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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,441 - 1,460건 출력
  • 1441
    Book Info
    Nouveau voyage dans l'Amérique septentrionale, en l'année 1781; et campagne de l'armée de M. Le Comte de Rochambeau. Par M. l'Abbé Robin
  • 1442
    Book Info
    Nouveau voyage en Espagne, fait en 1777 & 1778; dans lequel on traite des mours, du caractere, des monumens anciens & modernes, du Commerce, du Théatre, de la Législation des Tribunaux particuliers à ce Royaume, & de L'Inquisition; avec de nouveaux détails sur son état actuel, & sur une Procédure récente & fameuse. Tome Premier
    Peyron, Jean-Fran{cedil}cois
  • 1443
    Book Info
    Nummorum veterum populorum et urbium, qui in museo Gulielmi Hunter asservantur, descriptio figuris illustrata. Opera et studio Caroli Combe, S. R. et S. A. Lond. Soc.
    Combe, Charles
  • 1444
    Book Info
    The New-Jersey almanack for the year of our Lord 1783. ... Fitted to the latitude of forty degrees, and a meridian of near five hours west from London, but may, without sensible error, serve all the northern states. ... By Timothy Trueman, philom
    Trueman, Timothy
  • 1445
    Book Info
    The nature, design, and general rules of the United Societies in London, Bristol, Kingswood, Newcastle upon Tyne, &c.
    Wesley, John
  • 1446
    Book Info
    The necessity and advantages of religious consideration recommended. A sermon, preached in the Groat-Market meeting of Protestant dissenters in Newcastle, on Tuesday the first of January, 1782, and Printed at the Desire of the People, and for the benefit of the poor in the congregation. By the Rev. David Grant
    Grant, David
  • 1447
    Book Info
    The neptune of Europe. Containing complete and correct lists of the naval force of Great-Britain, France, Spain, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, And Portugal; and an alphabetical list of the ships in the service of the East-India Company. With a variety of other Interesting Materials, As specified in the Table of Contents. Corrected to May 13, 1782
  • 1448
    Book Info
    The new Bath guide; or, useful pocket companion; necessary for all persons residing at, or resorting to, this ancient and opulent city. Giving an account of the first discovery of its medicinal waters, by King Bladud; The Nature and Efficacy of the Warm Baths and Sudatories, And the Rules, with the Prices of Bathing and Pumping. The Virtues of the Bath Waters used inwardly and externally. Lists of
  • 1449
    Book Info
    The new Latin and English dictionary, designed for the use of grammar schools, and private education: containing all the words and phrases proper for reading the classic authors in both languages. Accurately collected from the most approved Latin Authors; Accompanied with every Improvement to supply the Deficiencies of other Dictionaries, and to enable the Scholar to parse and construe each Word a
    Entick, John
  • 1450
    Book Info
    The new and impartial universal history of North and South America, and of the present Trans-Atlantic war. Containing A Complete Historical and Chronological Account of the first Discovery America; the Conquest of Mexico and Peru; and the Soil, Climate, and Natural Productions of all the Countries in North and South America; Including the West-India Islands: Also, the first Settlements of the Engl
    Arnold, Charles Henry
  • 1451
    Book Info
    The new annual register, or general repository of history, politics, and literature, for the year 1781. To which is prefixed, a short view of the state of knowledge, literature, and taste, in this country, from the death of Queen Anne, to the death of King George II
  • 1452
    Book Info
    The new dispensatory : containing, I. The elements of pharmacy. II. The materia medica: Or, An Account of the Substances employed in Medicine; with the Virtues and Uses of each Article, so far as they are warranted by Experience and Observation. III. The preparations and compositions of the new London and Edinburgh pharmacop{oelig}ias; With Such of the old ones as are kept in the Shops; the mos...
    Lewis, William
  • 1453
    Book Info
    The new instructor clericalis, stating the authority, jurisdiction, and modern practice of the Court of King's Bench. With directions for commencing and defending actions, entring [sic] up judgments, ... To which are added, the rules of the court, ... The whole illustrated by useful notes and observations ... Also, the office of sheriff, ... By John Impey, ...
    Impey, John
  • 1454
    Book Info
    The new spelling dictionary, teaching to write and pronounce the English tongue with Ease and Propriety; In which each Word is accented according to its just and natural Pronunciation; the Part of Speech is properly distinguished, and the various Significations are ranged in one Line: With a list of proper names of Men and Women. The Whole compiled and digested in a Manner entirely new, to make it
    Entick, John
  • 1455
    Book Info
    The new story-teller: or, historical medley. Containing sundry polite stories, remarkable histories, instructive allegories, edifying tales, and entertaining poems
  • 1456
    Book Info
    The new universal geographical grammar: wherein the situation and extent of the several countries are laid down according to the most exact geographical observations, and the history of all the different kingdoms of the world, is interspersed in such a manner, as to render the study of geography both useful and entertaining. ... The second edition, with large additions. ... The whole being an imp
    Salmon, Thomas
  • 1457
    Book Info
    The new week's preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lord's supper, as recommended and appointed by the Church of England; Consisting of Meditations and Prayers for the Morning and Evening of every Day in the Week: With Forms of Examination and Confession of Sins, and A Companion at the Altar Directing the Communicant in his Behaviour and Devotions at the Lord's Table; also Meditations to enab
  • 1458
    Book Info
    The new, Complete, and Universal History of Scotland, from the earliest authentic accounts to the present time. Comprehending an impartial detail of every remarkable transaction, and singular Occurrence, relating to War, Peace, Government, Policy, Commerce, Religion, Literature, Arts, &c. &c. (ancient and Modern) from Fergus, the first king, to the present year of his Majesty George III. Including
    Murray, Robert
  • 1459
    Book Info
    The newcastle and Gateshead directory, for 1782, 83, and 84. Containing the names, trades, and situation of the warehouses, shops, &c. of the people in Trade in the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, and Gateshead, in the County of Durham,-Halls of the several Companies in the Town and County of Newcastle,-Lodges of Free Masons,-Charity Schools,-Rates of Carriage of Goods, as settled by the M
    Whitehead, William
  • 1460
    Book Info
    The nineteen tragedies and fragments of Euripides. Translated by Michael Wodhull, Esq; In four volumes. ...