370
    Book Info
    A new edition (corrected to the 10th of February) of The royal Kalendar; or complete and correct annual register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for the year 1783; Including a compleat and correct List of the 15th Parliament of Great Britain, summoned to meet for their first Session on the 31st of October 1780. Upon a new and more extensive Plan than any hitherto offered to the Public
  • 1371
    Book Info
    A new guide to the English tongue, in five parts. Containing, I. Words both common and proper from one to six Syllables: The several Sorts of Monosyllables in the common Words being distinguished by Tables, into Words of two, three, and four Letters, &c. with six short Lessons at the End of each Table, not exceeding the order of Syllables in the foregoing Tables. The several Sorts of Pollysyllable
    Dilworth, Thomas
  • 1372
    Book Info
    A new method for obtaining the longitude at sea. By William Fairman. Teacher of the Mathematics
    Fairman, William
  • 1373
    Book Info
    A new method of investigating the sums of infinite series. By the Rev. Mr. Vince, A.M. of Cambridge. Read at the Royal Society, June 6, 1782
    Vince, Samuel
  • 1374
    Book Info
    A new ministry: the very important debate of the House of Commons, on Mr. Coke's motion for an address to his Majesty, ``requesting that he would be graciously pleased to take into his royal Consideration, the distressed Situation of the Country from the Calamities of a long and ruinous War, and that he would choose such an Administration as may deserve the Confidence of the People, and relieve th
    Great Britain
  • 1375
    Book Info
    A new pocket companion for Oxford: or, guide through the University. Containing an accurate description of the public edifices, the buildings in each of the Colleges; the Gardens, Statues, Pictures, Hibroglyphics, and all other Curiosities in the University. With an Historical Account of the Foundation of the several Colleges, and their present State. To which are added, descriptions of the buildi
  • 1376
    Book Info
    A new poetical translation of the odes and Carmen Sæculare, Or Jubilee Hymn, of Horace, in an easy and intelligible style; the second edition. Reviewed and Improved by the author, W. Green, M. D.
  • 1377
    Book Info
    A new practical essay on cancers : containing, I. An Account of their Nature, Causes, and different Species. II. A Detail of the general Method of Practice, commonly called rational or palliative. III. A Description of the Remedies proposed by some as Specifics, but found to be either dangerous or ineffectual; with Remarks on the same. IV. The most safe, efficacious, and only certain Method of ...
    Burrows, John
  • 1378
    Book Info
    A new scheme of short-hand writing. Being an improvement upon Mr. Palmer's
  • 1379
    Book Info
    A new set of exercises upon the various parts of French speech, Calculated for the Use of such As are desirous of making French without the Help of any Grammar or Dictionary whatever. By Thomas Deletanville, Teacher of the French and Latin Languages
    Deletanville, Thomas
  • 1380
    Book Info
    A new song, upon the new times