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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 4,265건 중 1,461 - 1,480건 출력
  • 1461
    Book Info
    A narrative of some awful events, relative to the sinful conduct, the miserable feelings, and untimely death of Mr. James Hedges, Barber and Hair-Dresser, who had followed his Trade, for some Time as a Master, in or near London, And afterwards as a principal Servant, Both in Bristol and Frome, And Who after having thrown himself out of his Chamber-Window in Frome the 23d, died early on the 25th of
    Kingdon, John
  • 1462
    Book Info
    A new and accurate description of all the direct and principal cross roads in England and Wales. ... The fifth edition, corrected, and greatly improved; with additions. By Daniel Paterson, ...
    Paterson, Daniel
  • 1463
    Book Info
    A new and accurate description of all the direct and principal cross roads of Scotland. The fifth edition, corrected and improved; with additions. By Daniel Paterson, Assistant to the Quarter-Master-General of His Majesty's Forces
    Paterson, Daniel
  • 1464
    Book Info
    A new book of interest, containing accurate tables, calculated to a farthing, at three, three and a half, four, and five per cent. From one pound to five hundred, and from One Day to Sixty, also from One to Twelve Months. Giving Plain Directions for casting up Interest at other Rates, and other Tables equally useful
  • 1465
    Book Info
    A new collection of chimney pieces, ornamented in the style of the Etruscan, Greek, and Roman architecture; containing thirty six designs, Suitable to the most elegant Range of Apartments; With descriptions of the plates in English and French. Composed, etched and engraved in aquatinta by George Richardson, architect. = Nouveau recueil de cheminées Ornees Dans le Stile De L'Architecture Etrusque,
    Richardson, George
  • 1466
    Book Info
    A new description of Europe in various columns, whereby is exhibited at one view. I. All its empires, kingdoms, republics and states; their situation, 1. From the Center of Europe in the first Column, which we fix at Cracow, in Poland; and, 2. from London, as observed in the 4th Column; also their Length, Breadth, Divisions, Inhabitants, Religion, ancient Names, Neighbours, Metropolis, Titles, Sit
    Charrier, J. Samuel
  • 1467
    Book Info
    A new edition, corrected to the 8th of February, of The royal Kalendar; or complete and correct annual register for England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, for the year 1781; Including a compleat and correct List of the 15th Parliament of Great Britain, summoned to meet for their first Session of the 31st of October 1780. Upon a new and more extensive Plan than any hitherto offered to the Public:
  • 1468
    Book Info
    A new introduction to the pronunciation of the French tongue; in which all the sounds of that language are reduced to eight: to which is added, For the further Improvement of Youth, A Number of Moral and Historical Lessons, taken and translated from the best ancient Authors, tending to prove the Existence of God, and the Immortality of the Soul, with the English to every Word, both in the Spelling
    Deslandes, H
  • 1469
    Book Info
    A new set of logarithmic solar tables, calculated and constructed for determining the latitude at sea, By Taking Two Altitudes of the Sun, with the intermediate Time, by a common Watch; and that with Ease and Accuracy, independent of the Sun's meridional Altitude. This most excellent and useful Performance, not only produces the true Latitude at any Time between Nine O'Clock in the Morning, and Th
  • 1470
    Book Info
    A new sketch of civil and ecclesiastical history, from the creation to the present day. With a geographical description of many countries, illustrated with quotations from the most esteemed authors, ...
  • 1471
    Book Info
    A new translation of some parts of Ecclesiastes with a paraphrase. Part III. In which are contained all those parts of the book which were omitted in the former of these publications together with many other obscure, and important passages of scripture. To Which Are Added Reflections And Notes; Which, it is hoped, prove that the Text of the Old Testament is not so corrupted, as it bath been lately
  • 1472
    Book Info
    A new translation with a paraphrase of some parts of Ecclesiastes
  • 1473
    Book Info
    A new treatise on the venereal disease, gleets, seminal weaknesses, the dreadful effects of a certain detestable vice, and the causes of impotency, barrenness, &c. Directing methods of cure, established by the success of a long and extensive practice. By J. Smyth, M. D. and Man-Midwife
    Smyth, J. H
  • 1474
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    A night-Piece. A poem
  • 1475
    Book Info
    Nancy; or, the country-girl at court: a new pantomime ballet, in three acts, as performed at the King's Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Messrs. Vestris, Sen. and Jun. &c.
  • 1476
    Book Info
    Nathan the wise. A Philosophical Drama. From the German of G. E. Lessing, Late Librarian to the Duke of Brunswick. Translated into English by R. E. Raspe
    Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
  • 1477
    Book Info
    National calamities the effect of divine displeasure. A serman, preached in Little Wild-Street, near Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, on occasion of the general fast, February 21, 1781. By Samuel Stennett, D. D.
    Stennett, Samuel
  • 1478
    Book Info
    Nautical propositions and institutes; or directions for the practice of navigation: ... By Samuel Dunn, ...
    Dunn, Samuel
  • 1479
    Book Info
    New letters from an English traveller. Written originally in French by the Rev. Martin Sherlock, A.M. Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Bristol. And now translated into English by the author
    Sherlock, Martin
  • 1480
    Book Info
    No, indeed, not I!